January 9th, 2020

// Why Lifting Weights Increases Your Testosterone and Sex Drive

Why Lifting Weights Increases Your Testosterone and Sex Drive

Exercise is good for your body on so many different levels. Increasing your testosterone levels works to enhance your sex drive as a whole. Here are some of the reasons that exercise and weight lifting are good for your hormonal balance.

Core Building Benefits

The more muscle mass that you have tends to correlate to you having a higher testosterone level. Weight lifting has been shown to benefit your fitness level and is good for developing your core muscles. Strong core muscles are what’s going to help you to burn any excess body fat. Another benefit of well-developed core muscles is that you don’t tend to put on extra weight in those troublesome areas that could be contributing to your decreasing testosterone levels.

Increased Energy

Exercise in general is good for helping to increase your energy levels. It can be disappointing to come home from work and just not feel like doing anything else. Weight lifting has been shown to increase your testosterone levels at least for a brief period of time immediately following the activity. This could be the boost that you need to get you through the end of the day. As you lift weights more often, you may find that you have more energy all of the time.

Medical Aids

Science is still trying to figure out why more men are experiencing low testosterone levels that are leading to you experiencing a low sex drive. Visiting an ED cliniccould give you the answers that you’re looking for to improve your sex life. ED doesn’t need to be the end of your ability to share intimacy with another person. There are medical treatments that can help you to overcome this obstacle without having to worry about the side effects of taking medications.

Balanced Workouts

As with anything in your life, having a balanced approach to your workout regimen is a good rule of thumb. For example, pairing weight lifting with strength training will work to increase your testosterone levels faster than just weight lifting alone. Making sure to eat a healthy diet may also work to your benefit. All of these little changes can help you to develop your muscle mass which will lead to you increasing your testosterone levels in a more natural manner.

Weight lifting is just one avenue that you can take in order to increase your testosterone levels and your sex drive. Use these tips so that you can improve the quality of your sex life.


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