May 11th, 2020

// Maya Rockeymoore Cummings Unveils Bold New Deal for COVID-19 and the 21st Century That Will Address Health Disparities and Promote Justice For All

Maya Rockeymoore Cummings Unveils Bold New Deal for COVID-19 and the 21st Century That Will Address Health Disparities and Promote Justice For All 

Cummings Calls For a Policy Debate With Kwesi Mfumi: The 7thCongressional District Needs to Hear Where Each Candidate Stands On The Key Issues         

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Baltimore --  Maya Rockeymore Cummings, candidate for U.S. Congress representing Maryland’s 7th Congressional District, today unveiled a bold “New Deal for COVID-19 and the 21st Century” to ensure all Americans are tested, treated, and protected during the pandemic. Further, her plan calls for every American working family and individual to have a meaningful job at a livable wage, affordable housing, safe neighborhoods, universal health care, universal available child care and pre-school, excellent public schools, affordable higher education, and a clean, safe environment.

Cummings faces Kwesi Mfume in the Democratic primary election on June 2, 2020. She entered the race because she was tired of hearing the rhetoric of status quo elected officials who are not serious about eliminating disparities in health and economic outcomes for black, brown and low-income people. She believes it is time for a new generation in Congress who will fight for ordinary people, and truly shake up the status quo.  

Cummings is described as “a lifelong champion for social justice, human rights, and strengthening the well-being of children, seniors, families, and workers.” Cummings is the former Chair of the Maryland Democratic Party, the former Chief of Staff for former Rep. Charlie Rangel, D-NY, and the widow of the late and legendary Congressman Hon. Elijah Cummings.  

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 “Donald Trump is the most incompetent president in recent history,” said Cummings. “With a tragically delayed response to the pandemic, no national COVID-19 public health plan and no national economic security plan for the 30 million newly unemployed, he has failed. The CARES Act offered an abysmal loan program for small businesses. He is opposed to a universal health care plan, wants to eliminate the U.S. Postal Service, and defund the World Health Organization in the midst of the worst global public health crisis in a century. The 7th District needs a member of Congress who will stand up to Trump, and ensure that legislation such as the COVID-19 relief packages will provide real economic and health care security to our community,” she added.

The time is now for Baltimore to have a Member of Congress who will speak truth to power, and fight for bold and transformative solutions that will benefit those who have been left out, marginalized and forgotten. We need a “new America” where people come first, and a Congress that passes laws to benefit the majority of Americans, not just the largest donors and the wealthiest Americans. 

Highlights of the New Deal for COVID-19 and the 21st Century:

  • A “human-centric” America: The COVID-19 pandemic illuminated the immoral economic and health disparities among African Americans and Latinos that caused needless infections and deaths. Now is the time for deep structural and transformational change. This cannot happen without members of Congress who will speak truth to power, and can work with both parties, as Cummings has done for decades.    
  • Strong Public Health Policy: Federal policy that will test, track, treat, and isolate those infected with COVID-19 is desperately needed, like the national plans that were effective in countries such as South Korea, Germany and China. The raging pandemic must be controlled to enable a safe reopening of the US. economy, and resumption of normal lives. 
  • An economic safety net: No person in America should be evicted or have utilities shut off in their homes, apartments, hotels, or businesses because of economic hardship due to COVID-19. This is the foundation of People’s Emergncy New Deal for COVID-19. 
  • Protections for Essential Workers: Every essential worker in America, must have hazard pay, access to health care, protective masks, gloves, and other needed Personal Protective Equipment. All hospitals must have the requisite number of PPE’s, respirators, and life-saving prescription drugs. 
  • Universal Healthcare and Wellness Support: No one should be without affordable, comprehensive, and high-quality health insurance or mental health support, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Those in facilities or institutions such as homeless shelters or prisons deserve temporary safe housing to protect them from harm. They are not expendable people; they are human beings. 
  • Funding for infrastructure, housing security and job training: Over-crowded and crumbling public schools must be rebuilt. Job training, job creation and livable wage jobs are essential for all who want to work. Involuntary homelessness must be eliminated  by creating a housing-for-all program. In addition, this nation desperately needs universal access to tuition-free college, non-profit or government-run grocery stores to eliminate food deserts in inner cities, and green jobs. 

“America is the richest country in the world, but for decades, we have accepted and cooperated with immoral and unconscionable public policies that keep intact a permanent underclass of black and brown people,” said Cummings. “If elected to Congress, I will work hand in hand with the grassroots and the American civil society, to help create the largest progressive movement in the history of America, with the critical mass needed to transform our nation, and pass progressive legislation in Congress, so we can be a moral nation that it is fair, just, and equal for everyone—not just the privileged few.”  

“This is why I am challenging my opponent, Kwesi Mfume to a video debate on the most important policy issues of the day. The people need to hear the truth,” concluded Cummings.   


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