December 21st, 2020

// Pandemic Dad Bod Syndrome: 65% of US Men Have 2021 Resolutions to Shed Belly Fat

Dr. Myles Spar, integrative men’s health specialist and chief medical officer at Vault Health, says: “Men should see 2021 as a chance for a clean slate. It’s never too late to develop better lifestyle habits and evaluate your goals when it comes to your sexual, physical, and cognitive performance.”

Vault is the first men’s telehealth company to provide personalized treatments and testosterone replacement therapy for men in the comfort of their own home, and their team of health experts surveyed 2,000 U.S. men ages 30-65 to find out about their New Year’s resolutions for 2021. 

Some shocking (and some not-so-shocking) insights were revealed. 

>> THE DAD BOD IS OFFICIALLY OUT OF STYLE. Getting rid of problem belly fat tops the list of men’s resolutions. Approximately 65% said their number one New Year’s resolution was to get into better shape and shed unwanted pounds (particularly in the belly region) next year. 

The top five states where men said their top New Year’s resolution is to get rid of problem belly fat are: 

Dad Bod Resolution Rankings 

  1. Texas – 88%
  2. Illinois – 87%
  3. Florida – 85%
  4. Nevada – 84%
  5. Pennsylvania – 82%

>> SEXUAL PERFORMANCE IS A TOP PRIORITY FOR MEN IN RELATIONSHIPS. Roughly 66% of men said their romantic partner would benefit if it was easier for them to get and stay aroused in the new year, and an almost equal number of men (65%) said their romantic relationships would benefit if their sex drive/ libido was higher in the new year. 

And, if men played the worst ever hypothetical game of ‘Would You Rather?’ having to choose between being obese or having erectile dysfunction during all of 2021, a whopping 2/3rds of men said they would rather be obese. Vault’s survey also found that 61% of men don’t like going to the doctor, and 40% are too embarrassed to ask their doctor overly personal health-related questions. 

Dr. Spar says: “The number of men that would rather be obese than have erectile dysfunction really speaks to the stigma around men’s performance-related sexual health issues, and their unwillingness to open up to medical professionals about it. Our service was designed by men, for men, and helping men achieve their optimal sexual, physical, and cognitive performance is at the heart of everything we do.” 

>> MORE ENERGY IS A TOP ITEM ON MEN’S 2021 SELF-IMPROVEMENT ‘WISH LIST.’ When asked about health-related ‘wish list’ items for 2021, 28% of men said that more energy was their top priority (second only behind decreasing body fat). Additionally, 61% of men said their current energy level is lower now than it was five years ago, and more than 77% of men also said their romantic relationship would benefit in 2021 if they had more energy. 

>> HEALTHY HABITS CONTINUE TO BE A TOP PRIORITY FOR MEN. A whopping 91% of men say they plan on making health-related New Year’s resolutions this year and 52% of them say they do so every year. They are also pretty confident of their success with roughly 61% saying they think they will be successful in accomplishing those health-related resolutions.

The thing many people neglect to realize is that they can’t be successful in achieving their health or fitness-related New Years’ resolutions if they don’t first evaluate their body composition to know where they stand. To ensure a new health regimen is effective, it’s important for men to know their testosterone levels, body fat percentage, and other important health indicators,” says Dr. Spar

For more vital men’s health information and details, check out  


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