October 25th, 2021

// End-Time Living Helps Believers Prepare for Second Coming of Jesus

End-Time Living Helps Believers Prepare for Second Coming of Jesus

Orlando, FL, October 25, 2021 ― When Jesus spoke to the disciples about his Second Coming, he emphasized the importance of preparing ahead of time for the end of days. As he cautions in Mat. 24:44, “So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man (Jesus) will come at an hour when you do not expect him.”   

“To be prepared for this troubled time will require understanding what will be going on and why,” explains Bible scholar David S. Heeren. “Otherwise, it will be scary, and many believers will take flight (mentally and even physically) as did the early disciples when they saw Jesus was about to be murdered.” 

Heeren has written extensively on the topic of end-time prophecy, and in his fifth book on the subject, End-Time Living: Despite Conflict and Hardship, All Is Well, he trains his focus on the preparations necessary prior to the end-time and the power of redemptive love to minimize any tribulation.

End-Time Living draws its messaging from the second half of the Bible, featuring details from relevant sermons of Jesus (Matthew 5-7, 24 and Luke 21) and the eight chapters of the beautiful allegory, Song of Songs.

Included are 15 points of emphasis presented as keys to a God-honoring lifestyle; the true story of a 12-year-old Christian boy who openly expressed love for the man who beat his mother to death; the story of the enduring legacy of missionary Richard Wurmbrand and his underground ministry; and Heeren’s deeply personal account of his wife, Joan, and her tremendous capacity for love.

Despite the perilous end of days setting that forms the backdrop for End-Time Living, Heeren centers his narrative on the reasons why believers should remain hopeful that any tribulation will be short-lived, and the rewards for those who stand firm for Him until the end will be everlasting.  

“We should be happy and hopeful because we are headed for a victorious finale, the Second Coming of Jesus, which will be a cause of celebration to millions upon millions of people who will meet Him in the air,” Heeren says.

David S. Heeren is an award-winning journalist and author of 17 books. A personal prayer identical to that of Isaiah (Is. 6:8) led him to change his career emphasis from sports writing to Christian writing in 2007. Since that time, he has published nine books with Christian themes, five of which deal with biblical end-time prophecy. His previous book, The High Sign, which identifies the most likely sign of Jesus’ Second Coming, received a double-four-star (perfect) rating from the Online Book Club — the highest rating awarded by the club. 

His upcoming Christian novel, Year of Our Lord, has been praised by literary critic David Dickerson as “by far the most exciting in the In His Steps series.”

To learn more, please visit: www.endtimesmystery.com.

End-Time Living: Despite Conflict and Hardship, All Is Well

Publisher: URLink Print & Media, LLC 

ISBN-10: ‎ 1647538955 

ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1647538958 

Available from Amazon.com



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