November 5th, 2014

// Energybits @energybits Review


I recently received a package from which are a form of algae tabs. This is a natural supplement that is plant-based and vegan. They are made from one ingredient and are paleo-friendly. Did you know that algae has been used by Olympic athletes in Asia for over 50 years? I had no idea until I discovered the energy bits!

I was sent both the Energybits and the recoverybits that have a catchy slogan on them "it's ok to swallow" which I had a little chuckle about. They do however suggest swallowing rather than chewing them. The are quite strong "green" tasting.


Are a pre-workout performance fuel for athletes that include runners,  triathletes and endurance athletes. They are made from 100% organic spirulina algae, they have the highest concentration of protein in the world and deliver a stead stream of energy, without sugar, caffeine, chemicals, soy, or gluten.


Are a post-workout recovery fuel that are made from 100% chorella algae. The algae is organic as well and they have the highest concentration of chlorophyll and RNA/DNA in the world. Chorella builds the immune system, prevents colds, speeds recovery from injury, removes toxins and prevents hangovers when taken after drinking alcohol (I could have used this a few days ago when I went out for a friends birthday haha).

The only thing is that they are quite strong "green" tasting.  And  they also suggest swilling at least 30 tabs 10-15 minutes before your workout. For me this is tough because Im not good at swallowing pills and it takes me forever.

Check out there website for more info if you are interested in the bits!


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