July 6th, 2012

// Zaggora Hot Pants

What are Zaggora hot pants?

Zaggora hot pants are a specially created tight that has what the company calls “cellu-lite” technology. The company claims that this material uses your natural body heat to give you weight loss results by burning extra calories when you exercise. The pants have had some buzz already appearing in OK Magazine, Wall Street Journal and many news papers. They even have a verified twitter account.How do they work? They claim to put the “hot” in “hot pants” and that they make you sweat and increase your energy expenditure by 7% while you are exercising and up to 26% post exercises. Virtually the pants/shorts create a personal sauna without having to sit in a room with a bunch of naked people.


The “hot pants” or tights are designed so that you can where them at any time. Zaggora says that you can wear them “...for a walk in the park, a session in the gym or a run down to the shops.” Meaning that they are not just for the gym. They come in shorts or pants and are available in a variety of bright colours.


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