July 24th, 2012

// Who Is Destorm Power?

Photo Credit: Destorm’s Facebook

Who is DeStorm Power? When I first met him I thought he was slightly crazy but soon found out he is an internet genius,  fitness phenom, creates all of his own music, jumps cars and takes on challenges. Not your usual combination but it seems to work for him and “the people” love it. He calls his fans and admirers “the people” and his catch phrase that he begins all of his videos on Youtube with is “Wassup world!?!?” Not only is he an artist and athlete of sorts but he inspired me so much and is the reason why I started to pursue my own career further.

Destorm according to his Wikipedia page is the 55th most subscribed to user and the the 16th most subscribed to musician. His youtube accomplishments speak for themselves. He has more than 200 videos that have been watched close to 200 million times. He started his career in music by interning and ghostwriting for Atlantic, Universal and other record labels according to his Wikipedia page. Destorm recently released a mixtape entitled “Be Careful” which he released in May of this year.

Where fitness is concerned he can be seen posting fitness videos often and tweeting about how summertime is coming and trying to motivate people to get off the couch. DeStorm himself was a former triple jumper and even was a personal trainer at one point. All his fitness and workout videos are inspirational. I even got to shoot a hilarious video with him where we were running all around North Hollywood.

I had the chance to workout with Destorm at a Hollywood gym and he goes hard. He runs about 3 miles to the gym and back from his home. Once he reaches the gym the hard core fitness phenom performs a number of circuits using the bosu, free weights and machines. He takes little rest by performing active recovery between his sets. That means his rest is another exercise. One of his favorite exercises is a single leg deadlift on an overturned bosu.

His two youtube channels are https://www.youtube.com/user/DeStorm and https://www.youtube.com/user/DeStormTV

You can also follow him on twitter https://twitter.com/#!/DeStorm


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