7 steps to better posture to create a healthy workplace
Towards the end of “It’s a Wonderful Life!” Jimmy Stewart’s George Bailey inferred a painstaking situation with the excitement of a college graduate. However, nothing stimulates as the taxing hours at work. If the back hurts? We tend to let out a screen rant from the epiglottis. Same tactic comes in handy while tackling jittery legs as well. What is the solution to release stress I used to wonder since forever? Call it a magical spell or random thoughts in the crooked mind, the following 7 postures occurred to me outa nowhere. For lovers of mystery, they are the archetypes to replicate Bedford Falls at Office. More or less.
7 sitting posture to replicate Bedford Falls at Office
Posture #1. At Par with the Eye-Line of the Computer
There. Our focal point on the monitor to which we stare all the time. Limitations are endless since dimensions lie within the top-half and the bottom-half of the screen. Once you figure that out, all you need to do is adjust the recliner for better legibility. This is an ideal posture for techies especially or the slouches who prefer working all day along on a computer.
Posture #2. At an arm-stretch from the work desk
Keeping a bare-minimum distance between your body and the desk is easily doable if you have an armrest on the chair. And, working involves lots of stretching and leaning forward one time too many. Which means, this is ideal for those with crutches on either side. Others? Try out, Posture #3.
Posture #3. The Un-Jog Posture.
The toes and the brain have certain inklings as perceived in Biology. Whereas, at Office, the toes on the ground and uncrossed legs awaken brain receptors. An expertise in Biology would brag about blood circulation in the brain and such. For the Un-Jog posture, though, the immobility is the selling factor.
Posture #4. Laid-back posture with the help of lumbar support
A lumbar support is anything but a pillow-equivalent that slants into your chair and facilitates the natural curving. Pick a good lumbar support for no one needs a curving that proves to be counterproductive. Meaning, this is ideal for slouches whose lumbar is as strong as an elephant.
Posture #5. Upright Posture: Hips loosened, head steady, legs apart.
The edge of the seat is what’s being called a sweet-spot. For easy explanation, it is the verge or the far end of the seating. Arms on either side. Loosened hips. And, the legs apart would lead to a steady head. There is something called “Peripheral vision.” For that, one must sit in a way he/she is paying attention.
Posture #6. Boredom-Posture.
Boredom posture isn’t as easy as the title has it. The routine standing posture to shackle boredom requires workstation cubicle with a solid plateau. It works evenly no matter you use a computer at work. Or, anything likewise.
Posture #7. Anything that won’t leave you posted.
Cannot overrule the importance of deep breaths at work. Depending on the quality of the furniture, one might as well stop contemplating wily ideas to breathe. For the furniture, should compensate lumbar support and lurch forward with the same utmost ease of performing it. I mentioned this mostly because once you figure out a sweet-spot it is advisable to stay there forever as possible.
Statutory Warning: Tweaking the seat height to figure out a “couch-heaven” would eventually lead you into a strangle.
The Importance of Stranglehold and Wrestling
In wrestling, wrestlers pull off strangleholds when the bout boils down to its denouement. Why do they do that? To win the bout by way of preemptive measures of course. Apparently, Merriam-Webster has it - “It is a position of complete control that prevents something from developing.”
Okay. What sport teaches you is to master the uncontrollable stuff with a strong base, self-confidence, maneuvering of arms and legs in ways that leads to winning. Hope you have figured a way or two to come up with your own stranglehold. Thank You. Welcome Comments. Please don’t strangle me with gasp-induced questions, for I have a wonderful life ahead after this blog too.
Author- bio: Levin George is a Search Engine Optimizer at OfficeRock.com. He actively pursues interests related to latest internet marketing trends. He spends his leisure time reading, meditating and enjoying the joys of technology.