FDA Approves Cannabis-Based Drug (CBD) For Epilepsy - Mother Who Gives Her Daughter CBD Oil For Epilepsy Available For Interviews
The Food and Drug Administration has approved the prescription cannabidiol medicine Monday to treat rare and severe forms of epilepsy. The new drug, Epidiolex, is a formulation of cannabidiol - CBD for short. It's derived from cannabis but doesn't contain the THC that recreational users value for providing "highs."
STORY LINK: https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/fda-approves-cannabis-based-drug-epilepsy-n886386
As a former TV producer and music entrepreneur, Nicole Zeitzer Johnson never thought she would be taking the world of neurological genetic science by storm. Johnson is co-founder of the FOXG1 Research Foundation (https://www.foxg1research.org) and she gives her 6 & 1/2 year old child CBD oil to help with her seizures.
Johnson says that there can be a tremendous benefit to those who are not only suffering from FOXG1 but, seizures in general.
Nicole Zeitzer Johnson, co-founder of the FOXG1 Research Foundation is available for interviews.
Nicole desperately wants to save her daughter's life. In 2011, her daughter Josie was born with a devastating genetic condition called FOXG1 Syndrome. Nicole and her husband Rich are not carriers. It's called a "de novo" mutation when it begins with the child. And like most children with FOXG1 Syndrome, Josie is fed with a feeding tube and suffers from epilepsy.
FOXG1 is one of the first and most critical genes in brain development. It was originally called Brain Factor One as it provides blueprints for a protein that helps other genes switch on or off. Scientists believe that FOXG1 holds the key to unlocking many brain disorders such as Autism, Schizophrenia, Alzheimer's, Brain Cancer and more.
Sample Questions
What is CBD Oil and how does it help those who are suffering with seizures?
Do you feel giving CBD oil to your daughter is safe?
What is FOXG1 syndrome and how does it affect your daughter?
What is the most important thing that needs to happen for FOXG1 Research foundation to accomplish its goals?
What's your advice to parents who get a diagnosis of FOXG1 Syndrome or any other similar disorder?