Are You Losing Your Balance And You Don’t Know Why?
Balance Disorders Are Common, But It’s Important
To Learn What’s Causing Them, Orthopedist Says
We’ve all lost our balance – slipping on ice, getting knocked down in a sport, tripping over a toy, or perhaps from feeling dizzy. But sometimes body imbalance is less obvious, lurking inside while we move freely about, and the causes may indicate long-term problems if left unresolved.
It’s been estimated that over 30 million Americans have some type of balancedisorder. There are various ways to test for it, and Dr. Victor Romano, an orthopedist, says doing so increases the chances of finding the source of the problem and determining non-surgical solutions.
“When your body is out of balance, you will begin to experience a myriad of problems,” says Romano (, author of Finding The Source: Maximizing Your Results – With and Without Orthopaedic Surgery. “A loss of balance indicates something is wrong internally. It’s a clue to look further.”
Dr. Romano, who uses a type of balance and reflex testing called Autonomic Motor Nerve Reflex Testing (AMNRT), can discuss for your listeners how balance is related to the health of neuromuscular systems and how to keep the body better aligned.
Discussion Questions
How does AMNRT reflex testing differ from more conventional approaches?
You mention in your book how easily you could push over some big, strong football players because of their balance issues. How was that possible?
Why is it that where a patient is experiencing orthopedic pain may not be the actual underlying location or source of the problem?
Some people are fine with their balance until they close their eyes and try to stand still. What problem does that indicate?
About Dr. Victor Romano
Dr. Victor Romano ( is an orthopedic surgeon in Oak Park, Ill.,
and the author of Finding The Source: Maximizing Your Results – With and Without
Orthopaedic Surgery. He is board-certified in orthopedics and sports medicine with
over 25 years of experience in the field. He graduated cum laude from the University of
Notre Dame and completed medical school at the University of Loyola-Chicago.