February 12th, 2018

// ATTENTION America: Health & Wellness Coach Week, Feb. 12-18

Health & Wellness Coach Week, Feb. 12-18

One of the Nation’s Fastest-Growing Professions to Advocate for Increased Tax Savings to Support Preventative Health and Wellness Care

In First-Ever Lobby Day, “Health & Wellness Coach Week” to Highlight Important Contributions Profession Makes to Our Country’s Health and Economy

WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Trump’s recent physical exam focused the national spotlight on the need for healthy eating and exercise.


On Tuesday, February 13th, Health and Wellness Coaches, one of the fastest growing professions in the country, will storm Capitol Hill for the industry’s first-ever lobby day to advocate for this often overlooked, but unique and powerful preventative health care industry. As President Trump’s looks to work on losing 10 to 15 pounds and begin an exercise routine at the advice of the White House physician, like all Americans, he could benefit greatly from the help of a Health Coach.


Building on the recently enacted tax reform package, Health and Wellness coaches will be calling on Members of Congress to allow consumers increased flexibility in using tax-free Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) to access critical, life-saving preventative health care services proven to help Americans live longer and healthier lives.


This year’s lobby-day efforts are in conjunction with Health and Wellness Coach Week, running from Monday, February 12th to Sunday, February 18th. Events will include a congressional briefing and the industry’s first-ever national lobbying day aimed at educating Members of Congress, staff and other policymakers of the benefits of the health and wellness coach industry.


“Now is the time for Congress to continue the tax reform momentum by expanding Americans’ ability to use pre-tax dollars to access transformative wellness and preventative care services offered by Health Coaches,” said Darrell Rogers, Dir. of Advocacy for the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. “As a $1.1 billion a year industry, health and wellness coaches help individual Americans stay healthy while boosting the strength of our nation’s overall economy.  American’s should be able to have more flexibility in using their Health Savings Accounts to work with Health Coaches, who can help them develop a healthy lifestyle, engrain positive habits, and drastically reduce overall health care costs.”


In addition to keeping Americans healthy, the health and wellness coach industry is one of the country’s fastest growing professions with the Department of Labor projecting a 21 percent increase in jobs in preventive care over the next few years.


Health and Wellness Coach week is a celebration sponsored by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.




Congressional Briefing on the Important Contributions of the
Health and Wellness Coach Industry



Health Coaches

Darrell Rogers, Dir. of Advocacy, Institute for Integrative Nutrition


12:00PM ET – 1:00PM ET

Rayburn House Office Building 2168

Washington, DC

**Following the briefing, health and wellness coaches will be visiting the offices of their respective Members of Congress**

** For more information and to RSVP for any events, please contact Kristofer Eisenla, LUNA+EISENLA media, at kristofer@lunaeisenlamedia.com **


Key Facts about Health and Wellness Coaches


  • Congress can support access to real preventative care. By supporting legislation that allows consumers flexibility to use their Health Savings Account (HSAs) to directly access Health Coaches, Congress can incentivize wellness.
  • Health coaches help reduce our nation’s overall health care costs.  The CDC notes that chronic diseases from poor lifestyle choices are at the heart of our nation’s health care crisis and comprise approximately 75% of our health care dollars.  Through helping Americans implement a diverse range of healthy behaviors, Health Coaches make transformative impacts on people’s lives that dramatically lower health care costs.
  • The American Medical Association recently endorsed health coaching. The AMA encourages all their physician members to have health coaches on staff.
  • The Health and Wellness Coach profession is one of nation’s fastest growing profession. The Department of Labor projects a 21% increase in American jobs for health and wellness professionals focused on preventive health.  Adding to the over 35,000 practitioners employed today, the health coach profession is forecasted to continue an upward trajectory of job creation while simultaneously making our country healthier.


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