Bouncing Back After an Injury at the Gym

There’s nothing much fun about suffering an injury at the gym. It’s natural that you’ll want to bounce back as quickly as possible.


Stop When the Pain Starts

As soon as you start to feel an abnormal pain in a particular part of your body, you should stop exercising. The old cliche of working out is is that there’s no gain without pain. But that kind of attitude is not at all helpful when it comes to keeping your body in good shape. In fact, it can cause you a lot of damage. You need to get to know your body over time. Sometimes, you will feel the burn, and it usually won’t be an injury. If you keep at it, you will learn when your body is hurt and when it is just tired. These small differences are very important to recognise.


Put Ice on the Injury and Rest


The next thing to do is to get ice on the area of your body that hurts. Do this as quickly as you possibly can because it might help to limit the size of the problem. It helps by reducing the level of inflammation and swelling that often occurs after an injury in the gym. Never begin your treatment with a heat pack; ice should always be what you start with. Get your hands on some ice packs and then use them as much as you can. This will at least keep your injury under control until you can get advice from a medical expert.


Follow All Medical Advice You Receive


If the initial rest and the ice haven’t fixed your problem for you, you will need to seek some medical attention. This will allow you to get to the bottom of the issue if you’re not sure what’s wrong. Most people who work out a lot know their bodies inside out. So, if you’re not sure what’s going on, it’s a sign that something needs to be done. When you get the advice from a doctor, make sure you listen to it. Don’t be tempted to think that you know better than the doctor because you probably don’t. If they tell you to not do any physical activity for a couple of months, you need to do that, however frustrating it might be.


Prevent the Injury Recurring When You Go Back to Normal


When you are finally coming to the end of your recovery, you will need to think about how you can return. This is one of the most important stages of the process, and it definitely should not be rushed. If you rush, the injury will recur, and you will be left on the sidelines for even longer, and that’s not what you want, is it? Make sure you get the all-clear from your doctor before you hit the gym again. And then make sure that you warm up very carefully and don’t overdo it to begin with. Ease yourself back into your old routine over a period of a couple of months. This is the most sensible approach to take.


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Food ads significantly influence eating behavior, says Yale study

New Haven, Conn.—How greatly does food advertising influence eating behavior?  Quite a bit, a new Yale University meta-analysis of 45 studies suggests. The results, the authors say, should rekindle efforts to restrict food industry advertising, especially to children.

“Up to 26% of variance in eating behavior or eventual weight outcome has to do with craving and other responses to food cues, especially visual food cues,” said Hedy Kober, professor of psychiatry and psychology and co-author of the paper published online in the journal Obesity Reviews. “The evidence is incontrovertible.  And if food ads are that powerful, do we really want these ads running on Sunday morning cartoon shows?”

There has been a long debate about the magnitude of the effect of advertising on eating behavior, Kober said. Some studies have suggested the effect was minor, while others showed food cues have a major impact on eating and eventual weight gain.

To assess the magnitude of the effect across all studies in the field, Kober and graduate student Rebecca G. Boswell analyzed 69 statistics representing 3,292 participants from those studies. They report a significant effect of exposure to food cues and food craving on both eating behavior and weight gain, even with the inclusion of studies that had shown little or no impact of the food cues. Exposure to food cues such as food ads increased eating and weight gain in children and adults, nondieters and dieters, and lean and overweight individuals

Canada’s favourite fruit is ripe for making delicious recipes 
and beauty applicationsStarting 2016 off on the right fork is easy with delicious and nutritious Avocados From Mexico. A smooth and savory superfood, Avocados From Mexico make up 80 per cent of the avocados consumed in Canada, and offer a range of ways to be prepared, devoured and applied.

Often mistaken for a vegetable, avocados are in fact a fruit (they have a seed). Avocados From Mexico have all the right fats in all the right places. The good oil fats in avocados – monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat – aid the body in absorbing nutrients from other foods and help to lower cholesterol. Nicknamed "green gold"avocados contain nearly 20 vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients and are suitable for many diet restrictions and eating plans. Avocados have zero-cholesterol, and are gluten-free and vegan-friendly.

Using a specialized growing technique, with hand craft trees combined from the branches of the Patron avocado plant and the roots of the Criollo avocado plant in Mexico’s Michoacan region, Avocados From Mexico are grown year-round and are always in season.

Tasty in much more than guacamole, and suitable for enjoying during breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack-time (making it the most versatile food yet), avocados can be used in hundreds of recipes including Mac n’ Cheese avocado nuggetsavocado berry smoothies, ceviche stuffed avocados, Mexican avocado rainbow towers, avocado, kale and quinoa salad and avocado cheesecake, to name a few.

From L to R: Mexican avocado rainbow towers, avocado berry smoothie and ceviche stuffed avocado

Avocados are also a cost-effective staple for DIY beauty treatments. As an all-natural moisturizer that can rejuvenate and soften skin and hair, avocados contain four per cent of the daily value of vitamin E (an antioxidant that protects body tissue from damage caused by free radicals which are believed to play a role in aging). Avocados can be used to make hydrating face masksremedies for frizzy hair, dark circle and puffy eye correctors and are a natural salve for dry hands!

Treatment using avocado for dry hands
Canadians love Avocados From Mexico

  • 80 per cent of avocados imported to Canada are from Mexico
  • 55,000 tons of avocados were shipped from Mexico to Canada in 2014 and 2015
  • There has been a 27 per cent increase in Avocados From Mexico imports to Canada in the last two years
  • 250 million avocados are consumed by Canadians each year
  • Canada is the second biggest importer of Mexican avocados

How To Keep On Track With Your New Year's Fitness Goals

OK, so just over a week ago, a lot of you might have made yourself some new year’s resolutions. And, by now, you may already have given up on them. If so, worry not. There’s still time to get yourself back on track without too much damage - and these tips should help.


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Get emotional


We all have different reasons for getting fitter and healthier, and all of them are emotional. It might be so that you can fit into your old jeans again, or it could be because you are tackling a charity marathon and want to do your best. Whatever your personal reasons, always keep them in mind - especially during tough workouts, or after a busy day. All you have to do is turn up, push yourself to your limits, and you will soon catch that dangling carrot.


Read everything


Read about people hitting their fitness goals, and you will want to keep going yourself. I’d like to think there is more than enough inspiration on this blog, but there are hundreds of others. Fitness Edge is a new one I have recently found, but there are plenty more. Read up on everyone’s success stories, and picture yourself in their shoes. If you can understand the possibilities, then making it happen will be much easier for you.


Go faster


‘I don’t have enough time’ is an excuse I hear a lot from people when it comes to breaking their fitness goals. Well, if you are short on time, just work harder in the time you have. You can get more out of a high-intensity workout over twenty minutes than you can from an hour long jog anyway. So, push yourself faster and harder, for shorter periods of time, and you will see results.


Plan your week better


Another big reason people don’t achieve their fitness goals is through lack of planning. We’re all busy, but if you want results, you have to make time. Plan your week or month long in advance, and identify times when you will workout. Don’t miss them - for anything. Treat them like you would an appointment with the doctor or even part of your working day. Once you get used to it, it will feel like it is part of your life. But, you can’t get to that stage without including your workouts in your calendar or diary.


Get a support network


OK, so getting a support network means two things. The first one is obvious. You just hang out with people that understand what you’re doing and give you help and encouragement. But the second one involves keeping yourself away from those that don’t understand. You know who I’m talking about - it’s the guys that doubt you. It’s the people that enjoy a drink a little more than the next person, and encourage you to tag along. It can be tough to keep good friends at arm’s length, but it won’t be forever. Once you have got past a certain point, you mind will be a lot stronger to deal with these issues. And, when it comes to drinking, you can always have one of these.


Hope this has helped - let me know how you are getting on!



#CONTEST Enter to Win MagPop from @orangenaturals - Train It Rightmagpop

I have been using Orange Naturals MagPop. What is Magpop you ask? It is a Magnesium Glycerinate Effervescent Drink MixIt’s a wonder mineral essential for your overallhealth. From bone building to muscle function,from protein synthesis to cellular metabolism, it is used by your body in over 350 different ways!

  • Great for maintaining health & metabolism
  • Bone building
  • Muscle function
  • Protein synthesis
  • Cellular metabolism
  • Used in your body in over 350 different ways
  • Fun tangy fizz
  • Orange flavour
  • Easy to mix
  • For all ages
  • Pure
  • Comes in single serve packet

Enter to win your own box here: a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Guy's Five-Day All-Round Workout Routine For 2016



Guys, it’s nearly 2016, and you know what that means. New goals, more effort, and better shape. The new year is the best time to get back into the gym, and back into your routine. Your fresh with motivation and ambition, so let’s take advantage of that.


We also know that working the same muscle groups day-in-day-out isn’t effective. Your muscles need a full day of recovery to rebuild and repair. Getting on the bench press every day isn’t going to help here. We need to break those muscle groups down, and focus on one each day. That gives them time to heal, while you’re working on the next group. Make sense? Here’s how it breaks down.


Monday - Chest and back day


Chest workouts are our favourites, so we like to put them right at the start of the week. We’re talking about flat-bench barbell presses, and incline bench presses. Remember to focus on slow movements, and get your technique just right. Otherwise you’re doing yourself no favours. Throw in a few cable crossovers, and try some bodyweight exercises like push ups. You can also add a few back workouts into the mix. Try some wide-grip pull ups, and a narrow-grip lat pull downs.


Tuesday - Core


Core workouts are one thing that a lot of guys skip. Many of us focus on arms and chest, but forget that most of your all-round strength is in your core muscle groups. These are your abdominals and side muscles. The best workouts here are bodyweight holds. Try a series of plank positions, and hold each for at least a minute. Do some slow movement crunches, and a powerful burpee workout (the hardest workout out there!)




Wednesday - Fitness and cardio


It’s time to give the weights and muscle building a break, and focus on fitness and cardio. It’s a crucial part of your workout routine, and much better for your overall health. If you struggle with the running machine and cycling, enrol for some fitness classes. Try the notoriously difficult bootcamp classes, or join a spinning class for ultimate cycling!


Thursday - Leg day


Muscle building guys are always guilty of missing leg day. What you end up with is a stacked chest and arms, but tiny legs! You’ve got to balance out this routine, and get your lower half in prime condition. Start with a series of squats to engage the glutes and your primary leg muscles. Use the leg press, and do slow sets of leg extensions.


Friday - Arms and shoulder day


We like to finish the week on another powerful workout. The arms and shoulders are closely linked to chest and back. So it’s a good idea to spread them out, and leave plenty of rest days in between. This workout is all about biceps, triceps, and shoulders. We’re talking about curls, extensions, and military barbell presses. Yeah, you’re going to feel this one in the morning!


And that’s the week complete. Remember to take a full rest day on either Saturday or Sunday. You can fill the gap with some light cardio or sports, but don’t over-exert yourself. Let those muscles rebuild.

Hazing Aging - Book Review


Physician, Robert Buckingham believes the key to reversing the aging process lies within a group of cells that line the body's blood vessels, called the vascular endothelium. He wants to help as many people as he can through disease prevention to develop anti-inflammatory lifestyle choices that would serve people well in againg with grace.

His new book, “Hazing Aging” explores how maintaining the health of these cells through basic lifestyle changes can reverse effects of aging and drastically prolong lifespans. A lot of the clients that I work with are all going through some form of lifestyle change so I found this book very eye opening with the tactics that I will now implement with them. "Health care prevention does not have to be complicated or disjointed, rather it can be wrapped around a core understanding of vascular inflammatory risk mitigation." I am a firm believer and so is Dr. Buckingham that when you get older you don't have to hurt, your heart doesn't have to fail and that your brain does not have to rot.

I consider myself well educated based on my degrees, certifications and experience so I found this book very interesting because this is the first time that I had heard of the vascular endothelium which is a group of cells that line the body's blood vessels. These cells have evolved according to Dr. Buckingham in both structure and function to facilitate efficient and specific exchanges between blood and organs. He says that by focusing on theses cells, you'll improve end-organ function, reverse adverse effects of aging and live happier. After delving into the physiology I believe that this is possible but for some it does take a lot of change. I feel in my experience that the personal has to willingly understand and want the change and you can't force it on them. No one can change unless they desire it themselves deep down.

According to the National Council on Aging, approximately 92% of oder adults have at least one chronic disease. That's crazy to me. And so unfortunately. That means that you or a loved one could be suffering in the future from a chronic disease. Doesn't that make you want to do everything that you can to prevent that so that you can age with grace.

About The Author Robert L. Buckingham, MD, FACP, has been a practicing physician in Ojai, California, for thirty-six years. He received his medical degree from the University of Illinois College of Medicine, where he graduated as a James Scholar with an MD and a master’s degree in pharmacology. He firmly believes that all should be informed about health, longevity and anti-aging.

Check out this great video by Dr. Buckingham below explaining his book:

For more information please visit his site:

Sweating your way to optimal health
Giacomo Fasano highlights the benefits of detoxifying the body through running in new fitness book


I recently received the book Revolutionary Powercycles to review. As I am a track and field coach and recreational runner it was very fitting to my lifestyle. The fundamentals of fitness have been under our noses forever, but some aspects have not been diligently recognized. I also myself had to under go chemo last year (non cancerous) and used exercises as part of my therapy for both the mental and physical aspects. Although after reading this book I don't think that it is for everyone but there is a place for it with a lot of people. Sweat does help use release toxins in our bodies and I think we need to focus more on that with our treatment plans for a lot of illnesses. Please use the programs that the author suggests if you have a doctor to supervises especially if you are on any radiation therapy or chemotherapy drugs.

In the book “Revolutionary Powercycles,” Giacomo Fasano presents an 8-year self-study of his unique exercise regimen, Powercycle68, which combines 68 minutes of vigorous and slow-paced running to achieve the highest amount of sweat extraction.

Lead and other toxic metals present in sweat are cumulative toxicants that affect multiple bodily systems that can lead to many illnesses like cancer, tumors, depression, high blood pressure and premature aging. The World Health Organization says there is no known level of lead exposure that is considered safe, and that lead can enter the body through environmental contamination or ingestion.

“The pragmatic approach to targeted lead removal in Powercycle68, known as progressive displacement, is like a reverse vitamin to our bodies,” Fasano said.

By following Giacomo’s fitness plan, readers currently undergoing cancer treatments can also improve their health through progressive displacement by lowering the levels of arsenic toxicity in their bodies caused by radiation or chemotherapy drugs while generating new, healthy cells in the brain, lungs and other organs.

“I am of the strong opinion that the calculated, systematic and consistent removal of lead and other bad toxins from the body can only begin to have mankind be taller and better than cancer and other ailments,” Fasano said.


For more information, visit

Or Amazon:

The author Giacomo Fasano has a bachelor’s degree in marketing from Johnson & Wales University and a law degree from Pace University School of Law. His passion for health and fitness is well into its fourth decade, having logged more than 14,000 miles of running throughout the last 10 years.

Thank you so much for giving me the honour to read your book Giacomo Fasano. It really reminded me and re- opened my eyes as a health professional and track coach about the benefits of sweat and exercise. Endorphins are a powerful drug. We all need to take exercise I bit more seriously.

Retired Teacher Pens Book to Help Deal with Loss of a Pet 


Do you have a child and an older or sick pet? This book is for you then. This beautifully illustrated book "The Time of My Life" by Karen Nicksich and Illustrated by Earlene Gayle Escalon.  List price of $41.99 is for you. The book is a bit lengthy as it is 73 pages with color illustrations throughout but it is well worth the read if you are looking to help your young one understand the passing of a pet. It is available in both hardcover, also available in softcover and Kindle editions. I received a softcover signed copy with book marks as well.  I will keep this signed copy with me for years to come as I have pets and someday hope to have children. I definitely think it is a good book to keep in your reading library even if you don't have children yet.  It is beautifully written and easy to follow for any age.

Karen Nicksich the author is experienced the unconditional love and devotion the came from her dog Max for eleven years. When he died, she decided to write a special book that seeks to help anyone who has lost a companion animal and to help children better understand the passing of a pet.


Her book, The “Time of My Life”, tells the story about a young girl named Anna who lives with her family at the Lilac Doggie Rescue Ranch.

Anna shares many of the most important things she learns about staying healthy and being happy from a wise old tree.  The Wise Old Tree told her:

  • Stand tall and be proud of who you are.
  • Go out on a limb to help someone, be it an animal or a man.
  • Remember your roots so that you may always be grounded, and respect what nature has given you.
  • Drink plenty of water so that you will always be healthy.
  • Be content with your natural beauty and that of others.
  • Show kindness to all animals, big and small, and in return, you will teach the animals to do the same.


With the help of Duke the Great Dane, Anna and the animals at the ranch learn about the importance of “Divine Time” and being “Grateful” as they celebrate the life and passing of one of their dearest friends, an aging golden retriever named Dante. The story is told through the wisdom and love of angels, a Wise Old Tree and the many animals living at the ranch.

I highly recommend this book and thank you so much Karen for allowing me to review it! Please go get her book.  Click the link below to take you to the books amazon page:

Prana Coconut Chips - Review


Coconut chips?!?! Yes you read that right. If you know me well you are aware that I may have a slight chip addiction. Ever since I was little I would devour any and all chips put in front of me. So when I was offered the chance to try Prana's new coconut chips of course I said yes.  These make a great alternative to the high calorie, greasy potato chips that we all know. What is even better is that these coconut strips are the perfect choice for a quick gluten-free snack, GMO free, Kosher, Organic and Vegan. Also I love to support Canadian companies and these Organic Dry Roasted Coconut Chips are produced by Prana; a family owned Quebec company that offers a wholesome range of healthy snacks, nuts and dried fruit, as well as chia seeds. Since October Prana Organic Coconut Chips can be found at all major grocery chains, health food stores and supermarkets with healthy living aisles across Canada.

The chips that I tried came in four flavours Jive (Spicy Chilli), Hula (Sea salt and pepper), Charleston (BBQ) and Regular. They all each had their own unique hint of coconut among the flavours and my favourite was the sea salt and pepper. The Jive was ok but I personally am not huge on spice. After all I am from a small town in New Brunswick where the only spice my family used was pepper lol. BBQ was a close second to the sea salt for me and if you love coconut you will love the regular.

I highly recommend this for a healthier alternative to chips. And if you are looking for more info or want to visit the Prana page click HERE

Thanks Prana for the tasty treat!



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