Is Underwear A Good Valentines Gift For Men? January 30, 2019 – Valentine’s Day! That made up ‘Hallmark’ holiday that sends men and women into a last-minute frenzy of gift selection every February fourteenth. With Valentine’s Day a couple of weeks away, SwampButt Underwear ( askes the question; what if anything should a woman get for the man in their lives and which one of these credit cards is still good after December 25, 2018, 2017, 2016? A 69 Percent Solution for Valentine’s DayAssuming any of these women still have money, SwampButt Underwear recommends its Red and White pairing and is offering a special for Valentine’s Day with both pairs available for $34.69, a full $15.29 off the regular price. View the product pairing here: Valentine’s Day Red and White Sale.The company will also honor gift cards in the amount of $34.69 for the red and white pairing and issued a special card for the occasion. “The difference between the regular price for 2 pairs of SwampButt Underwear ‘Made In The USA’ variety and the sale price is really 30.5%,” said SwampButt Underwear spokesperson and serial divorcee, Nick Heraldson. “But $34.69 is 69% of the regular price and we really wanted to get the ‘69’ reference in there because it was more romantic sounding.” Here is a link to the gift card: Valentine’s Day Gift Card. Say No To Lace & Frills For DudesIs the gift of lingerie for men acceptable? In Heraldson’s opinion it is not. “Lingerie on men is a non-starter for me and for most of the women I know,” Heraldson said. “What guys do or wear or don’t wear in private is strictly none of my business.” But according to Heraldson and the people he asked in the break room, regular, really good underwear as a gift for men is perfectly okay. Acknowledging that he works for a company that only makes underwear for men gave Heraldson no pause or any time for self-reflection. “Hey, everyone likes a shill,” he said confidently. Not A Day for LosersOf course, Valentine’s day is a sad day for many as they think of all the stuff they did not get for Christmas, are between boyfriends/girlfriends, or for those who are emotionally incompatible with members of the opposite sex, the same sex, or other humans in general and dogs or cats. “It should be ‘gender’ and not ‘sex’,” Heraldson muttered before he went on. “You see a lot of singles at the movies on Valentine’s day. Sitting alone, hiding in the dark so no one from work will see me.” Take advantage of the Red and White Valentine’s Day special and pay $34.69 instead of $49.98 now through February 14, 2019 or before the owner changes his mind. Shipping is free anywhere in the lower 48 states. Losers like Nick are always welcome. About SwampButt UnderwearSwampButt Underwear is a real company that makes a product to help solve a problem; visible sweat on a man’s posterior. SwampButt Underwear™ is trademarked in the USA and foreign countries. We paid a lot for it so please do not use it without written permission. |