December 27th, 2016

// Juice Guru – Transform Your Life By Adding One juice A Day – Book Review

Juice Guru - Transform Your Life By Adding One juice A Day - Book Review

I know we have all had our fair share of juices. But buying in a store can be fairly expensive. If you have the luxury of your own juicer or you happen to have gotten gifted one for Christmas even better. Did you know that almost 90% of us don't get the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables in our diet? With busy lifestyles these days its often hard to eat the right amount of veggies. Juicing definitely makes it easier.

I would highly recommend the Juice Guru book by Steve & Julie Prusssack if you are new to juicing and want to have a book on hand to use.  By following the straightforward guidelines in the book, you will take a huge step in transforming your health. It will also help you learn how to apply the science of habit so that juicing becomes an enjoyable practice you adopt for life rather than a short term experiment.

This book demystifies juicing and will help you incorporate this regimen into your daily lifestyle. It includes a 21 day plan that will help you get started that has 100 flavourful fruit and vegetable juices.

Ive tried quite a few of the recipes in this book. Mostly the veggie ones as I don't eat a lot of fruit on prep. One of my favs was the Nothin' But Greens which can be found on page 119 in the power greens section of the book! Give it a try and let me know how you liked it!

The book is available on amazon for purchase:


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