July 24th, 2019

// Modern Pick Entertainment in Acquisition Talks with Slightly Mad Studios – Esports and AAA-Racing Technology Developers

Modern Pick Entertainment in Acquisition Talks with Slightly Mad Studios – Esports and AAA-Racing Technology Developers

Modern Pick Entertainment intends to acquire the assets of Slightly Mad Studios, developers of chart-busting AAA games with leading VR technology at a triple-million-digit valuation. 

The deal would transfer substantial shares of Slightly Mad Studios, the games development studio, which has captured global recognition for its Madness engine, Project CARS franchise, and Esports gaming technology portfolio, and sold over 25 million units of its games in the last ten years. 

Ian Bell, CEO of Slightly Mad Studios said, “This is a fantastic achievement for us. This will bring about new opportunities and new ideas. We are excited about the future.”

Denis Gamobramov is a serial entrepreneur in the entertainment and media industry with over 15 years of global successful experience. Also a founder of Massa Innovations together with Victoria Palatnik.

“Slightly Mad Studios fits perfectly with our mission to create and develop truly competitive, highly-emotional non-violent eSport games,” Gamobramov said. 

Slightly Mad Studios technology utilizes the design talent of a remarkable team of people – a globally-based workforce, gamers, and real-world racing drivers who create VR technology that allows people to experience real-time simulated action with unprecedented perception of speed, clarity and spatial awareness. SMS technology is modular, scalable, multi-genre and its mobile engine operates on iOS, and Android. The Madness engine has been adopted by a wide array of automotive companies, while the Project CARS franchise was one of the reference games for the Oculus VR headset, now owned by Facebook. 

For more information https://www.slightlymadstudios.com/

Modern Pick is a publisher with a special focus on competitive racing games and eSports. The company is originally based in Europe, while having offices in London, Barcelona, Moscow, and Singapore.

For more information http://www.modernpick.com/


Slightly Mad Studios collaborated with Porsche to create a unique Project CARS VR platform called the “Porsche 911 VR-Racing Experience” for the 2018 Los Angeles Auto Show. 

The mobile version of the Project CARS franchise is due in 2020.

Learn more - Experience Project Cars sim racing yourself here: https://youtu.be/jCK6QQrMsIg  



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