Hi Everyone!

Lately I have had a lot of new subscribers to both this newsletter and my Instagram!
Thank you all! I truly appreciate it!
I wanted to send out a quick thank you along with all the companies I currently am affiliated/sponsored by.
I do not support companies that I truly do not believe in or use their products and genuinely love all of these companies.
So if you ever want to support me pease use my code for discounts:
I will also include links to my podcast as well as my guides should you want to listen or purchase!
My podcast:https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-train-it-right-life/id1516726326
My Shoulder Guide: 20$ special for subscribing to my newsletter - regular 60$: shoulder guide
Pro Tan: https://protanusa.com/?rfsn=4624777.758748
HD MUSCLE: https://hdmuscle.ca/?ref=3
Massage Gun: - Smart Carrie https://www.smartcarrie.com?aff=4
Pure Muscle + Fitness: https://shop.puremuscleandfitness.com/?aff=trainitright
Performa: https://www.performa.com/?aff=148
The Shoe Fairy: https://shoefairyofficial.com/?ref=TRAINITRIGHT
Ironbull Strength: https://ironbullstrength.com/?ref=Trainitright