Participating in a Marathon This Summer? How to Prepare Nutritionally
If you’re planning to take part in a summer marathon, it’s important that you prepare the right way so that you’re ready on race day. Nutrition is a key component to any marathon training plan, and maintaining a healthy diet will make it easier for you to achieve your personal best. Following these four nutrition tips will go a long way in your marathon preparation.
Increase Carbohydrate Intake
Carbohydrates are needed to give you ample energy while training for your marathon. Some marathoners insist on carbo-loading just before a race, which involves increasing carbohydrate intake even more. If you get enough carbohydrates from the foods that you already eat while training, you won’t have to worry about carbo-loading. Some of the best carbohydrate sources include wholegrain bread and pasta as well as avocadoes, mushrooms and asparagus.
Avoid Certain Foods
There are plenty of foods that shouldn’t be eaten while trying to prepare for your big race. Processed foods that are high in salt and calories and low in nutritional value should always be avoided. Spicy foods can upset your stomach and leave you scrambling to find the closest bathroom while out on training runs. You may also experience too much digestive regularity when you eat high-fiber foods such as green vegetables, almonds and pinto beans. A nutrition coach who creates nutrition plansfor marathon runners can offer you further suggestions on what not to eat.
Watch Your Calorie Intake
You might be tempted to indulge in high-calorie foods with the assumption that you’ll burn off the extra calories while training. The truth is, you may not be burning as many calories as you think, and you can actually end up gaining weight while preparing for a marathon. According to The Active Times, the average person burns 100 calories per mile ran. Indulging in junk food and other high-calorie edibles could cause you to exceed the number of calories that you’re burning, which will result in weight gain.
Maintain Good Hydration
Drinking enough fluids is important to any marathon training regimen, but it’s also important to drink the right types of fluids to avoid becoming dehydrated. Water, sports drinks and natural juices that don’t have added sugars are among the best beverages for hydration. Soft drinks and coffee that contain caffeine are known to cause the body to lose fluid and lead to dehydration. You can also stay hydrated by eating healthy foods like cucumbers, cantaloupe and bell peppers.
Eating right will be just as important as your long runs while preparing for your marathon. By adopting the right nutrition regimen, you’ll give your body the proper fuel to take on race day.