Alicia Bell
Personal Trainer located in Toronto, Ontario
All runners need to work on posterior chain strengthening during the off season. Whether you are already doing a strengthening routine or off season weight training is brand new to you the following 3 exercises should be implemented into your routine. These exercises will strategically strengthen the glutes to aid in better running economy, strength and speed in the spring. If you are lifting heavy please make sure to use a spotter. Correct technique should always be used when performing strengthening exercises. Make sure that you perfect your form first before increasing the amount of weight used. Once technique is mastered add weight to these exercises and your glutes will primed for the spring running season.
Box Squat
3-4 sets x 8-10
Contrary to popular belief simply performing regular squats are not always the best thing for the butt. When the average person squats only a small portion of the movement targets that area. It’s mainly a quad dominant exercise. Box squats are primarily posterior chain and therefore the glutes are doing most of the work.
Place an appropriate amount of weight on the bar. Make sure to use a wide stance, leaning forward and sitting back this stretches the posterior chain. Do not lose tension of the muscle by sitting down fully. Maintain tension of the legs and hips, and make sure to keep the bar over your toes. You will have an arched back and will be leaning forward at the hips. Do not to rock back in the squat when initiating the upward movement.
Deep Walking Lunge
3-4 sets x 8-10
The deep lunge like the box squat when you are at the bottom of the movement the glutes are stretched. This causes you to use the glutes to get out of the bottom position and will help you strengthen them.
Place the weights in each had. First take a big step forward causing you to lean forward at the hip. Lean forward the entire time, press through the heel and power into your next lunge staying in a straight line.
Glute Bridge
3-4 sets x 8-10
This exercise also helps target your glutes specifically because you are contracting them at the end range of the motion.
Place the weight safely above your hips. You may use a towel or foam covering for protection. Then place your upper back across a low bench, soft box or floor if the others are unavailable. Your feet should be placed shoulder width apart, with your toes pointing
slightly out. As you push your hips up focus on squeezing the butt to lift the weight.
Hold for one second at the top of the movement.