We all love a good quiz! So, in honor of PCOS Awareness Month (September) and to bring attention and answers to the 116 million women living with distressing symptoms of irregular menstrual cycles, weight gain, infertility, acne, hair loss, increased facial hair growth--vastly because of hormone imbalances, Dr. Fiona McCulloch has created a quiz that will help pinpoint your symptoms to determine which factors are most important to treat in your presentation of PCOS.
The quiz is available online and in her book, 8 Steps to Reverse Your PCOS. Sample portions are below.
A veteran speaker and easy-to-understand academic, in an educational and eye-opening interview, a PCOS sufferer herself, Dr. McCulloch can also discuss:
- What the main signs are of PCOS and how a woman would know if she has it
- What the best diet is for a woman with PCOS
- How PCOS changes through a woman’s lifespan and it looks like in teenagers, reproductive years or after menopause
- What the different types of PCOS are and how to know which one you have
- If women with PCOS can get pregnant and what is unique about their reproductive health
- If there are any supplements or natural treatments that can work for PCOS
Inflammation Quiz
Inflammation is a key factor. All women with PCOS have it. As you’ll see below, you will either have moderate or severe inflammation.
1. I have pain in my body, such as neck pain, back pain, knee pain, or headaches.
2. I have skin rashes, such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, or allergic dermatitis.
3. I have chronic digestive problems, such as bloating, diarrhea, ulcers, reflux, or indigestion.
4. I have asthma or allergies.
5. I’m constantly tired and lethargic.
6. I eat a diet that is not based on whole foods and contains many processed foods and sugars.
7. I have a family member with an autoimmune disease.
8. I have been formally diagnosed with PCOS.
If you have answered yes to five to eight of these, it’s likely you have severe inflammation. If you’ve answered yes to one to four of these, it’s likely you have moderate inflammation.
Hormone Balance Quiz
1. My cycles are or have been thirty-five days or longer for significant periods of time in my life.
2. I’ve had polycystic ovaries on ultrasound.
3. I ovulate late in my cycle—around day eighteen or later.
4. I’ve needed to take medications to help me ovulate.
5. The medications intended to help me ovulate didn’t work on at least one occasion.
6. I’ve had a high anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) reading on a blood test.
7. I’ve had a high luteinizing hormone (LH) to follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) ratio on a day-three blood test.
8. I have had low progesterone readings on bloodwork.
If you have answered yes to any of these, you have the ovulation factor to a significant
Thyroid Quiz
1. I feel cold compared to others around me.
2. I feel tired a lot or exhausted without reason.
3. I do not lose weight easily, despite dieting and exercising.
4. I am constipated.
5. I have dry, flaky skin.
6. I’m losing hair: It is brittle, coarse, and dry. Or, I am losing the outer
eyebrow hair.
7. My nails are brittle.
8. I’m depressed or anxious.
9. I have chronic muscle and joint pains.
10. I feel pressure or swelling in my neck, have difficulty swallowing, and my voice has become hoarse.
11. I have a family member with thyroid disease or an autoimmune disease.
12. I have high cholesterol that does not respond to diet changes or medication.
13. I have unexplained changes in my weight, unrelated to my lifestyle.
14. I have changes in my memory and concentration.
15. I have had abnormal thyroid testing results (including autoimmune thyroid antibody testing) or am taking thyroid medication already.
If you have answered yes either to number fifteen alone, or to ten to fifteen of these, you have a significant thyroid factor. If you haven’t been tested, you should be. If you have answered yes to five to nine of these, you have signs of a moderate thyroid factor and lab testing is warranted. If you have answered yes to one to four of these, you have some signs of a thyroid factor and lab testing is warranted.
'Carnivore-approved' recipe book The Edgy Veg
turns traditional vegan cuisine upside down with delicious twists on classic comfort foods & fast food favs
TORONTO, ON – Host of YouTube sensation
The Edgy Veg, Candice Hutchings takes readers on a fun, quirky, flavour-packed, culinary adventure with the launch of her book,
The Edgy Veg: 138 Carnivore-Approved Vegan Recipes.
Moving away from the ubiquitous spiralized zucchini noodles of Instagram and away fromboring salads and smoothies, The Edgy Veg features 138 recipes that satisfy the need for comfort food, fast food favourites, food-nerd obsessions and insatiable childhood and adult cravings.
Every recipe will be enjoyed by vegans, vegetarians and omnivores alike — and they are all approved by Candice’s husband James, former meat and cheese‑loving guy. The Edgy Veg is a fabulously fun food movement seeking to revolutionize and redefine vegan food as we know it.
“This is the book that every vegan, non-vegan, wannabe vegan, thinking-about-going-vegan and carnivore-that-loves-animals needs in their life. The main goal writing this book,was to tackle drool-worthy dishes that the world can't believe are meat and dairy-free. I cannot wait for our Veg Squad to fool their friends and families with recipes like mac and cheese, burgers, salads-that-don't-suck, and ice cream,” says Hutchings. “I am so excited to be part of the landscape that brings plant-based cooking to the mainstream and proves that a vegan diet can include the comfort foods we all grew up eating.”
The book features all new recipes (not seen on the blog or on their YouTube channel) along with a selection of hand-picked fan favourites. Included are brunch staples such as the incredibly indulgent Veggs Benedict, cocktails including Ginger Kombucha Mimosa, sweet treats like Candice’s Thank You Very Matcha Ice Cream, and more mains than you can count.
Breaking down the essentials on how to make meat and dairy replacements, The Edgy Veg also offers extensive advice on how to stock a vegan kitchen and pantry, which both experienced chefs and first-time vegan cooks will love.
It’s time to take vegan cooking to the next level. It’s time for more dad jokes than you can count. It’s time for The Edgy Veg.
The Edgy Veg cover
The Edgy Veg will be available online and in-store on October 16, 2017 for $32.95.
About Candice Hutchings
Co-Founder, Creator, Chef and Resident Mad Food Scientist, Candice Hutchings is the brains and creativity behind The Edgy Veg. Candice develops all food creations and is the on-screen talent bringing delicious vegan recipes to the world. Soon after starting The Edgy Veg blog, Candice was eager to further her food education and spent many years deeply involved in the health, raw food and vegan space in Toronto, including managing a raw food restaurant and juice cleansing company.
Candice and husband James Aita currently reside in Toronto and can be found creating new vegan recipes and cracking bad dad jokes on their Youtube channel, The Edgy Veg, which has over 240,000+ subscribers and 630,000+ monthly views
Tactical Mobility - Comprehensive Fitness Guide for Increased Performance & Injury Prevention
August 15, 2017 (New York, NY): Developed by former United States Marine Nick Benas, accomplished yoga instructor Gwen Lawrence, and Stew Smith, CSCS, USN (SEAL), Tactical Mobility is designed to increase your mobility, flexibility, and endurance to perform and sustain on an elite level in the military, law enforcement, firefighting and emergency services, and tactical professions.
With Tactical Mobility you will increase your readiness and survivability in the field, keep your training balanced and effective, excel in the physical requirements of your job smoothly and without pain, get to it, get through it, and stay with it... whatever is in store!
Tactical Mobility presents a comprehensive regimen that complements your fitness routine to provide a focus on deep and long flexibility and joint movement. Combining yoga, physical fitness, and mental preparedness, Tactical Mobility provides what you need to excel on fitness tests and reach a new peak of performance in your profession.
Stewart "Stew" Smith is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, a former Navy SEAL, and author of several fitness books such as The Complete Guide to Navy SEAL Fitness, The Special Ops Workout, and S.W.A.T. Fitness. Stew has trained thousands of students for Navy SEAL, Special Forces, and many other military, law enforcement, and firefighter professions. He is currently the Special Ops Team Coach at the U.S. Naval Academy that assists in preparing future candidates for SEAL, EOD, and MARSOC training and runs a non-profit called Heroes of Tomorrow which offers free training for people seeking tactical professions.
Nick Benas, QMHA is a Qualified Mental Health Associate and a former United States Marine Sergeant as well as Iraqi Combat Veteran. Nick is the former Director of Business Operations for Clatsop Behavioral Healthcare, a private non-profit mental health agency, located on the Columbia River in Astoria, Oregon. He is also a Certified Mental Health First Aid Instructor by the National Council for Behavioral Health, teaching adults, and youth modules. He has been featured by more than 50 major media outlets for his business success and entrepreneurship, including Entrepreneur Magazine, Men's Health, ABC, FOX, ESPN, and CNBC.
Gwen Lawrence has been a practicing fitness professional since 1990. Her current practice includes private yoga training, class instruction, her sport-specific Power Yoga for Sports training program, and her VYX™ (Vinyasa Yoga Extreme) system. Gwen is the yoga instructor for several New York Yankees baseball players, team yoga instructor for the New York Giants and New York Knicks, and many youth teams in a variety of sports. Her writing appears in Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Fitness, Shape, and Yoga Journal.
# # #
Written by Stewart Smith, Nick Benas, and Gwen Lawrence
Foreword by Tom Coughlin
978-1-57826-668-5, $19.95 paperback
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New from Hatherleigh Press.
Distributed through Penguin Random House.
Available wherever books are sold.
From Elizabeth DeRosa of Finding The Way Integrative Nutrition Health Coach & Author
Finding the Way
I wrote this book as a concerned mother who is beginning to make the connection between the rise of health concerns facing our children today and the toxic environment we have created for them on a day to day basis. This book explores my son’s physical symptoms and illnesses from the perspective of using modern medicine for a decade to manage his symptoms to then using alternative practices to alleviate and now preventing his symptoms. The difference for him has been remarkable in terms of his physical health and he serves as an example that taking control of your own health and well-being is important. His physical transformation serves all of us with the knowing that we have the power to reverse disease and create eating habits and a lifestyle that supports our health and well-being.
Finding the Way brings awareness to:
- Individuals and families about the dangers of the overuse and continuous use of antibiotics.
- The problems with the country’s food supply; specifically looking at the alkalize/acid connection (pH balance) and how what we eat or don’t eat contributes to our overall health.
- The importance of nutritious foods and how increasing foods that are alive and nutritious assists our body in finding it’s optimal balance.
- How to limit our daily exposure to toxic ingredients and chemicals. These toxic ingredients and chemicals are everywhere and are causing physical chaos and disease on a level never before seen in this country. The statistics for both children and adults is alarming and a true cause for concern. Sick children will grow up to become sick adults.
I believe that the medical community, individuals, and families are not prepared to handle the health consequences that are inevitably headed their way in terms of physical struggle and decline, financial cost, and the emotional burden placed on people living with health problems and their caregivers. We are becoming more sick, suffering more, and are increasingly becoming dependent on doctors and pharmaceuticals to sustain our lives.
This book will educate and empower you on the necessary steps to begin or continue your journey toward holistic wellness with primary emphasis on one aspect of holistic health – the body.
I offer practical solutions, suggestions, and resources I discovered while improving my family’s health. Discover how it can be done for you and your family in Finding the Way.
Clinical Hypnotherapist Kirsten Bloomquist Solves Serious Health Issues Through the Power of the Subconscious Mind
When facing health or emotional problems, many automatically react by looking for some kind of chemical solution. Obviously, this can often be a short sighted approach and one that can even lead to serious issues. Clinical hypnotherapist Kirsten Bloomquist has stunned clients using a completely different method, employing their own mind power towards healing with often dramatic results. FREE complimentary copies of her book, Powernow, are available to media sources.
If only people new the capabilities of their own minds, and their subconscious minds in particular, entire areas of their life, including their health, could be radically transformed according to author and clinical hypnotherapist Kirsten Bloomquist. Skeptical at first, her name is becoming more and more in demand in natural health circles as word of her successes spread – some, like a documented case of her helping a friend tap into their power of their mind that resulted in a malignant tumor vanishing completely, have opened eyes and minds literally worldwide.
In exciting news, Bloomquist is making her methods available in a ground breaking new book, Powernow: How to Step into Your Most Powerful Mind Instantly, which delivers not just knowledge on how to use the mind to heal – which is valuable enough – but, also delivers on how to get the subconscious mind on board to improve relationships, to cut unhealthy body fat, build supreme confidence, and perform at an elite level in nearly any kind of activity a person is passionate about.
“When you believe in yourself you can do unbelievable things,” commented Kirsten with her trademark enthusiasm. “I knew I could help change more lives with a book than I could ever touch in personal sessions. Powernow: How To Step Into Your Most Powerful Mind Instantly! is something that is changing lives for those who don't just pick up a copy, but make the decision to change and put the method to work. Once that honest commitment is made real magic can and does happen. And no one is happier than I am to hear about my student's and reader's success stories.”
The intriguing nature of Kirsten's work has made her a very sensible choice for compelling television, internet and radio interviews, all things she loves to take part in, along with contributing written work to likeminded publications.
RT, Skype Hypnotherapy Vancouver Hypnotherapist, recently said in a five star review, “I had fibromyalgia for nearly 25 years and was taking a box full of prescribed medications. I was barely existing throughout my everyday life. After a couple sessions with Kirsten, I'm close to being where I want to be with my health. And I no longer take medications. I feel like a brand new person with a whole new chance at life. All of my friends and family notice a difference in me. They even say I look younger!”
For more information be sure to visit http://www.feelingpowerful.com/.
Super Slim: New Book Exposes Fool-Proof Blueprint to Losing Weight – Without Dieting or Exercise!

Keith Foster’s ‘SUPER SLIM: The Intelligent Person's Guide to a Slimmer, Healthier & Longer Life’ unravels weight gain, obesity and weight loss in a simple, highly-actionable way that has never been seen before. Taking readers right back to humanity’s beginnings, Foster explains fat’s evolutionary benefits, advancing to the present day’s obesity epidemic and how to fight it without fail. From sunlight’s “secret” benefits to weight loss, all the way to providing high-alkaline food lists, this bold new volume has the power to change the lives of millions.
The prevalence of obesity today makes it abundantly clear that most people, through lack of information, are prone to mismanaging their bodies. According to lecturer and researcher Keith Foster, those who want to maintain a healthy weight and all of the benefits it brings must first understand what helps and hinders the body’s functions.
Based off a lifetime’s research, Foster’s ‘SUPER SLIM: The Intelligent Person's Guide to a Slimmer, Healthier & Longer Life’ explains why the body’s acidic and alkaline balances are not only important, but hold the key to beating obesity and living a long, vibrant life.
Super Slim is intended as a reference work for everyone who wishes to lose weight, be more healthy and live longer!
It covers a broad range of topics in some depth, all of which have a direct bearing on weight gain, obesity and ill health. By describing the mechanism by which fatty deposits are distributed around the body, Super Slim enables people to clearly understand how to reverse this process.
Super Slim tracks human development from its early beginnings to show why we developed a layer of blubber, what evolutionary purpose this served and how it can be reduced.
It then goes on to describe the bloodstream’s priority, which is to maintain a degree of alkalinity in order to provide adequate levels of oxygen to the cells, (a process which, with the modern sugar-rich diet, necessitates a shunting of acidic toxins (fats) into “storage areas” around the body). These are where fat accumulates, well away from the main circulatory system.
Super Slim goes on to deal with food, providing lists and recommendations as to how you can alkalise your diet. It then touches on a new form of exercise (ideal for the busy person) and a new fertility regime using which it is possible to choose the sex of your children.
Further information is provided on male fertility, plus how to avoid fibrocystic breast disease and how to get rid of stretch marks.
Further yet, on how sunlight helps you to slim, lack of sleep can make you fat and a whole compendium of knowledge on similar vital subjects. These help the reader to be in control of their weight and to become slimmer, more healthy and longer lived.
Super Slim is not a scientific treatise, but simply a very informative book that will help a lot of people to lose weight healthily and keep it off.
“Yoyo dieting is a huge killer, and a vicious circle that over 80% of people encounter,” explains Foster. “Lifelong weight loss is not about a quick-fix dietary change, but about understanding the body’s functions, how it reacts to alkaline foods and how everything comes together to ensure a person can reach their natural healthy weight and remain there for the rest of their life.”
Continuing, “It’s all about giving people the information they so desperately seek, and then empowering them to make actionable, tangible change. According to reviews, it’s working wonders already for people around the world.”
Reviews have been overwhelmingly positive. For example, Julie comments, “This well-referenced work is not a traditional ‘diet’ book with recipes and calorie counting, instead it is an invaluable resource to aid understanding of why it is important to be within a normal weight range and to learn key approaches that can be taken to achieve this.”
Another reader adds, “I got this book because no matter what approach I seemed to take in dieting, nothing seemed to be permanent, and despite some breakthroughs, I was struggling to maintain my weight-loss and would yoyo back and forth between an ideal and a far from ideal weight. Keith's book has helped me to understand the underlying causes of my yoyo weight gain, and the processes the body uses to adapt to a toxic system which then keeps me 'insulated'. With a greater understanding I know feel I am empowered to finally, once and for all, drop those extra pounds for good.”
‘SUPER SLIM: The Intelligent Person's Guide to a Slimmer, Healthier & Longer Life’, from SAGAX Publishing, is available now: http://amzn.to/2kHijcD.
About the Author:
Keith Foster is a researcher, writer and lecturer. He has spent most of his life focusing on unlocking the structure and technology of the ancient worldwide civilization, and also its healing technologies. The past 30 years have seen Keith involved in studying how our current civilization informs its belief systems, with particular emphasis on its current religion – science.
A natural philosopher, Keith's studies have included a wide range of cultures. His latest book The Answer to Cancer – An Electron Deficit Condition, coupled with the follow-up seminars, represents a synergism of these studies.
At 75 years of age and as the father of 7 children, Keith is a fine and vigorous example of how well his understanding of the human condition translates into healthy longevity.
A charismatic speaker whose gift is to make complex subjects simple and easy to understand, Keith’s wisdom, sense of humour and integrity are infectious.
Keith hosts lectures and speaks at seminars all over the world.
Goodbye, Hurt & Pain:
7 Simple Steps to Health, Love and Success
By Dr. Deborah Sandella, PhD, RN
— A Cutting-Edge Approach to Understanding the Root of Your Emotions
“Every once in a while, you read a book that has a profound personal impact on you. This book will do that. It is written from the heart in a
down-to-earth way that will touch you intimately—and probably change your life.”
-Jack Canfield, Co-Creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul ® Series
Emotions and feelings are invisible and often ignored and, when not addressed, can have a toxic impact on your relationships and overall physical and mental health. It’s time to tackle our emotions, flush the negativity out of our system, and establish a self-understanding that will change the way we see the world, as well as how we interact and respond to people and situations.
In Goodbye, Hurt & Pain: 7 Simple Steps to Health, Love and Success [Conari Press], Dr. Deborah Sandella, PhD, RN uses cutting-edge neuroscience research and her revolutionary Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM) technique to show how blocked feelings can hold us back from getting what we want. Dr. Sandella teaches us to move destructive feelings such as fear, anger, hurt, resentment, and envy out of the body, which is not achieved through discussion but rather by understanding the unique inner connection of our left and right brains. Tapping into the right brain creativity, sensitivity and emotions through Dr. Sandella’s groundbreaking techniques helps identify the deep rooted inner feelings which feeds our left brain to deliver the message we truly desire.
“Once you know how to dial into your feelings, your native emotional intelligence begins to respond much like a self-cleaning oven, problem-solver, and success magnet,” says Dr. Sandella. “And results come quickly. You will find yourself resolving deep-rooted problems and manifesting your dreams at speeds as fast as Google drops search results.”
Through amazing real-life stories in Goodbye, Hurt & Pain, Dr. Sandella will expand your conscious thinking and unconscious beliefs to allow you to trust that saying goodbye to painful feelings and memories is easier than you’ve ever imagined. She teaches us that emotions are not good or bad but simply a radar of our inner emotional well being. “Feelings engage a process not a conclusion,” adds Dr. Sandella.
In this inspiring and motivating manual for managing and ramping up your emotional intelligence, you’ll discover:
- The secret to Dr. Sandella’s RIM technique, which is an inventive way to uproot emotional barriers and live your best life
- How letting go of old feelings and traumatic memories makes people feel and look younger, lighter, more energized, and less burdened
- Feelings are predictable and controllable—when you know how they work!
- Why it’s crucial to reduce overwhelming emotion into controllable form, and how to manage it effectively
- Seven simple and speedy tools for eliminating unnecessary suffering in your daily life
- How anyone can renew their emotional equilibrium whenever they need to and master their emotions in the blink of an eye
Dr. Deborah Sandella is an award-winning psychotherapist, university professor, and the originator of the groundbreaking RIM Method, which is a heavily-backed neuroscience tool for reducing stress and improving the quality of life. She has been called a “master healer,” and has been helping thousands of people find themselves over the past 40 years. Dr. Sandella has frequently shared the stage with Jack Canfield, originator of the Chicken Soup For the Soul series and, with him, she has co-authored Awakening Power, a guided meditation program and instruction booklet. She has been acknowledged with numerous professional awards, including Outstanding Clinical Specialist, Research Excellence, and an EVVY Best Personal Growth Book Award.
Learn more about Dr. Sandella at www.RIMinstitute.com and www.GoodbyeHurtandPain.com. Connect on @drdebsandella and Facebook.
Goodbye, Hurt & Pain: 7 Simple Steps to Health, Love and Success is currently available for pre-order on Amazon and will be available through all major booksellers on September 1, 2016.

I came home earlier this month to find an amazing box at my door. It was from penguin books. At first I was a bit confused as I had not ordered any books. Brought it upstairs and to my surprise it was a care package from Joyous Health.
It was not only her brand new book Joyous Detox but it was an entire package that included essentials to help me with my detox! Talk about a surprise package! The book includes 100 gluten-free, dairy-free, refined sugar-free, detox-friendly recipes! Joy is previously known for her best seller Joyous Health.
About her new book:
It is actually a complete plan and cookbook. She wrote this book in order to share with the readier how easy and delicious it is to detox naturally by following a whole foods based diet that emphasizes detox-friedly foods. It gives your body a break from gluten, dairy, sugar, food additives and junk foods that can have a negative effect on your digestion, energy levels and even beauty.
*You may even notice that your hair is shinier and your skin glows more from just 10 days of following the meal plan that is outlines on page 88 in the book*
The care page that she sent me included:
- Joyous Detox Tea
- Smooth Like Butta Body Butter
- Lovely Lavender Deodorant Stick
- Limp Treatment Balm
- Dry Skin Brush
Joyous Detox Tea: Her detox tea is a handcrafted organic blend of carefully selected ingredients to support your digestive system, especially your liver. This will enhance detoxification.
Smooth Like Butta Body Butter: It is so clean your an eat the ingredients. And it smells amazing. By far my fav body butter to date.
Lovel Lavender Deodorant Stick: Her natural deodorant contains clinically proven sage extract to keep things stink free. It is formulated for sensitive skin and contains no chemicals.
Lip Treatment Balm: Firstly this is so tasty! Its also certified organic.
Dry Skin Brush: Dry skin brushing is an essential to your health, beauty and detoxification as brushing your teeth. This totally natural body brush is the perfect coarseness and you will feel instantly invigorated and rejuvenated!
Thank you so much Joy for the care package! I truly appreciate the gesture! And good luck with your new book! I know it is going to be another best seller!
Available on amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/Joyous-Detox-Complete-Cookbook-Vibrant/dp/0143194607/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1483305780&sr=8-1&keywords=joyous+detox
Joy McCarthy on social:
300 Best Blender Recipes Using Your Vitamix - Book Review

For those of you who are blessed enough to own a vitamin you know that you can do so much more than make smoothies. Even picky eaters can learn to consume healthy foods when they are blended. Making your own gives you control over what goes into your body!
Vitamix is one of if not the most versatile mixer/blender that exists right now. Its powerful, fast and is incredibly easy to use. You can make smoothies, bread, pancakes or even muffins with flour!

The author Robin Abel has created an extensive collection of innovative recipes that will help you get the most out of your vitamix. There are tons of healthy recipes for delicious dishes from breakfasts to sauces, dips, spreads, nut butters, dressings, ice creams, milkshakes, cocktails, spice blends, dips, baby foods and even desserts. The bet part? There is even a bonus chapter on skin treatments, scrubs, masks and lotions.
Robin the author also includes useful information about your appliance, from the differences a month the different series to tips and techniques that demonstrate how you can turn your vitamix into an invaluable workhorse in your home kitchen.
So far I have only had the chance to try a few of the recipes because I am about to start prep again from provincials. I also don't have a vitamix so I had to use the ninja that I have. So obviously I didn't get the full effect. However I loved the mixed berry probiotic blast on page 228. Probiotics are very important for health and your digestive tract (if you didn't know).
You can purchase your copy here:
200 Best Smoothie Bowl Recipes by Alison Lewis - Book Review

If you are like me and you hate drinking your calories a smoothie bowl sounds like a much better option. You literally can make anything into a smoothie bowl. Author Alison Lewis is also an internationally published author of two cookbooks, a professional recipe developer, nutritionist, and the owner of Ingredients Inc., a food and travel media company based in Birmingham, Alabama. So when it comes to food she definitely knows her stuff.
From reviewing thats amazing book I have learned how simple it is to prepare a smoothie bowl. I incorporate a lot of her recipes into my client programs when they get sick of shakes or for a great late night snack. They can be very satisfying and satiating. This book was originally published back in April but because of my prep I was unable to make use of it until now!
The book has easy to make recipes that don't involve a lot of complicated ingredients, and it even includes kid friendly recipes. She also gives you topping alternatives and options. You can get as creative as you want on top of the base. There are yummy dessert recipes, any time of the day recipes and even smoothie bowls with coffee and tea as the base. And if you follow my social media you will know that I love both my coffee and my tea! So you know those are some of my favourite recipes. Another one of my favourite recipes that she includes is what she calls the Peanut Butter Cup. It's on page 99 in the kid-friendly smoothie bowls. Be careful it is addictive!
Overall I give this book an 8/10. There are some really great healthy ideas for smoothie bowls. I wish that there was calorie counts and macros for those of us who do competition prep or track macros. And there are a lot of great recipes but no pictures to go with the recipes and I love a book that shows me beautiful photography along with the great recipe! I would suggest getting this book and adding it to your collection for fun meal prep ideas! Especially if you have kids!
To purchase the book from amazon: