If you're like me and constantly in the kitchen prepping meals, opening cans, bottles etc you are constantly having to waste time trying to open them. Time that could be spent more efficiently.
I was actually lucky enough to get sent the Magic Opener Plus and Mini which is called the Magic Opener Combo from Easy Opener Inc. Now I don't think that there is a bottle or cap out there that I can't open now.
The MO Plus will open 8 different sized larger caps found on sports drinks like Gatorade, Powerade, Vitamin Water etc. The MO Mini also opens 8 different sized bottles like water bottle caps and soda bottle caps. Both include a can opener for pet food, tuna etc.
They specifically say that "Understanding and Practice, makes perfection." What do they mean by that? Well its because that they go out of their way to explain that the different between a magnificent Magic Opener and a terrible one is the two minutes you use beforehand to understand how to properly use the opener."
How do you understand and learn to use it properly? Simple. The best way to understand how to use the opener is by watching the video demonstration on the top of their website or on their youtube page and then try it as you see it in the video!
I totally recommend this product for any one. But I also think it would make a great gift for parents or grand parents that don't have good grip strength. So go ahead and gift them one or both of these! http://www.magicopener.com