Cardio Ultra - Train It Right - trainitright


Check out the newly released shoe from Reebok. I love the colour choice. I am glad to see Reebok going back to their cardio roots. This would be a great shoe for cardio workouts. I would love to give it a try. What do you think?

  • AdaptAMove upper with bonded mesh and a flexible cage for multidirectional support
  • Low-cut for mobility with PlayDry linings for moisture management
  • Tri layer forefoot foam for incredible cushioning at the ball of the foot
  • Evolved arch support, moulded tuck board and strong heel for stability and cushioned pressure points
  • TurnZone and radiating flex grooves for 360 degrees of mobility


Athena Discount - ALICIA25 - Train It Right

The kind folks at Unico Nutrition sent me the best tasting natural pre workout that I have had to date. They have also been kind enough to provide me with a discount code for you to get 25% off at check out if you want to try your own! I love the coconut lime one. To me it tastes like pina colada. mmmm

Unico Nutrition 25% Discount With ALICIA25 at Checkout



Alicia Bell - Train It Right - Stretch

January 1st 2015 - What I Saw At The Gym

Almost every year after the holidays people make a "resolution" and most of the time it involves healthier eating and regular gym attendance. There is almost always a spike of personal training sessions, gym memberships, and gym goers. And it almost never lasts.

Today on January 1st 2015 I went to the gym (which I obviously do often). The gym was not very busy at 10:30am. However for the first time I saw quite a few interesting characters. First there was a man in red tie dyed pants and a beanie. His outfit was a bit strange for the gym (but who am I to judge). I respect everyone who makes an effort to be healthy. HOWEVER, mr. dyed pants was bare foot. Trapping through my big box chain gym shoeless. I had to do a double take. Yep there he was walking from the stretching area to the free weights and back barefoot. Not socket, but his gross feet touching places where I sometimes put my hands or body. ARE YOU SERIOUS BUDDY!? OF course I was in the middle of a huge super set so I a) couldn't say anything to him and b) couldn't go tell one of the workers. GROSS! Ugh why why why? Why on earth would anyone do that? And the worst part the whole time Im watching this guy. Maybe 5-10 minutes NO ONE.....and I mean NOBODY said anything to him. Am I seriously the only one who thought it was gross? Unsanitary? Or was everyone else like me and "busy" too busy to care or say anything. It's weird how we can care but still be too wrapped up in what we are doing personally to care to disturb our workout to interject.

Anyway I moved area's and never saw the bare foot wonder guy again. After my workout it was time for my cardio. I headed to the back of the cardio area where the Cyber Arc Trainer that I wanted to use was. About 10 minutes into my workout I hear a loud thud. I look up and some big guy that clearly was either a) not paying attention or b) passed out flew off of his treadmill and on to the ground and smashed his face along the way. Again I though "holy f%&*" but did not stop in my stride at all. No one else around me did either. About 30s later a woman on a treadmill walked up to the guy and asked if he was ok. Helped him turn the machine off, and then helped him to the water fountain. Mind you the front desk was a mere 15-20m away and do you think any of the chit chatty little girls moved from their posts to see if they were ok? NOPE! I wonder if any of them have their first aid or CPR? Probably not. But I was slightly in shock that non of them went to see if this guy was ok or not.

Wellllllllll needless to say I finished my workout and got my first workout of 2015 in! And what an interesting morning at the gym it was today. If this is an indication of what the gym will be like in 2015 I can't wait to watch all of the madness for my own personal entertainment.

If you saw anything at the gym today that was interesting like this comment below. Or tell me a good gym story that you have and want to share!


Alicia Bell - model - train it right

Sex Boosts Your Immune System. Yep you read that right! 

According to WebMd having sex often actually increases your immune system and “Sexually active people take fewer sick days,” says Yvonne K. Fulbright, PhD a sexual health expert. People who have sex have a higher immune system. This system protects us from germs and viruses. According to the article, researchers at Wilkes University found that college students who had sex once or twice a week had higher levels of the a certain antibody compared to students who had sex less often. So you should hit the sheets and not only make time for your relationship but tell your partner that it is flu and cold season and that this will help keep you healthy all winter long! It also burns calories so add it in for your workout routine!

Alicia Bell - Winter Running

According to The American Council on Exercise the order that you do things in the gym is just as important as getting up and going to the gym. They recently did some research, and figured out what structure that your workout shoud follow. The order is important so that you can get the most out of your workout while you are at the gym.

The Study took 24 men and women between 18 and 39 years. They had them take part in 24 exercise sessions that included every possible workout order. The sessions combined cardio training, resistance exercise, neuromotor (agility, speed, and balance) exercises, and also had them performa  flexibility component.

The results showed that cardio should be performed first (interestingly it's the opposite from what I do myself). They then say this should be followed by resistance training and then flexibility and neuromotor exercises in either order. It was found that when participants of the study performed cardio in the beginning that their average heart rate increased less than when it was performed last. Why is that good? The author's Lance Dalleck, Ph.D., says that is a good thing because too-vigorous exercise can lead to injury and increased risk of cardiac issues. And, doing resistance training second maximizes its effectiveness without making it feel too hard (score!). I myself do a light cardio warmup but I do my longer intervals or steady state cardio first. It was unspecified how long the cardio actually was from what I can find to date. Maybe it was just a short warmup.

It should also be noted that researchers did note that these results are not set in stone. “The order determined by this research stems from purely physiological findings, and it’s essential to know, for example, how sequencing affects cardiorespiratory performance and can account for that effect in the workout design,” says Cedric Bryant, Ph.D., ACE’s Chief Science Officer. And, Dr. Dalleck added, not every workout needs to include all four aspects. He goes on to say that, you should take your own personal preferences into account before changing your personal routine.

Therefore  in my opinion if you want to maximize your workout, according to this research cardio should come first. However don't feel like you need to change your routine if it is already working for you just fine. Continue to #trainitright


Alicia Bell

Flirty Girl Toronto

Flirty Girl Fitness in Toronto is having an Open House. Check it out below:

Customer Appreciation Night & Open House Party!

Thursday April 10, 4:30PM-9:30PM

Join us this Thursday for free flowing pink cocktails & munchies.  Lots of prize giveaways in every class & of course FREE CLASSES ALL NIGHT!

First Timers Welcome.
Punchcard Holders Don't Need Your Cards.
Members Get a Special Gift Bag

Just a Few of the Prize Giveaways:

Fifth Night Club - Bottle Service for 8 for the Perfect Girl's Night Out Party
Hammam Gift Certificate for a Dermalogica Facial, Shellac Manicure & Hammam Steam
Kara Scalp Salon - Revolutionary Holistic Approach to Detox Your Hair & Scalp
Fresh Gift Certificate - Our Favorite Super Healthy Vegetarian Restaurant 
Degree Anti-Perspirant for Everyone
Lara Bars for Everyone
Schwarskopf Gift Basket Full of Amazing Hair Products
And so many more....

Check out our schedule below and call 416.920.1400 to register or go online.



Do you think bootcamp is tough? Try it in the sand! Starting Saturday December 7th 2013. Join Alicia at Beach Blast for an indoor bootcamp. Choose the morning session or the afternoon session. Bring your own yoga mat and get ready to have some fun!


Beach Blast 15 Leswyn Rd Toronto, ON, Canada, M6A 1K1

TTC Directions

From Yorkdale Subway Station:
Take any Lansdowne 47 (B or C) Bus to Caledonia and Leswyn Rd. Walk to #15 Leswyn

From Lawrence West Subway Station:
Take any Lawrence Ave. W Bus # 52 or 58 to Caledonia. Walk North 1 block to Leswyn Rd. Turn right walk to #15

From Lansdowne Subway Station:
Take any Lansdowne 47 Bus North. Get off at Caledonia and Leswyn. Walk 2 buildings in on Leswyn.

2 Minutes from Yorkdale Mall


  • 7 indoor courts
  • 8 outdoor courts at Caledonia Park (adjacent to Beach Blast parking lot)
  • Easy access to Caledonia Park
  • Licensed cafe and snack bar
  • 3 Large Patio Areas on multiple levels

Register on the December 7th in person or email


Check out the youtube video that the Toronto Police posted. It shows you what they have to go through to become an officer. Do you think this is enough? Is there re-testing every year? I think that there should be so that they are forced to keep their fitness levels in check. This would be a good idea since their job is physically demanded.

Questions? Comments? Concerns?

Want a good laugh? Check out Jenna Marbles 2 minute cardio motivation on youtube.

Check out basketball wives star stepping her fitness game up. Evelyn Lozada posted this today.0
