Plank to Pike 3 x 15 (hold the plank 2s and the pike 2s)
a) Make sure that your elbows are under your shoulders and keep core tight (belly button pulled into the spine) with quads contracted
b) Push hips up to pike while keeping core tight (belly button pulled into the spine)
(same instructions just on hands)


This Ab Routine takes 4 minutes so go through it twice for a total of 8 minutes!
Exercise 1: Alternate bicycles: 30s
Exercise 2: V Tucks: 30s
Exercise 3: Toe Touches: 30s
Exercise 4: Raise Leg Crunch: 30s
Exercise 5: Alternate V-Sits: 30s
Exercise 6: Reverse Crunch: 30s
Exercise 7: Alternate Elbow to Knee: 30s each side