GMOs have resulted in MILLIONS of pounds of herbicides #ConcealOrReveal - Train It Right

Just in time for Mother's Day weekend, Just Label It just launched a very special video with some celebrity power to drive home the message that MOMS are a very powerful part of all this--Protecting their babies from all the monsters in the world.

This is also a reminder that GMOs have resulted in MILLIONS of pounds of herbicides, something the World Health Organization has deemed a probable carcinogen, into our air and water creating such an intense public health danger that 60-100% of the rain samples in the MidWest are testing positive for glyhosate via the US Geological Survey. Glyphosate is Monsanto's Roundup, which is spayed on over 78% of GMO crops. It's literally raining carcinogenic herbicides because of the increase of GMOs.
#ConcealOrReveal Petition
For some more background on the issue here is a recent interview with Gary Hirshberg on Bloomberg,
Your Sleep Patterns May Be Preventing You From Weight Loss
Did you know that your sleep patterns can effect weight loss and can even cause weight gain? Lack of sleep may increase your appetite, effect your metabolism, and cause weight gain. Follow these steps for sleep and nutrition to help you with your weight loss battles.

1) Try to get six to eight hours of sleep a night. Less than this has been linked to a slower metabolism and weight gain.

2) If you are restless and need better sleep eat foods high in tryptophan at night. Tryptophan acts as a natural sedative and is used in your body to make serotonin, the neurotransmitter best known for calming your body and making you sleepy. Foods like this cause what we know as (the itis) and include turkey, lentals and whole grains. Eat these with a carbohydrate source such as brown rice, broccoli, milk or honey. This works because in order for tryptophan to be used, it has to make its way to the brain. When you eat carbs, insulin is released, which transports competing amino acids into your muscle tissue and it then leaves tryptophan alone, so it can make its way to your brain.

3) Don’t drink caffeinated beverages late in the day because it will effect your sleep pattern and ability to fall asleep at night.

4) Don’t drink a lot of liquid late at night. This will cause interrupted sleep to use the bathroom.

5) Give tea a try. Chamomile tea is a natural sedative and can help you fall asleep at night.all asleep with ease.

So the next time you are having problems losing weight make sure to check your diet because it could be causing irregular  sleeping patterns and in turn your ability to lose weight.

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Are You Eating Enough Protein?

Protein is the major source for building material for the body and next to water is the most plentiful substance in the body. Protein is important in the growth and development of all body tissues and is used to build and maintain muscles in addition to many other bodily uses.

Protein requirement always differ according to your body size and activity levels. Some calculations are very simple, and many nutritionists calculate your protein requirements by dividing your total weight by two and the result indicates in grams the amount of protein you require each day.

For example, a person weighing 160 pounds requires approximately 80 grams of protein daily. Lean meats such as chicken and fish are great sources of protein. A 6oz chicken breast contains approximately 30 grams of protein and 6oz of white fish contains approximately 35 grams of protein.


5 Tips To Help You Lose Weight

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Here are 5 tips to help you lose weight and it’s easier than you think.

1. Don’t be afraid to lift weights.  Total body strength training is one of the best ways to get improve your metabolism. Lean muscle burns more calories than fat. Try strength train between 2-3 times a week and it will help you tone up and lose weight faster.

2.  Do cardio. If you’re doing cardio make sure you are doing intervals on any of the machines between 15-30 seconds long are the best. Try going at a good pace for 15-30s then increasing the resistance and intensity for 15-30 seconds. Do tis for 40-60 minutes.

3. Get into a proper sleeping pattern. Get to bed at the same time most evenings. The best sleep you can give your body to recover is between 10 to 12pm. So try and time your sleep between those hours. The ideal amount of sleep is between 5 hours to 8 hours.

4. Eat 3 to 5 times a day with healthy snacks in between! Make sure to have a protein and a dark green with every meal. If this snack is a shake, be sure to add more than just water to your protein, and try to make a delicious smoothy with your favourite fruit.

5. Identify the mental and emotional stressors in your life. Try to write out everything in your life that is a stressor and decide to a) get rid of it, b) change the stressor or the situation or c) accept the stress and move on. Stress also causes your brain to release cortisol (a hormone that causes fat storage).

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Are You Making These 12 Workout Mistakes?

4bc76c7d8d7e1Going to the gym alone is tough. There are many mistakes. Below are some of the most common problems that I see at the gym on a day to day basis. They are simple and easy to correct. Once adjusted you will feel better and achieve a more efficient and effective workout.

1. Proper Workout Wear. For your own saftey proper gym shoes should be worn. Weights could fall at any moment and land on your toes and break them or your foot if you are in sandles etc. Also for women a good sports bra goes a long way when exercises, and makes your workout more comfortable and enjoyable. Make sure to shower after your workout because sweat can cause bacteria growth. The last thing you want is something along the lines of athletes foot.

2. Abdominals. Keep your back pressed against the ground, and your belly button pulled in. Try and not bend your neck to keep everything in line.

3. Breathing. Inhale during the negative motion, and exhale during the positive motion.  Don’t hold your breath, this could cause hernias or other injuries.

4. Using Weight Clips. Proper safety at the gym is very important. Too many times we through the weights on the bar for squats, bench, or curl bar without putting on the clips. Without the clips any slight movement left or right could send the weights flying, and could cause injury to yourself while lifting or to others next to you.

5. Stretching. Stretch at the end of your workout. Don’t bounce while stretching. Instead, hold the position; bouncing can cause injuries. Stick to static stretching, and hold for at least 30 seconds.

6. Lunges and Squats. Don’t let your knees go past your toes during any exercise. The best example is the squat or lunge. Drop your hips down, and sit back when squating as if there is a chair a little to far back for you. Keep legs shoulder with as well. This will help you avoid injuries.

8. Biceps Curls. Be sure there’s no space between your elbows and the sides of your body when performing bicep curls. A lot of times we like to hold the arms out from the body.

9. Running. Heel to toe if you are going for the distance. Dorsi flexed and on the balls of your feet if you are doing sprint intervals. Both should not be performed heavy, but light footed. Don’t forget to use your arms. They are just as important as your feet and legs, and when used your running economy is better (i.e. more efficient).

10. Diet. Lack of water decreases your energy level, and fatigue almost always lead to poor technique. You should replenish your stores after your workout no more than 20 minutes after. This helps with muscle growth and recovery. Try a scoop of chocolate promasil added to water or non fat milk.

11. Personal Trainer. When you get a personal trainer, make sure that they are properly certified and have their CPR. Also make sure that they are just taking you through mindless workouts. It is important to have a periodized plan for best results, and always have a goal. The goals are what will keep you motivated besides having set appointments with your trainer.

12. Holding on tight to Cardio Equipment  You should hold lightly and keep a tall posture posture. If you feel confident it is even better to do it hands free. When you naturally swing your arms it promotes more calorie burning and improves your balance. That will help with day to day activities.

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Lets Talk Carbohydrates And Individuality


Carbohydrates are only used in the body for energy while fats and proteins are used for production of hormones, cell membranes AND energy. What most people don’t realize is that this means the intake of carbohydrates should correlate with the amount of exercise that you do in a day.

When you have a high intake of carbohydrates such as white bread and refined sugars it causes your blood sugar levels to rise and will then cause hormonal changes in the body that causes most of us to become unhealthy and store fat. In children it has also been linked to ADHD, mental health issues, development of diabetes and obesity.

While there is some controversy regarding the amount of food an individual should eat from each of the four food groups to maintain a healthy diet, one should also keep in mind that each person has individual nutritional needs (i.e. athletes versus non-athletes, diabetics versus non-diabetics). These differences mean that one diet will have a very different effect on different individuals. This means that the required carbohydrate intake will vary from one person to another and is largely determined by the amount of lean muscles and the amount of daily exercise. It is suggested to make sure that your diet includes but is not limited to lots of lean meat, fish, eggs and is combined with lots of dark green vegetables.

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Oil Up - Why You Should Use Olive Oil


The traditional cooking ingredient our parents and grand parents use to cook and bake with was butter. There are a lot of alternatives in todays market for using to cook other than butter. Even though butter is very flavourful it has a high fat content and is not a healthy choice. You can substitute butter with many things. Some of the alternatives include margarine, coconut oil, and sesame seed oil just to name a few. Another alternative to baking things with butter is by using olive oil instead. Olive oil is one of the many healthy alternatives and one of my favourites.

Why should you use olive oil for baking and cooking?

Olive oil is an acquired taste. Especially if you are switching from rich creamy butter. Take your time and slowly start introducing it into your baking and cooking. Eventually you will stop noticing the difference and enjoy it just as much as you enjoyed butter. Your body and heart will also thank you later for making the switch.

Besides olive oil being a healthier alternative you should use it for baking and cooking because It may help to fight cravings and suppress appetite. A study recently conducted concluded that serotonin levels were raised in participants when they ingested olive oil with yogurt. Why is this significant for you? Because serotonin is a hormone that tells your body that you are full. This means olive oil has high satiety. This keeps you fuller longer than most cooking substances. Olive oil does this by containing compounds that can slow down your glucose absorption and keep you fuller longer.

It is also affordable and comes in all sorts of brands, types and sizes. So go ahead and pick up some olive oil and start swapping your butter for it when you bake or cook.

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It’s leaves are changing, the air is crisp which means it is fall. That means that it is pumpkin pie season. Pies can be high in carbs as well as sugar and fat content. Here is a pumpkin pie shake recipe that is a fast and easy healthy alternative. This is one of my favourite recipes that can be used for a post-workout, breakfast, or as a snack. If you love pumpkin flavour anything like I do I promise that this shake won’t disappoint you because this shake isis thick like a milkshake and tastes like a creamy pumpkin pie. Perfect for your fall taste buds.

In a blender combine the following ingredients:

– 3 scoops of pumpkin out of a cone

– 2/3 ice cubes

– 1/2 cup of unsweetened almond milk, coconut milk or any other milk of your choice

– 1 scoop vanilla protein powder

– 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice

– 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

– 1 teaspoon stevia, coconut sugar or sweetener of your choice

– 1/2 of a banana (I prefer frozen)

– 1/2 – 1 tablespoon non-fat plain Greek yogurt

Blend ingredients thoroughly and pour into a glass and enjoy!

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The Uses Of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has many uses. Not only is it good for you but it is also affordable. You can use it as lotion, hair treatment and you can even cook with it.  It is available at most local grocers, walmarts, health food stores and even some pharmacies.

According to Dr. Oz “Studies have show that intake of coconut oil can help our bodies mount resistance to both viruses and bacteria that can cause illness. Even more, it also can help to fight off yeast, fungus and candida.” He goes on to say that “one 2009 study found that women who consumed 30 milliliters (about 2 tablespoons) of coconut oil daily for 12 weeks not only did not gain more weight, but actually had lowered amounts of abdominal fat, a type of fat that is difficult to lose.” These are all very good reasons as to why you should add coconut oil into your diet. The following are some of my favourite uses for coconut oil:

Lotion – Coconut oil is  very moisturizing. It absorbs well and it also has anti-bacterial properties that are good for the skin.

Baking – Slight coconut taste but its not harsh. It is less fat and full of good omegas. That makes it better for your stomach.

Frying – Much healthier to fry foods with coconut oil. It works as a better medium than butter, and it has a higher smoke point than animal based fats.

Butter Replacement – It makes a great spread. Wherever you put butter you can put coconut oil. Eventually you won’t even notice the difference.

Infections – When applied directly to injury sites, it provides a barrier from additional debris/dust/jerms to aid healing.

Energy Booster – Coconut oils contain and excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids which are great for boosting energy. Just put some on a table spoon and enjoy.

Hair Mask/Conditioner – Coconut oils can work as a great deep conditioner for the hair, and you can use it daily, as a rinse out; or weekly as a leave-in, under heat.

Sunscreen – Coconut oil actually contains roughly 5 SPF so if you don’t require a high SPF you can definitely lather on the coconut oil.

Base for Body Scrubs – If you mix coconut oil with sea salt it makes a great exfoliating scrub.

Toothpaste – Mix coconut oil, baking soda and mint extract together. Place a dab a little of the mix on your toothbrush and brush.

Deodorant - You can use coconut oil alone as a deodorant. However, it is more effective with combination of cornstarch/arrowroot powder and baking soda.

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There are a lot of misconceptions about the foods that should be include on the dinner plate. The following are some healthy choices as to what you should include. Make sure it is well rounded and includes multiple food groups. The following foods should be considered as options for an “anytime plate” according to Precision Nutrition. The portions will vary depending on your goals (weight loss, weight gain etc), as well as timing (pre or post workout). More information can be found through the Precision Nutrition Plate Guide.


Drink: Choose water or tea instead of juice or soda as your main beverage.

Leafy Greens and Vegetables: You should choose steamed, raw or roast greens such as lettuce, spinach, cabbage, collards, kale, bok choy, chard, watercress, broccoli, brussel sprouts, asparagus, carrots, green beans, cauliflower, mushrooms, corn, onions, green peas, peppers, zucchini, tomatoes.

Healthy Fats: Seeds, nuts, olives, and avocados. Try to eliminate extracted oils and processed fats (example: margarine).

Whole Grains and Starch Based Vegetables: Some foods include rice, oats, Quinoa, buckwheat, millet, spelt, barley, whole grain pasta. This category also includes beets, parsnips, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and squash. Beans, lentils, soybeans, split peas and tofu are also included in this category.

Lean Meats, Poultry and Fish: Lean ground turkey, lean ground beef, chicken, and fish are all included in this category.

Salt: You should minimize your salt intake by using products with no sodium or low in sodium ingredients. Use salt as a seasoning sparingly. Try and stay inspired and use herbs, spices, vinegars, lemons and limes for seasoning.

For more tips on fitness and healthy eating check out

Alicia Bell is a Toronto based Personal Trainer


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