Have you been searching for an Organic Energy Drink? I was recently sent a brand to try. My friends over at Pilots Friend sent me a case of their product. A clean organic energy tonic. Crafted in Italy by Doctors for Pilots. A blend of 14 natural & organic botanical extracts and fruit juices. The blend is made from 100% natural ingredients.
A lot of people give me slack for drinking energy drinks because of the chemicals in them. Well here is your alternative. None of our ingredients have been genetically modified and no animal by-products have been used. There are natural herbs and plant extracts in it that are organically grown. There is also a varied, finely balanced assortment of caffeine derived from cola nuts and Guarana seeds.
The Ingredients have:
No Artificial Sweeteners
No Taurine
No Artificial Flavours
No Preservative
Since I am on prep and can't taste test it I had Sean do it for me. He said that it tastes natural, fruity and clean. The down side is that the containers for each drink are small but the upside is that they come with a lid. You know how most energy drinks you can't reseal. This had a cool cap that goes on the top so that you can save it for later or reduce spilling if you are walking around or traveling with it in hand or a cup holder!
Thanks so much Pilots Friend for sending me a sample box.
Let me know if you guys try the product and if you liked it!
This week I was invited to a new product launch. The product was for Meta http://www.metawellness.com/ for their new appetite control product. The session was very informative, well set up and interactive.
After a Meta Wellness nutrition specialist (who was very friendly and informative) helped us learn what type of snacker we were we had the opportunity to try the product in an interactive way. We got to make a smoothie with it. Firstly I have been using meta for quite some time in my prep diets for both myself and my clients to get the proper amounts of daily fibre that they need. I have never thought to make it into a smoothie.
There was a cute laid out counter with ingredients and a recipe to follow but they also gave us the option to free style it. Which I chose because Im not allowed any fruit since I am prepping. I put water, ice, spinach and meta. Since meta is orange flavour it was honestly so delicious! I am going to start adding the recipe into my client programs because it was very satisfying.
Orange Smooth Meta Appetite Control is a tasty fiber powder you can add to cold drinks up to 3 times a day with meals.* It’s also available in a delicious Pink Lemonade Quench flavor and an Unflavored Smoothie Enhancer that’s easy to mix into your smoothies—and your daily routine as an appetite suppressant. I can’t wait for these two new flavours to launch in Canada! It is also free of sugar and gluten, Meta Appetite Control is not only healthy—it’s a treat for your taste buds.
is not only healthy—it’s a treat for your taste buds.
Meta Appetite Control has been proven to help you feel less hungry between meals.* Its main ingredient is the super fiber psyllium fiber. It’s a natural fiber that forms a gel in your digestive system, slowing absorption and digestion, which aids in the sensation of fullness and acts as an appetite suppressant.
They gave us a cute little gift bag with the product and our own personal blender! Thanks so much Meta! http://www.metawellness.com
I give this product a 10/10 for the simple fact its a great way to supplement your fibre, curb cravings and it tastes delicious!
Many don't want to admit it, but sugar addiction is real. Scientist and researchers have even been known to say that sugar addictions can be just as strong as drug addiction. As a recovering sugar addict, I can say that the struggle is real, BUT, like with everything, you can free yourself of the cancer causing, weight gaining, leaky gut addiction. Below are 8 tips on things you can start doing TODAY to break the addiction.
Don't worry, they're practical and we can definitely do them together.
#1 Take Responsibility and then control of yourself
Though addictive personalities do exist and sometimes the excitement we receive from eating sugar and bad foods as a result of increased dopamine levels is real, you have to realize that you got yourself here, so it's time to take some responsibility. You can't blame anyone. Remember that if you can't control anything else, you can control the food that you put into your system. One of the first signs of self respect is how you treat your body and how serious you take your health. Eating healthy, exercising and taking care of yourself physically and mentally is a sign of self respect, so take responsibility and control. You do this and I guarantee you that you'll demolish the other tips!
#2 Consume a diet of healthy fats, protein and fiber REGULARLY
Believe it or not, you can cure your sugar addiction just by incorporating certain foods in your diet and taking others out. A healthy meal that can help you kick the addiction should consist of healthy fats, protein and fiber. Each one of these meal components does something to help stabilize your blood sugar levels or insulin levels which will in turn help you to not crave sugary foods.
What are some examples of this food? I'm glad you asked.
You should be eating healthy fats. Examples of these nuts (almonds are a big plus), seeds, olive oil and coconut oil. If you cut bad fats and carbs, your body will not only stop craving sugar but will become a fat burning machine! Who doesn't want that?
You should also consume protein. This means that you can and should be eating meats (try to stick to grass fed and organic... you don't want all of the hormones that are in a lot of meat), seafood like wild caught salmon, eggs and dairy like cheese, greek yogurt and milk. Be careful with your yogurts! A lot of the yogurt on the market is filled with sugar, so it might be best to stick to plain greek yogurt when you start on this journey.
Last but not least, you should also start incorporating more fiber in your diet. You can do this with food or supplements, but of course food is always best. Ways you can increase your fiber is by eating fruits, but the best fruits to eat when you're trying to kick a sugar addiction are berries so strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries. Veggies and beans are a plus as well. You also can rely on chia seeds and flaxseed.
By eating like this, you can balance your insulin levels and conquer your sugar cravings.
#3 STOP eating processed foods
It doesn't take a nutritionist to tell you the horrible effects of eating processed foods. Just look around you. Completely eliminate processed foods or even packaged foods for your diet. Most of them are full of sugar and it goes without saying that you should stop eating processed sugars if you want to take back control of your body. You should be eating whole foods. This means that if something you're eating has an entire list of ingredients, you probably shouldn't be eating it! Instead, trade those processed and packaged foods for whole foods and foods from the ground. Processed foods not only contribute to sugar addiction and weight gain but the chemicals in them can cause depression, mood swings and disease, so completely let them go if you want to kick your sugar addiction.
#4 Decrease your carb intake to only GOOD carbs
Consider doing a white out. No white bread, rice, pastas, grains, etc. That means If you want to completely break yourself of the addiction, you should definitely reduce the carbs that you eat. So say goodbye to the bread, pasta and starches.
#5 Drink teas
Take advantage of shops like DavidsTea, Teavana and your local tea shop or just brew your own. I can personally tell you that teas help with sweet cravings. Train It Right's very own Alicia Bell has been suggesting finding a tea you love to clients for YEARS and it's proven to be super effective.
#6 Take supplements
If you're really struggling, try taking a chromium supplement in addition to a healthy diet! Also, there has been an increased interest in probiotics and rightly so. These days a lot of us are suffering from leaky gut and other gut issues because we have too much bad bacteria in our bodies. Get back on track and balance things out by incorporating a probiotic of your choice to your diet.
#7 Exercise
This is SO important. It's as equally important and effective for your physical as it is your mental. Never forget that exercise is one of the most underutilized antidepressants. Exercise releases the same 'feel good' hormone that's released when you're eating sugary foods, so get the same feeling but way better, lifesaving benefits.
Also, be sure to engage in exercise such as HIIT (which Train It Right has an e-book filled with amazing HIIT workouts), weight training, yoga and pilates. These forms of exercise will help you reduce your sugar cravings.
#8 Educate Yourself
Educating yourself can be the most important tip on this list to kick a sugar addiction. Learn what researchers and physicians have found to cause sugar addiction, the science behind it and continuously learn things that you can do to kick the habit. Make learning and educating yourself on topics that will help you feel better and look better a part of your lifestyle!
Try these out and let us know how your quest to greatness is going in the comments!
10 Foods to Get You In the Mood This Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is rapidly approaching and instead of making reservations to some over-hyped trendy spot, stay in and prepare a “Lover’s Platter” full of indulgent aphrodisiacs. Pop some champagne, get that romantic playlist ready and feast onthese 10 foods to get you in the mood for love this Valentine’s Day. Dr. Christopher Calapai, D.O a New York City Osteopathic Physician board certified in family and anti-aging medicine gives us his interesting insights on these aphrodisiacs.
“Aphrodisiacs are foods that have certain chemical properties that could increase pheromones, estrogen of testosterone, estrogen, heightening our interest in sex,” explains Dr. Calapai.
To be considered a true aphrodisiac the substance must be consumed orally, must reliably increase libido or sexual desire and within minutes. Ok so what are these sexual super foods and what is it about them that lights the fire of desire?
One of the most infamous aphrodisiacs oysters are high in zinc and have a reputation for being great for fertility. Researchers have found that oysters contain amino acids that trigger production of sex hormones. “Oysters offer a lean source of protein to help give you energy all night long. In addition to offering the body zinc, which helps blood flow and nourish sperm, there's scientific evidence that an amino acid found in oysters may directly raise sexual hormone levels," says Dr. Calapai.
With their phallic shape, bananas already look tempting and sensual; but they also contain bromelain, an enzyme, which Dr. Calapai says, triggers testosterone production. The fruit's potassium and vitamin B elevate energy levels and the high sugar content gives the brain a kick! Melt some chocolate to add some sexy decadence.
Honey is made through pollination and secretions of many fertile bees worshipping their queen, just what every woman wants! Drizzled on certain body parts honey can be fun. It has a number of vitamins and it also contains boron, which helps regulate estrogen and testosterone levels and the sweet and sappy sweetness provides a natural energy boost.
Packed with citrulline and lycopene, Watermelon may have a Viagra-like effect on the body, as it relaxes blood vessels and improves circulation. It may even prevent erectile dysfunction. It’s incredibly juicy, sexy and when dipped in chocolate is the perfect flavor explosion.
Pine Nuts
High in energizing zinc and fatty acids, which has been linked to a healthy sex drive, pine nuts are also considered aphrodisiacs because of the effort required to procure these oily gems from pinecones.
This peppery tasting plant has been documented as an aphrodisiac since the first century A.D. “The bite of the aromatic leaf might get you in the mood and the minerals and antioxidants found in dark leafy greens like arugula have also been proven to block environmental contaminates that could negatively harm libido,” explains Dr. Calapai.
Olive oil
Packed with antioxidants, olives and their oil have been used for centuries for health. The Greeks believed they made men more virile as well. “Olive oil is a good source of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are critical for a healthy heart, smooth blood flow and stable hormone production, all needed to keep the brain, prostate and penis in good shape!” says Dr. Calapai.
Eaten by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, the fig has forever paradoxically symbolized both sexuality (the ripe fruit with seeds representing fertility) and modesty (the fig leaf). They are full of potassium and are an antioxidant powerhouse, sweet and delicate when eaten.
These bright gems enclosed in a thick rose-colored husk are filled with tangy sweet antioxidants, which support blood flow and clear thought. One study by The Male Clinic in California found that pomegranate juice had a positive effect on erectile dysfunction.
Chai Tea
Skip the coffee and end the night with a cup of Indian chai tea. The typical spices in this brew include ginger, cloves and cinnamon, all come from exotic places and certainly will get the blood flowing. Since it has almost no caffeine the stimulant effect is less than coffee allowing you and your lover to drift to sleep.
About the Doctor:
Dr. Christopher Calapai, D.O. is an Osteopathic Physician board certified in family medicine, and anti-aging medicine. Proclaimed the "The Stem Cell Guru" by the New York Daily News, Dr. Calapai is a leader in the field of stem cell therapy in the U.S. His stem cell treatments have achieved remarkable results in clinical trials on patients with conditions as varied as Alzheimer's, arthritis, erectile dysfunction, frailty syndrome, heart, kidney and liver failure, lupus, MS and Parkinson's. He has worked with Mike Tyson, Mickey Rourke, Steven Seagal, and Gotham's, Donal Logue; and as a medical consultant for the New York Rangers. Connect with him via twitter @drcalapai or at www.drcal.net
7 Little Self Care Tips for Lazy People to Start Today
Before outlining our seven tips to start today, it is important to mention some key points about human psychology and the difference between goals and processes. Many believe that people are creatures of habit and conditioning, and not just at the mercy of their genes. The significance of this is that routines and procedures can be put into place which become habit over time and then further evolve into an everyday part of your lifestyle. With this in mind there are a number of tips and strategies which can be used in order to get more efficient and steadily progress. By performing habits everyday you can build up momentum such that it is eventually just something you do everyday, as opposed to a "task" which has to be completed
The importance of goal setting is mentioned in practically every single self-improvement manual ever written. Put simply if there are no goals then there will be nothing to work towards. Having a goal gives motivation, the anti-thesis to boredom, which gets you out of bed in the morning. One of the main purposes of life is to achieve goals. Lazy people cannot be lazy if they have goals, as goals are what sets lazy people apart from active, motivated people. Write down your goals and all you want to achieve. Sign it with your name. And stick it onto the wall. This means that your goals are now tangible, and you have committed to achieving them.
A process is something that you will do everyday. A lesser known tip is that in order to reach goals you have to set processes. A goal might be to write a Novel. A process might be to write your novel everyday, or to write 1000 words every day. You cannot fail to achieve a goal if you commit to doing processes everyday, as ultimately your goals will be achieved.
7 Little Self Care Tips for Lazy People to Start Today
The following are Seven self care tips for Lazy people. Some might seem obvious at first, however it is important to bear in mind that not everybody has the same levels of motivation or enthusiasm, and everyone is different. Make use of goals, processes and signatures to put the following tips into action and to integrate them as part of a healthy lifestyle.
Tip One – Exercise
Obviously you need your body in top physical condition. Use the goal/process/signature protocol mentioned above to exercise 3-4 times a week minimum. If you are sitting in front of a desk for 8+ hours a day looking at a computer monitor, then stretching is of the utmost importance, as well as fresh air. Exercise outside is best as nothing can trump fresh air, which will also help you sleep. There are several hit and tips on GGP about how to motivate yourself to work out for extended periods of time.
Tip Two – Unplug
In order to engage in maximum productivity it is best to know how the mind works. Study after study has proven that best results are achieved by 40-50 minutes of focused attention, followed by 10-15 minutes of focused relaxation. Thus even if you feel you could work for longer than 50 minutes it is best to stop for a few minutes, take a few deep breaths, relax completely and utterly and resume work after your relaxation period. Most people actually take their work with them on their break, as their work related thoughts keep replaying in their minds. This is counterproductive. Time off is essential for mental maintenance.
Tip Three – Establish a Healthy Morning Routine
A good breakfast will set you up for the day in terms of what you eat. But a good routine will set you up for the day in all ways. Establish a morning routine which incorporates a period of meditation, eating a healthy breakfast, looking at the goals you need to achieve and saying positive affirmations. This will put you into a positive mind frame for the day instead of just rushing out the door in the mornings in order to beat traffic and make it into work on time.
Tip Four – Skin Care
Skin Care is perhaps the most overlooked area of physical health. The skin is the largest organ in the body. However, little attention is paid to skin care. There are ample opportunities to absorb much needed nutrients through the skin. The shower is completely under utilized and is a prime opportunity to allow vital minerals to soak into your skin. The shower is the ultimate form of skin care. Get an organic, high quality body lotion and just allow it to soak in. Your skin is “eating” the lotion in the same way that the mouth “eats” food. It is also very important to be aware of what types of skin products your skin care regime includes – makeup, sunscreen and hand lotions often contain harmful chemicals. Organic is best.
Tip Five – Eat healthily
This means an increase of fruits and vegetables, and a decrease in animals and animal products. It does not have to be a big deal, you can just give up sugar, alcohol and processed foods at a moment's notice. Simply stop eating them now and put focus towards eating healthy. 21 days is the time it takes to establish a habit. Thus if you can manage to eat a certain food for this time period it will no longer be a strain, it will be incorporated as part of your lifestyle.
Tip Six – Drink Clean Water
Aside from skin care this is perhaps the most overlooked area of physical well being. The advice to drink lots of water is well known. What is perhaps lesser known is that the quality of water indicates if you should be drinking it in the first place. A water meter can be purchased on Amazon for $10. The difference between drinking water with 0 Parts Per Million(PPM) and 200 PPM is quite literally the difference between drinking water that is pure and water that is poisonous. Most bottled water has PPM in the range of 200+. Test your shower water as well as the skin is efficient at absorbing water.
Tip Seven - Destress
Stress is touted often as the main cause of disease and mental illness. There is never any reason to stress. Even if it's a self help tip such as to drink clean water, do not stress if you cannot put the tip in practice right now. Do what you can when you can and don't stress about the rest.
Above are 7 tips which can be put into practice today. Right now. Set out goals immediately and identify what you want and how to achieve it. It is ultimately the only way to conquer laziness and boredom and to achieve your desires.
What’s Not So Sweet About Sugar? - Guest Blog
By now you’ve probably heard that sugar isn’t good for you, but do you know exactly what that means? Many people don’t understand why exactly sugar is detrimental to their health, and they’re not sure how to limit the amount of sugar they consume.
If you want to learn more about sugar’s effect on your brain and body, read on for more information about its harmful effects and tips to avoid it.
Scientists have been telling people for some time that obesity rates are rising in both children and adults, and much of this rise can be attributed to excess sugar in the American diet. Whether it’s soft drinks, pizza, or fast food meals, sugar is added to almost every processed food that people eat. Constant sugar consumption leads to a higher calorie intake, which leads to weight gain.
Even worse, sugar has no nutritional value. There are no vitamins or minerals in sugar and no essential nutrients that contribute to your daily diet. Since you should only eat a limited number of calories each day, making sure all your calories are nutritionally dense and worthwhile is a crucial aspect of a healthy weight.
If it were easy to give up sugar, everyone would do it, but it’s not easy, and for some people, sugar is just as addictive as alcohol or drugs. In fact, for people with addiction issues, lessening their sugar intake isn’t enough. Just like an alcoholic or drug addict, they need to abstain from sugar entirely or risk being pulled back into addiction.
Even if you aren’t addicted to sugar yet, you should definitely be concerned about its addictive properties. Avoid it like you avoid cigarettes or other harmful drugs.
Excess sugar in the diet can lead to Type II diabetes, and it can also be responsible for many other conditions, including:
High blood pressure
Fatty liver disease
Metabolic disorder
Insulin resistance
Don’t forget that sugar also causes tooth decay, which can lead to painful and expensive dental procedures. If you need a little extra encouragement, do an internet search for tooth decay or fatty liver to get a sense of what excess sugar can lead to.
Read Labels
Sugar is hidden everywhere. Without reading the label or requesting nutritional information, you might not know that there’s sugar in many of the products you eat every day including:
Jarred tomato sauce
Canned soup
Fat free salad dressing
Barbecue sauce
Multi grain crackers
Fast food French fries
Educate yourself, so you know all the ingredients in what you’re consuming. Once you know exactly what you’re eating, you’ve taken the first step on your journey to make healthy decisions.
Substituting Fruit
If you have a sweet tooth, try substituting fresh fruit (not dried fruit) for other sugary treats. While fruits may contain sugar, it’s a different type of sugar. More importantly, fruits are nutritionally valuable, unlike simple sugar, and contain many vitamins and minerals. The fruit fiber helps to moderate how the body responds to sugar and blood sugar isn’t spiked so quickly or so high when fruit sugar is introduced with fruit pulp and fiber.
Be aware that fruit juice isn’t the same as whole fruit. While it does have vitamins, it lacks the fiber of whole fruit and often has added sugars as well.
Talk to Someone
Because sugar is in so many foods and has such a strong pull on many people, it might be helpful for you to talk to someone. Whether it’s a psychologist, nutritionist, or life coach, talking to an expert can help you understand the addictive properties of sugar and why it’s so important to cut it out of your life.
Taking a holistic approach to controlling sugar and improving your diet makes sense if you consider that this is a life change to improve your health, not just a temporary diet fix.
Curbing Cravings
Evidence has shown that some natural supplements curb sugar cravings. If you’re not having luck cutting sugar out of your diet on your own because of your intense cravings, try nutritional supplements. Check with your doctor and ask if the following might help you control your sugar cravings:
Eating Better
Now that you have some information regarding the harmful effects of sugar, go ahead and research the ways in which you can live a healthier, less sugary life.
Author Bio:
Carl Turner is a freelance writer and a health enthusiast from Los Angeles, California. With his expertise in health and medicine, he enjoys helping his clients reach their optimal health. When he is not busy with work, he publishes informative articles on news and media outlets around the world.
Looking to eat well? Keep it simple to make it stick
Stock a smart pantry to stay on track
At the start of 2017, many of us vowed that this year would be different. In 2016, we were too busy to grocery shop, our kids turned their nose up at dinner – so we caved and got takeout more than we’d like to admit. But this year it was going to be different. We were going to eat better, take proper care of ourselves and our families, and not fall into the same traps. But chances are old behaviours have already started rearing their heads, prompting many of us to ask: what am I doing wrong?
You’re doing nothing wrong. Contrary to popular belief, it can take anywhere from 18 to over 250 days to form a new habit. Every single one of us operates on a different timeline, which means our environment greatly influences our success. And when it comes to forming new eating habits, what we keep in our kitchen – or put in our pantry – can sway what we actually end up eating.
Not to mention, getting a meal on the table during the week is no easy task. There is a reason why dinnertime has earned the title of the “witching hour.” From picky eaters, to turning into a short-order cook, or being just too tired to shop, these parental pain points have us yearning for a mid-week win. Well, wait no longer. Help is on the way, with the Minute Rice® #WeekdayWin Challenge. Need a 15-minute recipe for a real? A meal your picky eater will actually eat? Our #WeekdayWin network - a community of moms, foodies and family experts - has the answers. For the next eight weeks, our network will uncover the best, mom-endorsed recipes and meal planning tips to solve the most common pain points for Canadian families. Sourced from their community of moms, our network will help families across Canada to create a new habit with simple meals they can feel good about. After all, who knows better than Mom?
So just what are those dinner time dilemmas for parents?
Shop your pantry for that mid-week win.
Recent Canadian Minute Rice® Research confirms that eight-in-ten women (82%) say that when they’re too busy to grocery shop, they rely on a stocked pantry with key items like rice, pasta or olive oil to prepare easy, wholesome meals at home. As much as many of us romanticize the idea of the daily, European-style shop, our busy North-American lives rarely – if ever, during the week – allow for it.
“When you spend as much time online as we do, you can be lured into falsely believing that every meal you make needs to be an original creation, with carefully-sourced ingredients that were bought day-of,” says family food blogger and #WeekdayWin Network member Julie Albert, who co-founded Bite Me More with her sister Lisa Gnat. “We love cooking like that occasionally, but we can’t do that every day. Our pantries are packed with simple basics that we can quickly match up with a few other ingredients to satisfy our families when we have lots of other things going on,” echoes Lisa.
Kid Friendly meals? The struggle is real.
Every parent has experienced it in one form or another – the long-faced, pouty-lipped expression coupled with an “I don’t want to eat this” (or on worse days a “you can’t make me.”) Minute Rice’s study reveals that nearly four-in-ten parents admit to struggling to find kid-friendly meals their family will eat, and 36% avoid dinnertime altercations altogether by preparing a different meal or dinner for their kids than they do for the adults.
If the adults want fish and veggies with rice, it’s easy enough to substitute scrambled eggs in place of fish, or fruit in place of veggies, without having to create a second full meal from scratch. Interestingly also, a person’s willingness to do this may somewhat depend on where they live: the research shows that people in Ontario are almost twice as likely to customize meals for kids as those from the Prairies.
“Between school, work, and activities many parents have limited time with their kids these days,” says Julie. “Many simply don’t want to spend family time fighting over dinner. Pantry ingredients like instant rice allow for easily adaptable meals that every member of the family can enjoy.”
In keeping with these sentiments, the majority of women (79%) feel that meals they can make at home in 15 minutes, with fewer ingredients, make their life easier during the week. And simple ingredients can help solve that dinnertime dilemma.
Wholesome doesn’t have to be pricy.
The study also revealed that 67% of Canadians want their family to eat wholesome and natural foods, but they feel it’s expensive to do so consistently. In reality, it doesn’t have to be. There are many wholesome foods available that don’t cost an arm and a leg – and many of them can live in your cupboard, which can come as a surprise to some Canadians.
For example, half of us don’t know that instant rice is simply rice that’s been partially pre-cooked, a fact men and women equally agree on. One in four of us admit to not knowing what instant rice is at all.
“Rice is a grain we’ve been eating for thousands of years, that is simple, delicious, naturally fat-free, gluten-free, and non-perishable,” says Norma D’Onofrio, Senior Brand Manager, Minute Rice. “Our instant rice is just rice that’s been partially pre-cooked and dried so that people can save time at home. No additives, and it’s just one ingredient. It’s really that simple.”
This means that those who stock their pantry with staples such as instant rice are in a position to save cooking-time, while also eating a wholesome grain that’s been around for ages.
“Once you’ve decided that rice is going to be a part of the family meal, you only have to select a veggie and a protein to complete your plate,” says Lisa. “A simple solution is imagining your meal in terms of ‘thirds’. Pairing a grain, a serving of vegetables and a protein – like beef or chicken – can be your family’s formula to making dinner time easy in three simple steps.”
What’s your #WeekdayWin?
Most Canadians decide what’s for dinner about an hour before they start cooking, and when you’re in the middle of your busy week, it’s fair to assume that creativity is waning. So start your year off right by following #WeekdayWin for our network’s inspiration, tips, and the winning mom-tested recipes tasted and scored by our network of savvy moms and Canadian families. And there’s more. This February 8th, Bite Me More will provide some mid-week inspiration on our Facebook Live debut which tackles 15 minute meals (for real). Need further motivation? Visit MinuteRice.ca for versatile, delicious and easy 1-2-3 meal ideas and see our network in action.
You’ll soon get used to the satisfaction of consistently getting a meal on the table that’s good for your family – and that you can feel good about serving. Achieved your first Weekday Win? Celebrate with us and share your #WeekdayWin to inspire others. We’ll bask in your glory, and you may even have the opportunity to be showcased on our site.
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About Minute Rice: Made by the Catelli Foods Corporation, Minute Rice pre-cooked instant rice is available in tastes and formats that suit all palates. Wholesome, 100% Natural, Premium Long Grain White Rice; Premium Whole Grain Brown Rice - that’s ready in ten minutes; convenient Ready to Serve Cups; flavourful Basmati and Jasmine varieties. For more information, visit MinuteRice.ca.
About the Research Study:
A survey of 1578 Canadians was completed online between November 28th and December 1st 2016 using Leger’s online panel, LegerWeb. A probability sample of the same size would yield a margin of error of +/-2.5%, 19 times out of 20.
We've all seen the post on Instagram that says a Sunday well spent brings a week of content. We over here at Train It Right couldn't help but agree! Sunday's are a great day to relax, reset and get ready for the work week ahead. But like many, you're probably on a journey of health and fitness. Eating clean and sticking to a plan can be one of the hardest parts of your journey. The best way to combat failure in this is planning and prepping. Though there are many food prep companies (and they are great) prepping your own food can be simpler and easier than you think.
Here are a few tips to help you ease into prepping your own food:
* Create a grocery list based on your food plan and shop the day before prepping
* Lay out all of your containers
- Use your open counter space to house your containers and place the food in the containers as you go. So when your spinach is ready go ahead and ration it out for each meal as you go.
* Cook all at once
- The cool thing about a full kitchen is several appliances. Example... You can bake your fish or and chicken in the oven while cooking your sides such as spinach, kale, broccoli and more on the stove top. Multitasking at its finest!
- You can also make use of the racks in the oven and bake several items at once. Just keep strict watch of the timer.
* Wash the dishes as you go
- This helps with clean up which speeds up the process. A secret of all chefs!
*Remember why you're doing it
- Lets face it, some of us just don't like to cook. With that being said, remember why you're investing the time now. Not only are you sticking to your meal plan to ensure you meet your goals, but you're saving time and money!
Happy meal prepping.
So this in between time that I had from the end of my last competition until starting my new prep at 21 weeks out was strange. For so long I had always had a meal plan to follow with a cheat given to me every weekend. It was a pattern. I had gotten use to it. I enjoyed it. Although for quite some time I have to admit I was resistant to it. In the beginning I felt deprived. And honestly I look back at it and it was mostly because I follow a lot of IIFYM people online. Although I am a firm believer there is not just one way to achieve goals IIFYM is not for everyone. For me personally - Following Macros is great if you like flexibility, are good with numbers and are organized. I also find that a lot of IIFYM focus more on macros and not micros and personally I think its ridiculous to count vegetables as carbs. I don't even track vegetables. ANYWAYYYY enough ranting....Eating Healthy And On A Plan Is Empowering.
Why? Because I know what I need to eat, when I need to eat it and exactly how much. Ive never been good with numbers so I don't have to stress out about them. I don't have to calculate and take time out of my day to figure out meals. But for me its also helpful in a social setting. I can order exactly what I need. I can also easily pack meals for travel. Its simple. My coach does the work and I do the work in the real world.
Its also empowering. How? I go to events or a restaurant I have self control and make healthy choices based on my plan. I also find it more rewarding to follow my plan all week and reward myself with a cheat on the weekends. Its even better to enjoy the cheat with my boyfriend than shoving some terrible snack down my throat. Its simple: follow the plan. Get the results. Deviating from the plan you are only cheating yourself.
I was at one vent recently and saw all these people eating multiple muffins because they were labelled "organic" and "healthy." This was probably furthest from the truth though. All I could think of was yummmmmy but then I thought "you know what...abs are more of a reward than the quick little taste." Health over quick satisfaction with no rewards is so powerful. Was I always like this? No. It takes mental toughness. Am I sometimes weak? Yes. Im not perfect. But when I make the best decision I am a happier and healthier person.
If you need help and are willing to follow a plan I am precision nutrition certified and would love to help you reach your goals. Send me an email: alicia@trainitright.com or head on over to my site: www.trainitright.com/contact
I came home earlier this month to find an amazing box at my door. It was from penguin books. At first I was a bit confused as I had not ordered any books. Brought it upstairs and to my surprise it was a care package from Joyous Health.
It was not only her brand new book Joyous Detox but it was an entire package that included essentials to help me with my detox! Talk about a surprise package! The book includes 100 gluten-free, dairy-free, refined sugar-free, detox-friendly recipes! Joy is previously known for her best seller Joyous Health.
About her new book:
It is actually a complete plan and cookbook. She wrote this book in order to share with the readier how easy and delicious it is to detox naturally by following a whole foods based diet that emphasizes detox-friedly foods. It gives your body a break from gluten, dairy, sugar, food additives and junk foods that can have a negative effect on your digestion, energy levels and even beauty.
*You may even notice that your hair is shinier and your skin glows more from just 10 days of following the meal plan that is outlines on page 88 in the book*
The care page that she sent me included:
Joyous Detox Tea
Smooth Like Butta Body Butter
Lovely Lavender Deodorant Stick
Limp Treatment Balm
Dry Skin Brush
Joyous Detox Tea: Her detox tea is a handcrafted organic blend of carefully selected ingredients to support your digestive system, especially your liver. This will enhance detoxification.
Smooth Like Butta Body Butter: It is so clean your an eat the ingredients. And it smells amazing. By far my fav body butter to date.
Lovel Lavender Deodorant Stick: Her natural deodorant contains clinically proven sage extract to keep things stink free. It is formulated for sensitive skin and contains no chemicals.
Lip Treatment Balm: Firstly this is so tasty! Its also certified organic.
Dry Skin Brush: Dry skin brushing is an essential to your health, beauty and detoxification as brushing your teeth. This totally natural body brush is the perfect coarseness and you will feel instantly invigorated and rejuvenated!
Thank you so much Joy for the care package! I truly appreciate the gesture! And good luck with your new book! I know it is going to be another best seller!