300 Best Blender Recipes Using Your Vitamix - Book Review

For those of you who are blessed enough to own a vitamin you know that you can do so much more than make smoothies. Even picky eaters can learn to consume healthy foods when they are blended. Making your own gives you control over what goes into your body!

Vitamix is one of if not the most versatile mixer/blender that exists right now. Its powerful, fast and is incredibly easy to use. You can make smoothies, bread, pancakes or even muffins with flour!

The author Robin Abel has created an extensive collection of innovative recipes that will help you get the most out of your vitamix. There are tons of healthy recipes for delicious dishes from breakfasts to sauces, dips, spreads, nut butters, dressings, ice creams, milkshakes, cocktails, spice blends, dips, baby foods and even desserts. The bet part? There is even a bonus chapter on skin treatments, scrubs, masks and lotions.

Robin the author also includes useful information about your appliance, from the differences a month the different series to tips and techniques that demonstrate how you can turn your vitamix into an invaluable workhorse in your home kitchen.

So far I have only had the chance to try a few of the recipes because I am about to start prep again from provincials. I also don't have a vitamix so I had to use the ninja that I have. So obviously I didn't get the full effect. However I loved the mixed berry probiotic blast on page 228. Probiotics are very important for health and your digestive tract (if you didn't know).

You can purchase your copy here:



200 Best Smoothie Bowl Recipes by Alison Lewis - Book Review

If you are like me and you hate drinking your calories a smoothie bowl sounds like a much better option. You literally can make anything into a smoothie bowl.  Author Alison Lewis is also an internationally published author of two cookbooks, a professional recipe developer, nutritionist, and the owner of Ingredients Inc., a food and travel media company based in Birmingham, Alabama. So when it comes to food she definitely knows her stuff.

From reviewing thats amazing book I have learned how simple it is to prepare a smoothie bowl. I incorporate a lot of her recipes into my client programs when they get sick of shakes or for a great late night snack. They can be very satisfying and satiating. This book was originally published back in April but because of my prep I was unable to make use of it until now!

The book has easy to make recipes that don't involve a lot of complicated ingredients, and it even includes kid friendly recipes. She also gives you topping alternatives and options. You can get as creative as you want on top of the base. There are yummy dessert recipes, any time of the day recipes and even smoothie bowls with coffee and tea as the base. And if you follow my social media you will know that I love both my coffee and my tea! So you know those are some of my favourite recipes. Another one of my favourite recipes that she includes is what she calls the Peanut Butter Cup. It's on page 99 in the kid-friendly smoothie bowls. Be careful it is addictive!

Overall I give this book an 8/10. There are some really great healthy ideas for smoothie bowls. I wish that there was calorie counts and macros for those of us who do competition prep or track macros. And there are a lot of great recipes but no pictures to go with the recipes and I love a book that shows me beautiful photography along with the great recipe! I would suggest getting this book and adding it to your collection for fun meal prep ideas! Especially if you have kids!

To purchase the book from amazon:



150 Best Recipes For Cooking In Foil - Book Review

Foil packet meals = cooking at its simple best

I couldn't agree more with the above statement. As you guys know I am a fitness competitor and prepping meals is a huge part of my nutrition when I am on prep. It can be very time consuming. That means I am always looking for quick and simple recipes to get my food ready so I have more time for training. I also want them to taste good. I don't limit my sodium on prep so I flavour everything! And foil packets are so much fun, easy, and help create amazing flavours with your ingredients. They can also be prepared for oven, bbq or even camping!

This book: 150 Best Recipes For Cooking In Foil by Marilyn Haugen has quickly become one of my favourites for preparing meals! The delicious grilling and one recipes offer convenience with minimal cleanup. I hate cleaning so this is tremendously helpful for me. Its also great for the busy person who doesn't have a lot of time. Many of the dishes I ate ahead of time and refrigerate or freeze for reheat later.

I also like that the ingredients that she uses for her recipes are easy to find every day ingredients. You just chop, mix and you are ready to go. I make mine in the oven but you aren't just limited to the oven with these recipes which is particularly useful no matter what your cooking situation is.

I give this book an 8/10 simply because it is in black and white and not every recipe has a photo. However every recipe that I have tried has been amazing! So grateful to have been sent this book!

If you're looking for your own copy check out: https://www.amazon.ca/Foil-Packet-Cooking-Recipes-Grilling-ebook/dp/B01GZB1YDY

150 Best Meals In A Jar - Tanya Linton - Book Review

I love mason jars! I have always said that "everything tastes better in a mason jar." And it does! Thats why I was excited to receive this book 150 Best Meals In A Jar. Once you start using mason jars you will see just how easy it is to do meal prep, eat on the go. You can even be as innovative as you want with the recipes. There really are no limits.

The book has a wide variety of delicious meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It includes soups, snacks, fruit and vegetable salads, grain and legume salads, pastas, rice bowls, over night oats and even desserts.

My favourites are the over night oats. I always love including that into my own plans as well as my clients. One of my top fav recipes is the chocolate protein smoothie that is on pg 19.

The recipes are easy to follow, have great ingredients that are easily available and most often times you already have in your panty. Tanya Linton also provides great variations of the recipes so you aren't limited to exactly what she has in the originally recipe.

Overall I give this book an 8/10. There arent pictures of each recipe but there are just so many amazing options and variations its a go to book for meal prep. If you are into health and fitness and want amazing healthy recipes this is a go to!

To purchase your own copy head on over to:


Hey Guys! Do you have picky eaters in your family? If you said yes to that question you definitely need to pick up this book! Sneaky Blends by Missy Chase Lapine, the New York Times -Bestselling Author of the sneaky chef has cooked up another great recipe book.

I was sent this book a while ago and since I was on prep and following a meal plan it was hard for me to implement some of these recipes. Now that I have a little more flexibility in my diet I have been experimenting with them quite a bit. I even think that I have found a way to include them into my next prep.

The book was originally launched in September 2016 and retails at $19.99 US and $26.99 Canadian. This book includes recipes for 15 base blends, 75 mouth watering dishes, each using a base blend and also Missy's custom blends cleanse which is a 3 day body reboot. She gives you good tips and tricks on how to start blending and there are amazing pictures of all of the blends!

You don't even have to have picky eaters in your household. I would recommend this book to kick start your own health and help transform your body. Almost everyone has a blender and why no use it to blend your way to better health. This book has 100 sneaky blend recipes that help teach you the power of purees. With recipes you could never dream up yourself Missy will have you craving the most unique combinations.

Why does blending help with your health goals? A study at Pennsylvania State University found that swapping vegetable blends for some of the more high caloric ingredients in recipes helped participants eat 357 fewer calories each day. Thats 2, 500 calories a week!

I give this book a 10/10 and I think it is a must have in every house hold. It will give you tons of variety and options for your meal prep!

Want to know more? Visit https://www.thesneakychef.com/sneakyblends/


Juice Guru - Transform Your Life By Adding One juice A Day - Book Review

I know we have all had our fair share of juices. But buying in a store can be fairly expensive. If you have the luxury of your own juicer or you happen to have gotten gifted one for Christmas even better. Did you know that almost 90% of us don't get the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables in our diet? With busy lifestyles these days its often hard to eat the right amount of veggies. Juicing definitely makes it easier.

I would highly recommend the Juice Guru book by Steve & Julie Prusssack if you are new to juicing and want to have a book on hand to use.  By following the straightforward guidelines in the book, you will take a huge step in transforming your health. It will also help you learn how to apply the science of habit so that juicing becomes an enjoyable practice you adopt for life rather than a short term experiment.

This book demystifies juicing and will help you incorporate this regimen into your daily lifestyle. It includes a 21 day plan that will help you get started that has 100 flavourful fruit and vegetable juices.

Ive tried quite a few of the recipes in this book. Mostly the veggie ones as I don't eat a lot of fruit on prep. One of my favs was the Nothin' But Greens which can be found on page 119 in the power greens section of the book! Give it a try and let me know how you liked it!

The book is available on amazon for purchase:





Many aspects of facial and body aging are inevitable and a fact of life. However, there are daily habits, motions and actions that we do that unnecessarily accelerate the aging process. While we are very fortunate to have so many non invasive advances in plastic surgery, many of them would not be necessary at younger ages if we negated some of the behaviors that cause wrinkles to appear prematurely. Dr. John Zannis is a New Bern, North Carolina board Certified Plastic Surgeon who breaks down some of these “off limits” behaviors.

Tanning Beds

Despite skin cancer warning labels and common sense, 45 percent of young women surveyed in a February 2014 study revealed they still use tanning beds. Here’s your wakeup call: Tanning beds blast you with 12- to 15-times more ultraviolet radiation than the sun, which means you’re that much more likely to get wrinkles, dark spots, thick leathery skin and cancer. And that cancer could be the deadly kind: Melanoma is one of the most common cancers diagnosed among young women, with more than 32,000 women expected to be diagnosed in the coming years.


Alcohol is a natural diuretic, so the more you drink, the more dehydrated you become. Dr. Zannis states that, “besides sapping the natural moisture from your skin, excessive alcohol also triggers rosacea outbreaks and exacerbates fine lines, acne, and wrinkles, all of which instantly make you look older. You don't have to swear off the bottle altogether, but by drinking less, your liver doesn't have to work as hard to flush out toxins and impurities from your body, and when it works more efficiently, you'll see the results in your skin.”


It’s certainly no secret that smoking is bad for your health. But did you know it’s bad for your looks, too? Dr. Zannis says that, “studies show that in addition to shortening your life by increasing your risk for heart and lung disease, smoking can activate enzymes that break down the elasticity of your skin. Even if you’re a closet smoker, the fine wrinkles and pallor that cigarettes cause can give you away — just one more reason to snuff out those smokes.”


You sleep with your face in the pillow

Sleeping on your stomach or on your side with your face smashed into the pillow can create wrinkles and accelerate aging. "The connective tissue and collagen in your face becomes weaker and less supportive with age," says Dr. Zannis. "So when you sleep on the same side of your face night after night, your skin won't smooth out or spring back as quickly as it did when you were young." Those crease lines from your pillow can become permanent. Sleep on your back or invest in a satin pillowcase to keep skin smooth.


Cleaning facial skin  too thoroughly.

After a long day, you want to get all the dirt, grease, and grime out of your pores by any means necessary, but this is a mistake that could cost your skin its youthful suppleness and glow. "When people use harsh soap in order to get a squeaky clean feel, they strip their skin of its natural oils and accentuate fine lines," says Dr. Zannis. Stick to a gentle cleanser and don't scrub, your skin will thank you later.

Aggressively removing your eye makeup.

Taking off your makeup at night is important, but you should do it gently. The last thing you want to do is rub, tug, or scrap the skin around your eyes to get that last little bit of mascara off. "You can cause broken blood vessels and puffiness," warns Dr. Zannis.

Sipping Through A Straw

“Yes, repeated straw drinking causes people to purse their lips and can create wrinkles from the repetitive muscle motion,” says Dr. Zannis. He adds, “Much like repeated frowning causes wrinkles on the upper face.”


Meet Dr. John Zannis - New Bern, NC Plastic Surgeon



Dr. Zannis is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. He was born in Cincinnati, Ohio and studied Human Biology and Studio Art at Stanford University prior to entering Medical School. He obtained his Doctor of Medicine degree (M.D.) from the University of Cincinnati College Of Medicine.


After medical school, Dr. Zannis received his formal training in General Surgery and Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina under the guidance of world-renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Louis Argenta. During this time, he performed over 5,000 surgical procedures and covered all aspects of plastic surgery including cosmetic surgery of the face and body, complex reconstructive procedures of face and body, cleft lip and palate surgery, hand surgery, facial and jaw fracture repair, and reconstruction following massive weight loss. He has given numerous national academic presentations and keeps abreast of the latest technologies in Plastic Surgery at symposia across the country.


His studies in art and art history in Florence, Italy cultivated a passion for the Renaissance and geniuses of that time such as Leonardo DaVinci. Dr. Zannis instills artistry and perfectionism into his practice of surgery. His keen interest in procedures like rhinoplasty stem from their sculptural nature and the challenge they pose: “Rhinoplasty is considered one of the most difficult surgeries to master.

The slightest adjustment to the nose’s framework can have a significant effect. The true challenge is knowing what needs to be altered and improving the aesthetics, without changing the uniqueness and personality of someone’s face.”


Outside of medicine, Dr. Zannis enjoys spending time with his wife and three children. He has a passion for travel, languages, painting, and guitars. “When I’m not operating or spending time with my family, I retreat to my workshop.”


HelloFresh Canada expands nationwide


HelloFresh Canada is now delivering its healthy and convenient meal kits from coast to coast, to help all Canadians answer that age-old question: “What’s for dinner?”

“The entire team is proud of the progress we’ve made in just six months since our launch. We’ve received overwhelmingly positive feedback from our current customers in Ontario, and we’re certain people across the country will soon see the benefits of our meal kits,” said Ian Brooks, Managing Director, HelloFresh Canada. “This expansion reinforces our mission to provide nutritious, tasty meals to Canadians.”


HelloFresh’s unique culinary experience streamlines meal preparation by sending at-home cooks inspirational recipes and pre-measured, pre-chopped ingredients to make meals from scratch in 30 minutes or less. HelloFresh takes care of the meal planning, shopping, measuring, and delivery, leaving time for the fun parts: cooking and eating!


The service is simple – customers visit HelloFresh.ca, or download the app on Android or iOS. From there they choose their subscription option (Pronto Plan or Family Plan), and select their meals for the upcoming week. Meals are delivered weekly on Tuesdays and Wednesdays directly to customers’ doorsteps, packed in state-of-the-art boxes to ensure each delivery arrives fresh.


Recipes are developed in the HelloFresh test kitchen by an in-house culinary team headed by Irene Ngo. The meal kits contain seasonal ingredients, along with step-by-step recipes and nutritional information.


“We love sharing the joy of cooking every day in a way that is approachable and rewarding. We believe that healthy eating patterns start in the home, and our kits get Canadians started with easy and delicious recipes, and high-quality ingredients,” said Ngo.  “Our recipes explore new flavours and deliver crowd favourites, and get people on the path to healthy eating.”


The globally renowned organization first launched in Ontario, in June 2016, and will now reach nine provinces, excluding Quebec. The company continues to adapt its services to meet the ever-growing demand for “cook from scratch” meals. Subscribers globally are rediscovering the joy of food with HelloFresh by preparing healthy, tasty meals they can be proud to place on the dinner table. Canadian meal kits start at just $10.85 per plate. Visit HelloFresh.ca for all the available options.


Twitter: @HelloFreshCA

Facebook: Facebook.com/HelloFresh

Instagram: @HelloFreshCA



About HelloFresh

HelloFresh currently operates in the USA, the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Australia, Austria, Switzerland, and Canada. HelloFresh delivered 22.1 million meals in the 3-month period up to 30 September 2016, to about 850,000 subscribers. HelloFresh was founded in November 2011, and is based in Berlin.


Additional offices are located in New York, London, Amsterdam, Zurich, Sydney, and Toronto. Current investors include Baillie Gifford, Insight Venture Partners, Phenomen Ventures, Rocket Internet, and Vorwerk Direct Selling Ventures.

Burnbrae Farms: EGG Creations – Recipes


Scrambled Vegetarian Hash Brown Pizza

PREP TIME: 10 min.

MAKES: 1 pizza, 10 slices


1 pkg (500g) Egg Creations Fat Free Garden Veggie

1 cup (250 mL) cooked diced potatoes (1 leftover baked potato)

½ cup (125 mL) black beans, rinsed and drained

Veggies and herbs of your choice (diced tomatoes, diced sweet peppers, diced avocado, corn kernels, chopped basil or cilantro)

1 cup (250 mL) shredded mozzarella cheese

Ranch dressing, to serve


1. Grease a large frying pan with cooking spray and heat over medium heat.

2. Add Egg Creations Fat Free Garden Veggie eggs, diced potatoes, black beans, veggies and herbs of your choice and season well with salt and pepper. Let cook, covered, until almost set, about 7 min.

3. Top with mozzarella cheese, cover and continue cooking for 2-3 min., until cheese has melted. Remove from heat and let stand 5 min. Transfer to a cutting board and slice into 10 slices. Pack for lunches or grab for breakfast on the go. Serve with ranch dressing as a dipping sauce and top with extra herbs, if desired.


* Feel free to add different vegetables like sliced mushrooms, chopped asparagus and diced eggplant.

* Try adding different types of cheese or a combination of cheeses like shredded cheddar and Havarti.

* This hash brown pizza is delicious cold. You can make in advance and eat cold for lunch or re-heat slices in the microwave.

Burnbrae Farms: EGG Creations – Recipeseggy-ramen

Ramen Egg Cups

PREP TIME: 10 min.



2 x 85g ramen noodles, cooked according to package directions

Egg Creations Whole Eggs Original Mushroom & Spinach

1 tbsp (15 mL) soy sauce

1 tsp (5 mL) hot sauce, plus extra to serve

¼ cup (60 mL) sliced green onions, plus extra to serve


1. Grease well a 12-cup muffin tin with cooking spray. Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C).

2. Place cooked ramen noodles in a large bowl. Pour over Egg Creations Whole Eggs Original Mushroom & Spinach. Stir to combine. Equally divide noodles into prepared muffin tin, letting excess egg drip back into bowl. Leave a dip in the middle of each noodle “nest” using your hands. Place in the oven and bake 5 min., to set noodles.

3. To remaining Egg Creations Original Mushroom & Spinach add soy sauce, hot sauce and green onions. Divide egg mixture between ramen “nests”. Continue to bake in oven until egg has completely set, 10 – 12 min. Remove egg cups from muffin tin, using a butter knife to loosen edges if necessary.

4. Top with extra hot sauce and a sprinkle of extra green onions, if using before serving.


* Use leftover spaghetti noodles instead of ramen noodles.

* Try adding a drop of sesame oil and a sprinkle of sesame seeds to ramen cups.

* Replace green onions with chopped cilantro or chopped fresh basil.