Lets Talk Carbohydrates And Individuality

Carbohydrates are only used in the body for energy while fats and proteins are used for production of hormones, cell membranes AND energy. What most people don’t realize is that this means the intake of carbohydrates should correlate with the amount of exercise that you do in a day.
When you have a high intake of carbohydrates such as white bread and refined sugars it causes your blood sugar levels to rise and will then cause hormonal changes in the body that causes most of us to become unhealthy and store fat. In children it has also been linked to ADHD, mental health issues, development of diabetes and obesity.
While there is some controversy regarding the amount of food an individual should eat from each of the four food groups to maintain a healthy diet, one should also keep in mind that each person has individual nutritional needs (i.e. athletes versus non-athletes, diabetics versus non-diabetics). These differences mean that one diet will have a very different effect on different individuals. This means that the required carbohydrate intake will vary from one person to another and is largely determined by the amount of lean muscles and the amount of daily exercise. It is suggested to make sure that your diet includes but is not limited to lots of lean meat, fish, eggs and is combined with lots of dark green vegetables.
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Oil Up - Why You Should Use Olive Oil

The traditional cooking ingredient our parents and grand parents use to cook and bake with was butter. There are a lot of alternatives in todays market for using to cook other than butter. Even though butter is very flavourful it has a high fat content and is not a healthy choice. You can substitute butter with many things. Some of the alternatives include margarine, coconut oil, and sesame seed oil just to name a few. Another alternative to baking things with butter is by using olive oil instead. Olive oil is one of the many healthy alternatives and one of my favourites.
Why should you use olive oil for baking and cooking?
Olive oil is an acquired taste. Especially if you are switching from rich creamy butter. Take your time and slowly start introducing it into your baking and cooking. Eventually you will stop noticing the difference and enjoy it just as much as you enjoyed butter. Your body and heart will also thank you later for making the switch.
Besides olive oil being a healthier alternative you should use it for baking and cooking because It may help to fight cravings and suppress appetite. A study recently conducted concluded that serotonin levels were raised in participants when they ingested olive oil with yogurt. Why is this significant for you? Because serotonin is a hormone that tells your body that you are full. This means olive oil has high satiety. This keeps you fuller longer than most cooking substances. Olive oil does this by containing compounds that can slow down your glucose absorption and keep you fuller longer.
It is also affordable and comes in all sorts of brands, types and sizes. So go ahead and pick up some olive oil and start swapping your butter for it when you bake or cook.
Follow Alicia Bell on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/trainitright
It’s leaves are changing, the air is crisp which means it is fall. That means that it is pumpkin pie season. Pies can be high in carbs as well as sugar and fat content. Here is a pumpkin pie shake recipe that is a fast and easy healthy alternative. This is one of my favourite recipes that can be used for a post-workout, breakfast, or as a snack. If you love pumpkin flavour anything like I do I promise that this shake won’t disappoint you because this shake isis thick like a milkshake and tastes like a creamy pumpkin pie. Perfect for your fall taste buds.
In a blender combine the following ingredients:
– 3 scoops of pumpkin out of a cone
– 2/3 ice cubes
– 1/2 cup of unsweetened almond milk, coconut milk or any other milk of your choice
– 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
– 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
– 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
– 1 teaspoon stevia, coconut sugar or sweetener of your choice
– 1/2 of a banana (I prefer frozen)
– 1/2 – 1 tablespoon non-fat plain Greek yogurt
Blend ingredients thoroughly and pour into a glass and enjoy!
Follow Alicia on Twitter for more great recipes and health and fitness tips.
- See more at: http://livingcivil.com/pumpkin-protein-shake-recipe/#sthash.XjMdV96X.dpuf
The Uses Of Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has many uses. Not only is it good for you but it is also affordable. You can use it as lotion, hair treatment and you can even cook with it. It is available at most local grocers, walmarts, health food stores and even some pharmacies.
According to Dr. Oz “Studies have show that intake of coconut oil can help our bodies mount resistance to both viruses and bacteria that can cause illness. Even more, it also can help to fight off yeast, fungus and candida.” He goes on to say that “one 2009 study found that women who consumed 30 milliliters (about 2 tablespoons) of coconut oil daily for 12 weeks not only did not gain more weight, but actually had lowered amounts of abdominal fat, a type of fat that is difficult to lose.” These are all very good reasons as to why you should add coconut oil into your diet. The following are some of my favourite uses for coconut oil:
Lotion – Coconut oil is very moisturizing. It absorbs well and it also has anti-bacterial properties that are good for the skin.
Baking – Slight coconut taste but its not harsh. It is less fat and full of good omegas. That makes it better for your stomach.
Frying – Much healthier to fry foods with coconut oil. It works as a better medium than butter, and it has a higher smoke point than animal based fats.
Butter Replacement – It makes a great spread. Wherever you put butter you can put coconut oil. Eventually you won’t even notice the difference.
Infections – When applied directly to injury sites, it provides a barrier from additional debris/dust/jerms to aid healing.
Energy Booster – Coconut oils contain and excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids which are great for boosting energy. Just put some on a table spoon and enjoy.
Hair Mask/Conditioner – Coconut oils can work as a great deep conditioner for the hair, and you can use it daily, as a rinse out; or weekly as a leave-in, under heat.
Sunscreen – Coconut oil actually contains roughly 5 SPF so if you don’t require a high SPF you can definitely lather on the coconut oil.
Base for Body Scrubs – If you mix coconut oil with sea salt it makes a great exfoliating scrub.
Toothpaste – Mix coconut oil, baking soda and mint extract together. Place a dab a little of the mix on your toothbrush and brush.
Deodorant - You can use coconut oil alone as a deodorant. However, it is more effective with combination of cornstarch/arrowroot powder and baking soda.
Follow Alicia on Twitter: www.twitter.com/trainitright
How I fight My Sugar Cravings

Do you have a sweet tooth? Are you constantly sabotaging your fitness goals by giving in to your cravings? I love chocolate and sweets. I use to spend hours in the gym working out only to be craving chocolate or candy after my workouts. I had little or no self control. Everyone can benefit from fighting those sweet cravings with tea instead of a high calorie sweets.
What type of tea can help with sweet cravings?
It is all about personal preference. One day I was out shopping with a friend and we went into a specialty tea store called DAVIDS TEA. This store has every type of tea imaginable. It doesn’t matter if you are craving sweet, bitter, salty they can find the tea for you. They also carry every type of tea roobios, black, green and many more types. You can choose caffeinated or decaffeinated. The options are endless. Even if your neighborhood doesn’t have a Davids Tea you can order online or visit a local tea shop for similar options.

Why is tea good for you?
Scientists have found that the antioxidants in green tea extract increase the body’s ability to burn fat as fuel, reduce waist circumference and lower your BMI. Scientists have also found that drinking tea could help reduce the risk of heart attacks, lower risk of Parkinson’s disease, help prevent against cardiovascular disease, and help combat certain types of cancer. What is even more important is that tea is hydrating to the body (even caffeinated tea as opposed to coffee).
If you find the tea that you choose is not sweet enough you can add natural sweeteners like stevia, agave or even a bit of honey instead of sugar. My favorite tea is called “red velvet” and it tastes just as delicious as the cake. When I am craving something sweet it hits the spot. I add in some coconut milk and it is almost as good as the real thing.
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There are a lot of misconceptions about the foods that should be include on the dinner plate. The following are some healthy choices as to what you should include. Make sure it is well rounded and includes multiple food groups. The following foods should be considered as options for an “anytime plate” according to Precision Nutrition. The portions will vary depending on your goals (weight loss, weight gain etc), as well as timing (pre or post workout). More information can be found through the Precision Nutrition Plate Guide.
Drink: Choose water or tea instead of juice or soda as your main beverage.
Leafy Greens and Vegetables: You should choose steamed, raw or roast greens such as lettuce, spinach, cabbage, collards, kale, bok choy, chard, watercress, broccoli, brussel sprouts, asparagus, carrots, green beans, cauliflower, mushrooms, corn, onions, green peas, peppers, zucchini, tomatoes.
Healthy Fats: Seeds, nuts, olives, and avocados. Try to eliminate extracted oils and processed fats (example: margarine).
Whole Grains and Starch Based Vegetables: Some foods include rice, oats, Quinoa, buckwheat, millet, spelt, barley, whole grain pasta. This category also includes beets, parsnips, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and squash. Beans, lentils, soybeans, split peas and tofu are also included in this category.
Lean Meats, Poultry and Fish: Lean ground turkey, lean ground beef, chicken, and fish are all included in this category.
Salt: You should minimize your salt intake by using products with no sodium or low in sodium ingredients. Use salt as a seasoning sparingly. Try and stay inspired and use herbs, spices, vinegars, lemons and limes for seasoning.
For more tips on fitness and healthy eating check out
Alicia Bell is a Toronto based Personal Trainer

- See more at: http://livingcivil.com/create-healthy-dinner-plate/#sthash.uHVGrtzo.dpuf
Sugar - Why You Should Cut It Out Of Your Diet
What a great topic to discuss on Valentines Day. A staple of the day: SUGAR.
Did you know that today’s 12-ounce soda can contain up to ten teaspoons of sugar and that the average American eats 22.7 teaspoons of sugar a day (National Geographic, 2013). The reason the consumption is so high is because sugar is added to processed food to enhance both the flavour and texture. I suggest staying away from processed sugary foods all together, but often times this is hard to do. When you grocery shop the best way to avoid processed foods is to stick to the outside of the store and stay away from the aisles.
According to Phycology Today sugar can be addictive and have severe effects on the brain and body. “Sugar leads to dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens – an area associated with motivation, novelty, and reward. This is the same brain region implicated in response to cocaine and heroin.” How ridiculous is it to think that eating sugar stimulates the same response as an illegal drug does.
Fructose and sugars are also bad for you because they are processed in the liver and turned into fats. These fats can build up and also enter the blood stream. This can cause health risks that include obesity, hypertension and diabetes. According to AMA Wire these are all prevalent problems affecting the greater part of the American population. “Obesity impacts one in three Americans and is a major contributor to cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes,” said AMA President .
If you are addicted to sugar there are a lot of affordable alternatives to sugar that are readily available and that I use regularly. These alternatives are available at grocery stores, health food stores, specialty food shops or even some corner stores. These alternatives include; Stevia, Xylitol, Coconut Sugar, Maple Syrup, Natural Honey and Brown Rice Syrup. Some times they can be an adjustment and when used in recipes and drinks you may not even notice the difference.
Do your body a favour and try to cut out as much processed and refined sugars that you can. Start by slowly replacing refined sugars and sweeteners and eventually your sweet tooth won’t even notice the difference.
Luce On king - promoting non-GMO, hormone and antibiotic free foods - @luceonking - Train It Right
Recently I had a great business meeting with like minded people at this awesome restaurant on King West in the heart of downtown Toronto. The are known as an Italian restaurant but what is unique is that they promote non-GMO, hormone fee and antibiotic free foods! What other Italian restaurant does that?!?! They also have some gluten free items on the menu too. The service was great and they had very knowledgable staff. I was very impressed so I wanted to share with you all! My favourite items were the pan friend cauliflower and the dates. MMMMM! So good! I suggest you head down to King Street and give this restaurant a try!
Luce Restaurant is an Italian Tapas Eatery just steps away from Bathurst, on King West. This hidden gem is known to have the BEST pizza in the city, including gluten free! A mom and pop shop with a health flare, serving their famous tapas menu promoting non-GMO, hormone and antibiotic free foods. Not your typical Italian eatery with a Renaissance Night every last Wednesday of the month. A must try, especially with their weekly specials. @luceonking 647-748-5464
The following are photos of all the items that they served us during our meeting. Don't they all look amazing!?

How To Handle DOMS - Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

1. Drink plenty of water before, during and after your workout. Make sure to drink electrolytes or BCAA's during your workout. The essential salts will help regulate muscular contractions and nerve function as well as give you energy throughout your workout.
2.Espesso or coffee before your workout will increase muscle strength and endurance as well as help to reduce the chance of soreness.
3. Make sure to do a proper warm up and cool down. This will help clear out lactic acid, regulate the heart and help with blood flow.
4. Eat a post workout meal or snack that contains a ration of 4:1 carbs to protein. This will help restore muscle nutrients lost in the muscle during the workout. Chocolate milk is actually a great post workout options.
5. Massage, stretching, foam rolling, and trigger point release post workout also helps to increase circulation, help with tight muscles and reduce muscle tension like knots etc.
6. Take a cold shower post workout. This will help reduce inflammation to the muscles.
7. If you can't handle the cold shower a hot bath with epsom salts will also help blood circulation and inflammation of the muscles.
8. Proper rest. if you are training hard it is recommended that you get a minimum of 60-70hrs of sleep a week. This includes naps. Sleep is when your body recovers and rebuilds muscle. If you are training hard and often the more sleep you need to help those muscles.
Quick Tips To Get Sexy Abs

The secret to sexy abs isn't crunches. Flexion of the spine caused by crunches isn't always a good thing. Especially if you have back issues. So I wouldn't suggest doing crunches that involve flexion. Also you can do all the crunches in the world but unless you shed that fat over your stomach you will never see your abs that are underneath. You have to lose those layers in order for you abs to show.The following tips will help you get those sexy ab's that you'v always wanted. So get Training It Right for your abs!
One of the first things that people don't realize that leads to a sexy stomach and abs is your diet. Your diet directly affects your body's ability to burn fat efficiently. To clean up your diet to help remove abdominal fat make sure to drink 2-3L of water a day, eat smaller more frequent meals and snacks. I suggest 3 meals and 2-3 snacks a day. No more than 2-3hrs spread apart. Eat lean protein, and healthy fats. Avocado is a great healthy fat and fish high in Omegas help you get that as well as protein. A good amount of protein to aim for is 0.8g per pound of body weight. Stay away fro high salted foods, fried foods and processed sugars and sweets.
The second thing is to stay away from long steady cardio. It's ok to sometimes mix it up but try and stick to interval training that is to say HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training. Why it works? It helps your bloodstream uptake fat out of stage where it can be used for energy. Make sure to alternate the high intensity with lower intensity so you can survive the workout. For example walk for a minute at an incline of 3 and speed of 3, then pick it up to run at speed of 7 and repeat for 20-40 minutes. I suggest to start with 20 and work your way up to the 40 or more.
The third thing would be to still work on your core without the crunches by using planks. There are so many types of planks. Make sure to mix it up. Front planks, side planks, reverse planks, one hand planks, one leg planks, forearms on bosu, feet on boss, use a trx, use a bench etc.

Good luck and Happy Training It Right!