Alicia Bell - model - train it right

Sex Boosts Your Immune System. Yep you read that right! 

According to WebMd having sex often actually increases your immune system and “Sexually active people take fewer sick days,” says Yvonne K. Fulbright, PhD a sexual health expert. People who have sex have a higher immune system. This system protects us from germs and viruses. According to the article, researchers at Wilkes University found that college students who had sex once or twice a week had higher levels of the a certain antibody compared to students who had sex less often. So you should hit the sheets and not only make time for your relationship but tell your partner that it is flu and cold season and that this will help keep you healthy all winter long! It also burns calories so add it in for your workout routine!

Train It Right's very own Alicia Bell had the opportunity to model for Precision Nutrition. The nutrition certification that Alicia has and uses in her nutrition consultations with her clients. It is the best certification for coaches and the best program for client's looking to take their nutrition to the next level. Check out a screen shot of the page!

Alicia Bell - Precision Nutritionist

Black MP

Hey Train It Righters!

As most of you know I am a health nut and I only recommend the best supplements and the ones that I feel are clean, healthy and free of synthetic materials. So I want to introduce you all to my newest addition BlackMP. The product reached out for me to try it so I did my research and agreed. Quickly a little black bottle was mailed to me in Toronto. Its certified free of chemicals which I like


What is it?

BlackMP Living Powder is a unique powder supplement  infused with Fulvic and Humic minerals as well as SBO (Soil Based Organism) probiotics, both USDA Organic Certified. Todays foods and beverages no longer provide the nutrients our body’s require. However, studies show that proper nutrition with mineral supplements can help increase energy levels, muscle development, and overall good health. BlackMP Living Powder carries the Foods For Athletes Chemical Free Certification which enforces the highest quality of products for athletes! With this powder you can create your own complete H2O.  Comes with custom spoon for a perfect measurement every time.  Recommended dose is one scoop per 16 oz bottle of water.

They suggest that for best results use with purified bottled water.

They were nice enough to give me a discount code so that you call can get 50% off! Use Code TRAINITRIGHT at the check out! Check out their site to order:

I love mine! My bottle is almost empty!



I recently received a package from which are a form of algae tabs. This is a natural supplement that is plant-based and vegan. They are made from one ingredient and are paleo-friendly. Did you know that algae has been used by Olympic athletes in Asia for over 50 years? I had no idea until I discovered the energy bits!

I was sent both the Energybits and the recoverybits that have a catchy slogan on them "it's ok to swallow" which I had a little chuckle about. They do however suggest swallowing rather than chewing them. The are quite strong "green" tasting.


Are a pre-workout performance fuel for athletes that include runners,  triathletes and endurance athletes. They are made from 100% organic spirulina algae, they have the highest concentration of protein in the world and deliver a stead stream of energy, without sugar, caffeine, chemicals, soy, or gluten.


Are a post-workout recovery fuel that are made from 100% chorella algae. The algae is organic as well and they have the highest concentration of chlorophyll and RNA/DNA in the world. Chorella builds the immune system, prevents colds, speeds recovery from injury, removes toxins and prevents hangovers when taken after drinking alcohol (I could have used this a few days ago when I went out for a friends birthday haha).

The only thing is that they are quite strong "green" tasting.  And  they also suggest swilling at least 30 tabs 10-15 minutes before your workout. For me this is tough because Im not good at swallowing pills and it takes me forever.

Check out there website for more info if you are interested in the bits!

Overweight and Pregnant - You Risk Gestational Diabetes

If you are overweight, pregnancy can be a challenge at times. You can be prone to many complications. This can include complications not just for you but your baby as well. Your baby could be at risk for gestational diabetes.

According to research you are at risk of developing gestational diabetes if:

  1. You're obese (your body mass index is over 30).
  2. You've had gestational diabetes in a previous pregnancy.
  3. You have a strong family history of diabetes.

According to The Canadian Diabetes Association“all pregnant women should be screened for gestational diabetes within 28 weeks of pregnancy” So make sure to check with your physician that you have been checked.

What exactly is gestational diabetes? The Baby Centre describes gestational diabetes as “a type of diabetes that some women get during pregnancy.” It has been estimated that between 2 and 10 percent of expectant mothers develop this condition. This type of diabetes can occur during pregnancy when your body cannot produce enough insulin to handle the effects of a growing baby and changing hormone levels. Insulin helps your body to control the level sugar in your blood. If your body cannot produce enough insulin, your blood sugar levels will rise and result in negative side effects.

If your blood sugar levels are too high, too much sugar will end up in your baby's blood. When this happens, your baby's pancreas needs to produce more insulin to process the extra sugar. All this excess blood sugar and insulin can cause your baby to put on extra weight, particularly in the upper body. This is not something you want to happen.

The good news is women who do develop gestational diabetes can go on and give birth to perfectly healthy babies if they properly manage their condition. Healthy dietary changes and exercise may be enough to keep your blood sugar levels under control. However, sometimes medication is needed, too. The American Diabetes Association recommends the following:

1. Eat three small-to-moderate-size meals and two to four snacks every day, including an after-dinner snack.

Your meal plan may contain fewer carbohydrates than you normally eat. It's best to include complex carbs (contain more fiber) Pair lean protein with carbohydrates at all meals and snacks. Protein helps to make you feel fuller, sustain energy, and give you better blood sugar control.

2. Don't skip meals and eat breakfast. Be consistent about when you eat meals and the amount of food you eat at each one. Your blood sugar will remain more stable if your food is distributed evenly throughout the day and consistently from day to day.

3. Include high-fiber foods, such as green vegetables and fruit, whole grain breads.

4. Stop snacking on foods and beverages that contain simple sugars such as soda, fruit juice, flavored teas and flavored waters, and most desserts – or avoid them altogether.

Remember being active and exercise helps. Make sure to check with your physician if it is ok for you to exercise. Once you are make sure to exercise within your ability. If you are unfamiliar with exercise or what you should be doing when you are pregnant seek out a proper fitness expert for a consultation.


Alicia Bell


BSc Kinesiology

Precision Nutrition L1


According to the Huffington Post most of use consume an excess of up to and beyond 500 extra calories of sugar per day. One pound weight gain is equivalent to approximately 3500 calories. This means that the average person is putting themselves at risk to gain a minimum of one extra pound a week.

Here are 10 more reasons to cut back on sugar:

Sugar sweetened beverages are related to obesity

Canadians are drinking roughly twice as many soft drinks now as they did in 1970. Sugary liquids may make us fatter because they don’t curb our appetite for more food.

Sugar enriched beverages are linked to diabetes

Sugar sweetened soft drinks might increase the risk of type 2 diabetes because they’re high in rapidly absorbable carbohydrates. Also, studies have shown that people who eat foods that raise blood sugar levels have a higher risk of diabetes.

Sugar contains empty calories

There’s no question that sugars are a major culprit in obesity, because they’re a source of empty calories that most people don’t need. Sugar has no nutritional benefits whatsoever. Added sugars crowd out healthy foods, or make you fat if eaten in addition to healthy foods.

Sugar-sweetened drinks can raise the risk of heart disease

Excess weight isn not good for the heart. A big belly is one part of the metabolic syndrome, which raises the risk of heart disease (and diabetes). But sugar-sweetened beverages may promote heart disease whether or not they make you gain weight.

Sugar raises triglycerides

When you consume a large dose of glucose, the liver doesn’t pull much of it in if you don’t need the calories. In contrast, fructose ends up in the liver whether you need the calories or not. What does the liver do with all that fructose? It converts some of the fructose into fat, which gets sent into the bloodstream, resulting in higher levels of triglycerides.

Sugar promotes belly fat

According to the Huffington Post A 2010 2010 study in children found "excess fructose intake (but not glucose intake) actually caused visceral fat cells to mature -- setting the stage for a big belly and even bigger future risk for heart disease and diabetes."

Sugar may be linked to cancer production and may effect cancer survival

According to research done by the Huffington Post. A 2013 study found that "sugars in the intestine triggered the formation of a hormone called GIP (it is completely dependant on sugar levels), that in turn, increases insulin released by the pancreas. Researchers found that β-catenin may in fact affect the cells susceptibility to cancer formation. They found an associations between high sugar and starch intake and survival rates in both breast cancer patients and colon patients."  This link between sugar and higher cancer risks should make you wan't to cut back if nothing else does.

Sugar can cause over-eating

Leptin is a hormone made by fat cells. It’s supposed to make you stop eating. Over time a high sugar diet blocks the leptin signal in the brain. The result is that you keep eating and no longer know when you are full.

Minimizing added sugars has been known to keep blood pressure down

There’s a possibility that sugar raises blood pressure, but it is not definitive. It is clear that there’s little place for sugar in a diet that’s designed to lower blood pressure.

Most sugary foods are low in nutrients

When you consume high sugar foods from companies such as Coca-cola, Pepsi, Hostess, Dunkin Donuts, Krispy Kreme etc you are getting over fed and under nourished. These foods are high in sugars and low  in nutrients. Many are also packed with white flour which does not contain much nutritional value.

Alicia Bell, BSc Kin, CPT, NCCP, CF-L1

For more info follow Alicia on twitter or check out her website


Do you suffer from indigestion, heart burn, bloating or gas? You are not alone. According to Yahoo around 70 million of American's suffer from different types of digestive problems each year.

It is important to your overall health to maintain a healthy digestive system. GESA reports that "Although the digestive system can withstand a lot of stress (from the foods you eat to emotional stresses), it can only do so for a limited period. Over time, the negative effects will accumulate and create health problems in the long-term." Therefore you should watch your diet and take preventative measures to limit the risk of problematic situations occurring.

Although the best way to diagnose and take care of digestive problems is to promptly report any that appear to your doctor, research on nutrition has found that certain foods effect your digestion positively than others. According to Inside Fitness some of these foods include the following five:

Alicia Bell - Apple

Apples: This tasty fruit has a magic combination of both soluble and insoluble fibre helps you eat and digest quickly and easily.

Tumeric: Has been known to help with inflammation which can help smooth out the digestion process as your food travels through your system.

Almonds: These little nuts are filled with digestion enhancing fibre and calcium which also supports many functions in the body.

Peppermint Tea: Is known to calm the stomach muscles and improve the flow of your bile. Try to refrain from the use sweetener or milk.

Coconut Oil: This natural oil is made up of medium chain fatty acids that can help with digestion. You can take it as a supplement, cook with it, add it to smoothies or even use it as a replacement for butter.

For more tips on fitness and healthy eating check out

Alicia Bell is a Toronto based Personal Trainer


Hey Everyone!

The Raw Juice Guru of Toronto that you always see me posting about. I also did their three day blogger challenge a fee weeks back and absolutely loved it. Well they went above and beyond for me last week.

rawjuice - Alicia Bell - train It right

After hearing about my motorcycle accident (cab driver was at fault) they sent over a day of juices for me to help with my inflammation. It had been a few days since the accident when the juices arrived and I was bruised and my knee was quite swollen. After a lot of rest and cleansing my body with the day of juices I felt better. I am still not 100% and waiting to see a plastics doctor that specializes in the hand since the sutures didn't heal the wound properly.

I am so thankful for my friends and for The Raw Juice Guru going out of their way to help me out and deliver the fresh juices right to my door step. Guys this company goes above and beyond for their clients. If you are ever in the Toronto area please check them out! I promise you that you won't be disappointed. They have the very best customer service and the freshest raw, organic, cold pressed juices in Toronto.



There are a lot of misconceptions about the foods that should be include on the dinner plate. The following are some healthy choices as to what you should include. Make sure it is well rounded and includes multiple food groups. The following foods should be considered as options for an "anytime plate" according to Precision Nutrition. The portions will vary depending on your goals (weight loss, weight gain etc), as well as timing (pre or post workout). More information can be found through the Precision Nutrition Plate Guide.


Drink: Choose water or tea instead of juice or soda as your main beverage.

Leafy Greens and Vegetables: You should choose steamed, raw or roast greens such as lettuce, spinach, cabbage, collards, kale, bok choy, chard, watercress, broccoli, brussel sprouts, asparagus, carrots, green beans, cauliflower, mushrooms, corn, onions, green peas, peppers, zucchini, tomatoes.

Healthy Fats: Seeds, nuts, olives, and avocados. Try to eliminate extracted oils and processed fats (example: margarine).

Whole Grains and Starch Based Vegetables: Some foods include rice, oats, Quinoa, buckwheat, millet, spelt, barley, whole grain pasta. This category also includes beets, parsnips, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and squash. Beans, lentils, soybeans, split peas and tofu are also included in this category.

Lean Meats, Poultry and Fish: Lean ground turkey, lean ground beef, chicken, and fish are all included in this category.

Salt: You should minimize your salt intake by using products with no sodium or low in sodium ingredients. Use salt as a seasoning sparingly. Try and stay inspired and use herbs, spices, vinegars, lemons and limes for seasoning.

For more tips on fitness and healthy eating check out

Alicia Bell is a Toronto based Personal Trainer




gluten free cinnamonbread

Hey Guys! As you know this year  I became A Fitfluential Ambassador. Two of the wonderful ladies in my network have created an affordable cookbook that I have received. This cookbook is great because they give you cooking options, beautiful coloured photos and it is easy to follow.

The No Flour Cracker and Flatbread Cookbook is your complete gluten-free, vegan, mostly grain-free, soy-free, dairy-free, egg-free, paleo-friendly, real food cookbook! Inside you will find 49-page, full color PDF digital/ebook with 12 healthy no flour recipes. These crackers and flatbreads are the perfect on-the-go snack or a wonderful addition to a meal.

A mix of sweet and savory recipes to satisfy any palate!

You’ll see recipes like:

Collard onion cracker

Kale cracker

Berry flatbread

Kale hemp flatbread

…. and many more!

There is no cookbook like this out there. Easy to make recipes made from basic kitchen staples.  Each recipe you can make in a dehydrator to make wonderfully crispy dehydrated snacks or you can freshly bake them in the oven.  Every recipe is bursting with flavor!

Click on the link below to buy the book:

Buy Now


For more information on the authors you can check them out on their social networks:

Twitter: @purelytwins
Facebook: purelytwins
YouTube: Purelytwins
Pinterest: PurelyTwins
Instagram: Purelywins