Lets Talk Libido

It doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman, young or old you can have problems with your sex drive. This can seriously affect your personal relationships and/or marriage with your spouse. It has lead to separation or divorce in many cases. In men a reduced sex drive is often linked to erectile dysfunction.
Some Ways to Boost your sex drive include:
Libido Enhancers
Technology and medicine have advanced so that you can pop a little blue pill and get the desires that you were seeking in many circumstances. This pill does not solve the problem it is only a quick fix. Basically like just patching a tire instead of changing it. However, this does not always work. When some people take these medicines they have minimal to know effects.
Some people prefer natural libido enhancers. There are products out there from a lot of different companies that have pills that advertise themselves as being “natural.” Oftentimes these products can be packed with random substances that aren’t scientifically proven. This is where the consumer should be careful.
There are some that are packed with herbs and other natural ingredients that can increase your sex drive with all natural ingredients that have been scientifically proven.
Dietary Changes
Also some studies have shown that by taking supplements that include tribulus terrestris, tongat ali, acai berry, chaste berry, ginseng and ginkgo biloba, muira pauma have been shown to be effective. Also Zinc has been proven important in testosterone production. It is found in a lot of meets.
Also taking protein supplements. If one increases their protein intake It helps give you better recovery, more power and stamina and can also aid in naturally boosting testosterone production. Again I recommend Rivals products because I know they have been scientifically tested and proven. http://www.rivalus.net/online-shop/products/promasil-milk-chocolate-2-33-lb
A low carbohydrate diet and low sugar diet. This is because carbs and sugar affect your body’s insulin level in the blood and that directly affects testosterone. The result of this is a decreased libido.
Make sure that you are eating Essential Fats such as Omega 3s. Again they help naturally boost the body’s testosterone level, and blood flow. Examples are fish oils, olive oils, nuts and flaxseed.
Lifestyle Changes
In today’s society more and more people are becoming sedentary and not physically active. This is why in today’s world more and more people are overweight or obese. Obesity has been linked to you guessed it, A low sex drive as well as, poor blood circulation which again effects your libido. This can also lead to erectile dysfunction. So get off the couch and stop being a couch potato and get active. Start out small and gradually increase your activity levels. It is important not to do to much too fast. Grab a friend to keep you motivated and as you shed the pounds watch your libido come back!
Smoking and alcohol can also result in a poor sex drive. Smoking can cause breathing problems, is linked to cancer and can affect your circulation which in turn can affect your sex drive. Also Alcohol can cause a reduced sex drive due to mood swings, depression and again blood flow. So stay away from these two addictive substances if you are having problems with a low sex drive.
Try and stay happy and stress free. Increases stress causes a substance in your body called cortisol to increase and again that will affect your natural testosterone levels. Try and stay calm and relax. Try meditation, pilates, yoga or tai chi to reduce your stress levels.
Overall my advice is don’t abuse your body, stay active, stress free and try and stay away from things that are toxic for your system. This will keep your sex drive active, healthy and hopefully active for many years to come.
Alicia Bell
Are You Eating Enough Protein?
Protein is the major source for building material for the body and next to water is the most plentiful substance in the body. Protein is important in the growth and development of all body tissues and is used to build and maintain muscles in addition to many other bodily uses.
Protein requirement always differ according to your body size and activity levels. Some calculations are very simple, and many nutritionists calculate your protein requirements by dividing your total weight by two and the result indicates in grams the amount of protein you require each day.
For example, a person weighing 160 pounds requires approximately 80 grams of protein daily. Lean meats such as chicken and fish are great sources of protein. A 6oz chicken breast contains approximately 30 grams of protein and 6oz of white fish contains approximately 35 grams of protein.

Lets Talk Carbohydrates And Individuality

Carbohydrates are only used in the body for energy while fats and proteins are used for production of hormones, cell membranes AND energy. What most people don’t realize is that this means the intake of carbohydrates should correlate with the amount of exercise that you do in a day.
When you have a high intake of carbohydrates such as white bread and refined sugars it causes your blood sugar levels to rise and will then cause hormonal changes in the body that causes most of us to become unhealthy and store fat. In children it has also been linked to ADHD, mental health issues, development of diabetes and obesity.
While there is some controversy regarding the amount of food an individual should eat from each of the four food groups to maintain a healthy diet, one should also keep in mind that each person has individual nutritional needs (i.e. athletes versus non-athletes, diabetics versus non-diabetics). These differences mean that one diet will have a very different effect on different individuals. This means that the required carbohydrate intake will vary from one person to another and is largely determined by the amount of lean muscles and the amount of daily exercise. It is suggested to make sure that your diet includes but is not limited to lots of lean meat, fish, eggs and is combined with lots of dark green vegetables.
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It’s leaves are changing, the air is crisp which means it is fall. That means that it is pumpkin pie season. Pies can be high in carbs as well as sugar and fat content. Here is a pumpkin pie shake recipe that is a fast and easy healthy alternative. This is one of my favourite recipes that can be used for a post-workout, breakfast, or as a snack. If you love pumpkin flavour anything like I do I promise that this shake won’t disappoint you because this shake isis thick like a milkshake and tastes like a creamy pumpkin pie. Perfect for your fall taste buds.
In a blender combine the following ingredients:
– 3 scoops of pumpkin out of a cone
– 2/3 ice cubes
– 1/2 cup of unsweetened almond milk, coconut milk or any other milk of your choice
– 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
– 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
– 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
– 1 teaspoon stevia, coconut sugar or sweetener of your choice
– 1/2 of a banana (I prefer frozen)
– 1/2 – 1 tablespoon non-fat plain Greek yogurt
Blend ingredients thoroughly and pour into a glass and enjoy!
Follow Alicia on Twitter for more great recipes and health and fitness tips.
- See more at: http://livingcivil.com/pumpkin-protein-shake-recipe/#sthash.XjMdV96X.dpuf
How I fight My Sugar Cravings

Do you have a sweet tooth? Are you constantly sabotaging your fitness goals by giving in to your cravings? I love chocolate and sweets. I use to spend hours in the gym working out only to be craving chocolate or candy after my workouts. I had little or no self control. Everyone can benefit from fighting those sweet cravings with tea instead of a high calorie sweets.
What type of tea can help with sweet cravings?
It is all about personal preference. One day I was out shopping with a friend and we went into a specialty tea store called DAVIDS TEA. This store has every type of tea imaginable. It doesn’t matter if you are craving sweet, bitter, salty they can find the tea for you. They also carry every type of tea roobios, black, green and many more types. You can choose caffeinated or decaffeinated. The options are endless. Even if your neighborhood doesn’t have a Davids Tea you can order online or visit a local tea shop for similar options.

Why is tea good for you?
Scientists have found that the antioxidants in green tea extract increase the body’s ability to burn fat as fuel, reduce waist circumference and lower your BMI. Scientists have also found that drinking tea could help reduce the risk of heart attacks, lower risk of Parkinson’s disease, help prevent against cardiovascular disease, and help combat certain types of cancer. What is even more important is that tea is hydrating to the body (even caffeinated tea as opposed to coffee).
If you find the tea that you choose is not sweet enough you can add natural sweeteners like stevia, agave or even a bit of honey instead of sugar. My favorite tea is called “red velvet” and it tastes just as delicious as the cake. When I am craving something sweet it hits the spot. I add in some coconut milk and it is almost as good as the real thing.
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