150 Best Meals In A Jar - Tanya Linton - Book Review
I love mason jars! I have always said that "everything tastes better in a mason jar." And it does! Thats why I was excited to receive this book 150 Best Meals In A Jar. Once you start using mason jars you will see just how easy it is to do meal prep, eat on the go. You can even be as innovative as you want with the recipes. There really are no limits.
The book has a wide variety of delicious meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It includes soups, snacks, fruit and vegetable salads, grain and legume salads, pastas, rice bowls, over night oats and even desserts.
My favourites are the over night oats. I always love including that into my own plans as well as my clients. One of my top fav recipes is the chocolate protein smoothie that is on pg 19.
The recipes are easy to follow, have great ingredients that are easily available and most often times you already have in your panty. Tanya Linton also provides great variations of the recipes so you aren't limited to exactly what she has in the originally recipe.
Overall I give this book an 8/10. There arent pictures of each recipe but there are just so many amazing options and variations its a go to book for meal prep. If you are into health and fitness and want amazing healthy recipes this is a go to!
To purchase your own copy head on over to:
Let Them Eat Wheat! Using Ancient Wisdom/Modern Science to Overcome Food Intolerances - Book Review
I was recently sent a book by Dr. Jon dullard to review. The title of the book was Eat Wheat - A scientific AND Clinically-Proven approach TO Safely Bringing Wheat AND Dairy Back INTO your diet.
What I loved about the book: Its based on scientific facts that he has used with thousands of patients to help them cure their food intolerances. This book is a real eye opener and a must read for fitness and health enthusiasts or anyone that has dietary issues/intolerances. Its great also because it is evidence based.
I also enjoyed that he discussed the underlying cause of the gluten-free explosion. And that he goes on to discuss that when you eliminate wheat and dairy fro your diet it may illuminate your symptoms but it may also be a temporary solution.
This book is also a great read because it helps you learn how to navigate around food toxins in modern what and dairy and reveal the hidden science on the benefits of wheat and dairy. Through this he helps you see that you can retrain your body to digest wheat and dairy again. These things are very applicable for health but for bodybuilding and aesthetics it does not 100% apply in my opinion.
Has gluten been found guilty without a fair trial? It wouldn't be the first time an innocent food was given a life sentence. For example, after almost 60 years of so-called "hard science" condemning cholesterol, we now find out that the science was flawed and high cholesterol saturated fats, such as butter, have been officially taken off the FDA's nutrient concern list. Is it possible that we have wrongfully given gluten the boot as well? Turns out, if you’re gluten-free or dairy-free, you might not have to be!
Eat Wheat: A Scientific and Clinically-Proven Approach to Safely Bringing Wheat and Dairy Back into Your Diet (Morgan James, January 2017) by Dr. John Douillard, DC, CAP, addresses this timely topic of food intolerances. After 3.4 million years of eating wheat and only 500,000 years of hunting meat, through Eat Wheat, Dr. Douillard reminds us that humans are actually genetically better equipped to eat wheat than meat and the true Paleo diet, clearly, included glutinous grains like wheat and barley.Dr. Douillard is a former NBA nutrition expert and creator of LifeSpa.com.
He has spent the past 30 years and has seen more than 100,000 patients in his natural health practice, helping to improve their digestive systems and begin to eat wheat again.“The most common dietary advice doctors have been giving their ailing patients for the past 30 years is to stop eating wheat and dairy,” says Dr. Douillard. “It’s just not that easy. Helping folks navigate around the processed versions of wheat while rebooting the digestive system is simply absent in medical practice, while being gluten-free has become a movement. We are fooling ourselves to think that all of our problems will disappear by just avoiding wheat. For years, I’ve seen patients after they have stopped eating wheat and dairy, and while they almost always feel better initially, the symptoms all too often return, leaving them with hardly anything to eat. With Eat Wheat, we can do better.”
Eat Wheat presents the science on the other side of the gluten-free aisle. For example, ancient wheat has been shown to have twice the gluten content of modern wheat yet decreased inflammation two-fold and lowered cholesterol and blood sugar.
So how could the more glutinous grain actually be healthier? In addition, wheat was a fall harvested grain that humans are well adapted to eating. Wheat digesting enzymes and microbes proliferate in the fall and winter to break down this so-called poison, gluten. So what is the real cause of America’s gluten sensitivity?
Eat Wheat explains how a breakdown in digestion has damaged the intestinal wall and leaked undigested foods and environmental toxins into the body’s lymphatic system, causing “grain brain” symptoms and food allergies. Although eliminating wheat and dairy from your diet may help your symptoms, it’s a temporary solution. The book addresses the root cause: the inability to digest well and break down harmful pollutants and toxins that can lead to more serious health concerns.Backed by more than 600 scientific studies, Eat Wheat is a revolutionary guidebook to regaining your digestive strength and safely bringing wheat and dairy back into your diet. It will also:
Reveal hidden science on the benefits of wheat and dairy
Help you navigate around food toxins in modern wheat and dairy
Detail how to flush congested lymphatics linked to food intolerance symptoms
Teach you to follow natural digestive circadian cycles
Help bring your blood sugar back into balance
Teach you proven exercise and detox techniques to reboot strong digestion and achieve optimal health and vitality
“Your digestive strength is the key to a long, healthy and vital life,” adds Dr. Douillard. “The choice as to whether or not you can eat gluten or dairy shouldn’t be decided for you because of weak digestion, it should be decided by you as a preference.”
Dr. John Douillard, DC, CAP, is a globally recognized leader in the fields of natural health, Ayurveda and sports medicine. Over the past 30 years, he’s helped over 100,000 patients repair their digestive system and eat wheat and dairy again. He is the creator of LifeSpa.com, a leading Ayurvedic health and wellness resource on the web with over 4.5 million views on YouTube. LifeSpa.com is evolving the way Ayurveda is understood around the world, with over 700 articles and videos proving ancient wisdom backed by modern science. Dr. John is the former Director of Player Development and nutrition advisor for the New Jersey Nets NBA team, author of six books, a repeat guest on the Dr. Oz show, and has been featured in Woman’s World Magazine, Yoga Journal, the Huffington Post and dozens of other publications.
Eat Wheat will be released in ebook form on September 1, 2016, and in paperback and hardcover on January 10, 2017. It can be pre-ordered from Amazon, Eat Wheat Book and all major booksellers.
Next Sugar - Review
Some Nutrition facts:
Per packet (3g)
Calories 6
Carbs 3g
What is it you ask? Next Sugar is the first clinically tested, low glycemic natural cane sugar blend that tastes just like sugar because it is real sugar. Their unique blend naturally and safely blocks up to 50% of the sugar from being absorbed by the body. Less sugar absorbed, means less calories.
It tastes pretty good compared to sweetners. It doesn't have that aspartame taste. Im not too sure how much I would use it when I am in prep based on the fact it is still sugar. However I will put it to use in my off season!
Around the world, hundreds of millions of people need to reduce their sugar intake -- from individuals who need to manage their weight, to diabetics who must carefully control their blood sugar levels.
At the same time, people who are currently healthy must be on alert, too. Studies show that over-consumption of sugar can trigger a range of serious metabolic syndromes like heart disease. It can also lead to obesity, which is now an epidemic crisis -- especially among children. In short: big sugar is a BIG problem!
Sugar Substitute? Not a Chance!
However, so-called “sugar substitutes” are the problem -- not the solution! In addition to tasting nothing like real sugar, these products are loaded with chemicals, and can actually trigger weight gain and cause adverse health issues.
The good news is that there’s a new sugar alternative on the market that is finally delivering the solution that so many people -- including health researchers and medical professionals -- have been waiting for: NEXT SUGAR.
Benefits Backed by Clinical Trials
NEXT SUGAR is the world’s first low glycemic, non-GMO and Kosher natural cane sugar that has a sweetness intensity and profile of conventional sugar, but with a groundbreaking advantage: its unique composition naturally and safely blocks up to 50% of the sugar from being absorbed by the body. NEXT SUGAR is suitable for any traditional use of sugar, such as baking, cooking and sweetening.
What’s more, NEXT SUGAR’s advantages are not based on hyped-up marketing claims. They are backed by successful human clinical trials, such as one by Sydney University’s “Glycemic Index Research Service” (SUGiRS) which concluded that: “NEXT SUGAR would be suitable for consumption in controlled amounts by people with diabetes in line with their individual dietary requirements.”
Organic standards will exclude next generation of GMOs
The National Organic Standards Board voted unanimously on Friday to update U.S. organic standards to exclude ingredients derived from next generation genetic engineering and gene editing.
This recommendation to the US Department of Agriculture’s National Organic Program will ensure that ingredients derived from new genetic engineering techniques, including synthetic biology, will not be allowed in the production or final product of foods and beverages that are certified organic. Synthetic biology is a new set of genetic engineering techniques that include using synthetic DNA to re-engineer organisms to produce substances they would not normally produce or to edit DNA so as to silence the expression of certain traits.
“The Board’s hard-fought proactive stance on synthetic biology will both help preserve the integrity of organic standards and raise awareness about this virtually unregulated and unlabeled form of genetic engineering,” said Dana Perls, food and technology policy campaigner with Friends of the Earth. “It’s critical that organic standards treat new types of genetic engineering that are rapidly entering our food and consumer products as rigorously as the first generation of GMOs.”
Like “traditional” GMOs, synthetic biology ingredients are entering food and consumer products in absence of adequate health and environmental safety assessment, oversight and labeling. Many are being falsely marketed as “natural.” Products in development include synthetic biology stevia, saffron, coconut and cacao, meant to replace plant-based ingredients, many of which are currently produced by small farmers in the Global South. There is increasing concern that these farmers’ livelihoods may be displaced by synthetic biology ingredients. Other products include gene-silenced apples, CRISPR waxy corn and Cibus Canola oil, engineered with gene editing techniques.
“The National Organic Standards Board has made clear that all kinds of genetic engineering are to be excluded from ‘organic.’ The public expects that government to actually assess the new foods that it is permitting on the market,” said Jaydee Hanson, senior policy analyst, Center for Food Safety. “Unfortunately, the government has failed to update its regulations to adequately assess these new kinds of genetically engineering. When the USDA approves that NOSB recommendations, consumers who want to avoid GMOs will be able to use the Organic Seal to know that the product is not a GMO.”
The Board’s announcement follows a growing trend of companies stating that they will not use ingredients produced via synthetic biology. The Non-GMO Project, North America’s only third party verification program for non-GMO food and products, recently updated its standards so as to include synthetic biology and new gene editing techniques. Companies such as Ben and Jerry’s (BJICA: US), Three Twins Ice Cream, Straus Family Creamery, Luna & Larry's Coconut Bliss, Nestlé (NSRGY: OTC US), and General Mills (NYSE: GIS) have committed to “...not source vanilla flavor produced through synthetic biology,” a product that is designed to replace natural vanillin flavoring from vanilla beans. Synthetic biology vanilla flavoring, introduced by Evolva (SWX: EVE) and International Flavors and Fragrances (NYSE: IFF) in 2014, is the first major synthetic biology ingredient to enter food and beverages, marketed as “natural vanillin.” Other companies that have pledged to avoid synthetic biology ingredients entirely include Nutiva and Dr. Bronner’s.
Synthetic biology employs a new set of genetic engineering techniques that involve artificially constructing or “editing” genetic material such as DNA in order to create new forms of life, or to attempt to “reprogram” existing organisms. Despite growing concerns about the possible impacts of synthetic biology organisms on human health and the environment and a lack of independent safety assessment, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has allowed synthetic biology vanilla, DuPont’s CRISPR waxy corn and other similarly created food and cosmetic ingredients to enter the market without regulation. Existing regulations that identify GE crops and food ingredients as “Generally Regarded As Safe” use an outdated process with minimal testing requirements that rely on companies to self-evaluate the safety of their products.
More information about synthetic biology can be found here.
Gearing up to Roll Out Her Exciting New 21 Day Program
That's "A Journey To The Best You," The 16 Year Old
Health and Wellness Authority Offers Insightful Tips
To Deal With Holiday Eating Temptations and Depression
Emily Male, founder of Foodie Fittie
On a mission to help her fellow teens to overcome their low self-esteem and find a pathway towards good nutrition, fitness, confidence and hope, Emily Male is currently gearing up for the early 2017 rollout of FoodieFittie (www.foodiefittie.com), her extraordinary, multi-faceted new 21 Day program which she designed as a "Journey To The Best You."
But before all the excitement begins with that, the Georgia and Nashvillebased 16 year old health and wellness authority is looking forward to a wonderful holiday season with family and friends. Because of her incredible personal journey - including a dramatic 78 pound weight loss in a single year and a renewed commitment to healthy eating, staying physically fit - Emily has some great insights and tips on how to eat right, overcome those bad temptations when it comes to overeating and fatty and sugary foods and avoiding depression this holiday season.
Based on her experiences and the knowledge she has gained as she worked on her program, she believes that eating the proper foods while not denying oneself the pleasure of reasonable portions of the cookies, cakes and pies you want can go a long way towards combating the winter blues. She will make her choices this year based on what worked for her during the holidays in 2015.
"Last Christmas," she says, "I made healthier choices, like instead of eating high fat meat, I ate low fat turkey - but I still ate dessert. If I knew I wanted that dessert, during the main meal I would avoid eating mashed potatoes. Even though the temptation is there to gorge yourself because tasty things are hitting your eyes everywhere you look, I think moderation is the key. Still, it's the holidays and if you restrict yourself too much it might be hard on keeping a jolly holiday spirit!"
Emily adds that while she doesn't eat an unlimited amount of goodies anymore, she has given herself some restrictions. "We all have to do what works best for us," she says. "I work hard all year long to maintain a certain weight and stay fit, and I'm not going to NOT eat something during the holidays just because it's got low nutritional value. Holiday time with our friends and family is important, and food is part of those gatherings. I would avoid excessive snacking but allow yourself a small portion of dessert. And keep this in mind: even if on a few days you consume extra calories, your body will know what to do with it. If you eat badly for two days, but then on the third day go back to eating your normal amount and consuming your usual amount of calories, your body will drop the few pounds it may gain."
Emily is currently in training for a body building competition this coming February, so she's watching her sugar and fat intake this holiday season. But make no mistake, she won't deprive herself of a few decadent treats. She also advises that when you know you're going to eat a huge meal later in the day, like on Thanksgiving, it's a good idea to eat normally during the early part of the day. Starving yourself for hours until mealtime is a guaranteed ticket to overstuffing yourself later, which can make you gain weight and get sick.
"When you understand the FoodieFittie lifestyle, you know when to stop indulging and get back to the nutritional program that makes you healthy," she says. "Maybe it would make me happy in the moment to go crazy and eat more than one cupcake or piece of cake after dinner, but afterwards - you guessed it - I would feel bad. But if I allow myself to just have one, I won't feel bad about any of it, physically or psychologically. I always look at the big picture."
One of the days in Emily's FoodieFittie program is devoted to depression, and Emily chronicles the painstaking route she took out of some very dark places inside her. Now that she's on the other side of things, and wakes up every day full of joy and determination to live a better, healthier life, she is happy to offer a few bits of advice to make yourself feel better during the holidays (but if you have diagnosed chemical depression, that is something beyond the scope of her expertise).
"My message is pretty simple even if getting here isn't easy sometimes: love yourself," she says. "There are so many little things you can do during the holidays to combat whatever blues you are feeling. You can give yourself a facial, read a book you love, go for a walk, go to the gym, do yoga, watch a great movie, listen to music, write things you are grateful for in a journal..Any of those things are good. My story is that I say I ran myself out of depression. I learned that molecular biologists and neurologists have begun to show that exercise may alter brain chemistry in much the same way that antidepressant drugs do -- regulating the key neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine. So even if you live in a cold climate and have to do it inside, get moving and you'll experience some surprising results! The one thing you cannot do when you're depressed is sit around the house thinking of how depressed you are. That will start a downward spiral."
Because her oldest brother Ryan has been battling drug addiction for many years, Emily is keenly aware of the toll family tensions can take on the holiday season. Family meals can be uncomfortable for some, but Emily says it's best not to blame yourself for things outside your control and to simply "take relationships with your loved ones one day at a time." She adds: "I might have been sad to see my parents fight or feel like I was losing my brother because of what he was going through, but I got through some hard times simply by doing what I had to do, like going to school, doing chores, working and living life normally in spite of the problems. You have to live your life no matter what troubles are going on."
Happily, Emily is looking forward this holiday season to spending time with her family and her grandparents, who will be visiting from Florida along with her visiting brothers Ryan and Max. "It will be nice having everyone together," she says. "Everyone knows I love to cook, and I'll have the opportunity to make cheesecake and chocolate fudge cake, buffalo cheese dip and a bunch of other things - which I will eat in moderation of course! Cooking is another thing I find very therapeutic and when in doubt, that always makes my spirits bright around the holidays."
Having survived the trauma of being bullied, feeling lost and feeling sluggish and fearful of being mocked because of her extra weight, Emily's FoodieFittie program reflects her longtime desire to let her fellow teens (and others) in on many of the insights she's learned and put into practice that completely transformed her life. With the help of various mentors and fitness, nutrition and self-help experts, she created a detailed step by step process designed to change the lives of her peers.
"For the first time in my life," she says, "I'm on a mission, and that mission is a pathway to hope, a way for teens like me to make a comeback in their lives. I started FoodieFittie to help teen girls struggling with their weight and self-image, to help them feel more confident in who they are. From all of the challenges I have faced, I have learned that if you take control of your dieting habits and are consistent with your fitness activities, you will have great results."
Burnbrae Farms: EGG Creations – Recipes
Ramen Egg Cups
PREP TIME: 10 min.
2 x 85g ramen noodles, cooked according to package directions
Egg Creations Whole Eggs Original Mushroom & Spinach
1 tbsp (15 mL) soy sauce
1 tsp (5 mL) hot sauce, plus extra to serve
¼ cup (60 mL) sliced green onions, plus extra to serve
1. Grease well a 12-cup muffin tin with cooking spray. Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C).
2. Place cooked ramen noodles in a large bowl. Pour over Egg Creations Whole Eggs Original Mushroom & Spinach. Stir to combine. Equally divide noodles into prepared muffin tin, letting excess egg drip back into bowl. Leave a dip in the middle of each noodle “nest” using your hands. Place in the oven and bake 5 min., to set noodles.
3. To remaining Egg Creations Original Mushroom & Spinach add soy sauce, hot sauce and green onions. Divide egg mixture between ramen “nests”. Continue to bake in oven until egg has completely set, 10 – 12 min. Remove egg cups from muffin tin, using a butter knife to loosen edges if necessary.
4. Top with extra hot sauce and a sprinkle of extra green onions, if using before serving.
* Use leftover spaghetti noodles instead of ramen noodles.
* Try adding a drop of sesame oil and a sprinkle of sesame seeds to ramen cups.
* Replace green onions with chopped cilantro or chopped fresh basil.
Finding that perfect holiday gift for everyone on your list can add an unnecessary stress to the already hectic holidays. HelloFresh is delicious gift that can be delivered to everyone on your list, including:
- Parents, grandparents and in-laws who enjoy cooking and could use a new and refreshing recipe.
- Practical people who want a gift that has use, like ingredients to make a delicious dinner!
- Fit foodies who like delicious and satisfying meals that are also nutritious.
- Couples or significant other who you’re not sure what to give but cooking dinner together is a great way to bond.
- Friends you forgot who deserve a great gift and don’t want to show it was purchased last minute.
For everyone on your shopping list, HelloFresh offers the opportunity to enjoy healthy home-cooked meals without the hassle! Eliminating the need to plan or shop, HelloFresh delivers delicious and satisfying meals that are easy and fun to make in just about 30 minutes. Gift cards are available at HelloFresh.ca.
So much more than a gift, the benefits of cooking a HelloFresh meal at home are endless, from building healthy eating habits to learning new cooking techniques and bonding over creating a meal together.
Road trips, gas stops, no time for lunch; we’ve all found ourselves at the convenience store for a fast bite on the go. While a bag of chips or chocolate bar may be an option we later regret; there are fast bites that can actually offer some health benefits. Dr. Christopher Calapai a board certified expert in osteopathic medicine specializing in longevity offers some junk food options to consider the next time there’s no time for an actual meal.
Blue M&M’s and Blue Gatorade
Don’t get the blues about all food dyes.From candy to sports drinks, the unnatural colors of foods today can make you cringe at the thought of what’s making them colored. But, not all colored dyes are as bad as you may think. Research done by scientists at the University of Rochester found that Brilliant Blue G (BBG), found in blueM & M’s and blue Gatorade, could help reduce damage from spine injuries. When BBG was injected into lab rats with spinal cord injuries, it sped up their recovery time and ability to walk.
Cheeze Whiz?? No way!!
Fat isn’t always a bad word.The FDA has stated that not only are all trans fats not bad, some are actually good for you. Conjugated Linoleic Acids (CLAs), although high in calories can help fight cancer, weight gain, diabetes and arthritis. It’s hard to believe, but CLAs are found in Cheese Whiz.
Pork Rinds
Just the words pork rinds sound like instant heart attack. However did you know they are a fantastic source of protein? A one-ounce serving of this fried snack has seventeen grams of protein, seven times the amount of found in a serving of potato chips. Plus, 43% of the fat found in pork rinds come from oleic acid, the same healthy fat found in olive oil.
Some studies have found that beer can actually help increase bone mineral density because it contains silicon, making bones stronger and less likely to fracture. A Harvard University study found that beer could prevent blood clots and reduce the risk of stroke. Italian researchers found that beer can raise HDL, the good cholesterol in your body. Opt for a light beer with fewer calories to avoid that full feeling.
Graham Crackers
They are the next best things to cookies if you’re trying to keep your health in mind. Graham crackers contain much less sugar than regular cookies and are still sweet enough to satisfy a craving. Plus, they are made with flour that undergoes a special milling process, preserving more of the whole wheat than in usual milling.
This is a snack that gets two thumbs up. Popcorn is packed with fiber and polyphenols, which are antioxidants that help to protect us from heart disease and certain cancers. Surprisingly, popcorn has more iron than eggs and spinach! It is also gluten-free, which makes it an option for those with Celiac Disease and other gluten allergies. Lastly, popcorn is mostly air. This means it fills you up, helping to stave off hunger cravings.
Beef Jerky
Forget about the leather-tasting jerky of years past, today’s gourmet jerky is delicious and can be healthy. Beef Jerky, just like its non-dried version of meat, is high in protein, iron and zinc. It, also, contains heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. Be sure to look for natural beef jerky as the newer gourmet styles that are packed with flavor and free of nitrates.
About the Doctor:
Dr. Christopher Calapai, D.O. is an Osteopathic Physician board certified in family medicine, and anti-aging medicine. Proclaimed the "The Stem Cell Guru" by the New York Daily News, Dr. Calapai is a leader in the field of stem cell therapy in the U.S. His stem cell treatments have achieved remarkable results in clinical trials on patients with conditions as varied as Alzheimer's, arthritis, erectile dysfunction, frailty syndrome, heart, kidney and liver failure, lupus, MS and Parkinson's. He has worked with Mike Tyson, Mickey Rourke, Steven Seagal, and Gotham's, Donal Logue; and as a medical consultant for the New York Rangers. Connect with him via twitter @drcalapai or at www.drcal.net
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