Jamue Eason -Train-It-Right-Alicia-Bell

Fitness model Jamie Eason is ready to train again and posted this on her facebook.

"Just had my final post-partum check up and I got the green light to work out. I've gained quite a few curves. My hips are 3 inches wider and I'm not sure how much more they will shrink? I'm about 8 lbs from my pre-baby weight, which isn't bad but my body composition is considerably different. I've got free weights at home, so it's time to start building up some endurance again. Please wish me luck! "

She looks great for just giving birth! We wish you all the best girl!


I have to give UFC Octagon girl Brittney Palmer props. She definitely trains it right and keeps it tight. What do you guys think?



I am in Love with the NIKE TECH FLEECE WINDRUNNER. What do you think? It's perfect for fall.

Sooooooooo this might be a controversial and touchy subject. I love this girl to death. She is Canadian and a real sweetheart. She has marketed her self in the USA very well and has even created a really popular youtube channel. Her videos are edited quite well and she is always happy and energetic.

Despite all these positives I find a negative. She is very thin. The photo below is from a recent FitnessRx interview with Amanda. She has everything you would want in a trainer, but on the downside she is a signed and working fashion model. We all know that comes with weight and body issues. She does acknowledge that she is skinny and even addresses it in a youtube video:

With all her knowledge and marketing is she really giving people a good image of what a healthy and fit trainer who motivates people for lifestyle change should look like? Thoughts?


Check out Shakira on Self magazine. I have mixed feelings about this cover but she is looking great for being a singer/tv personality and a mother.

What do you think?



Check Out Sydney Leroux's nike Gym Essentials! I love her style and workout fashion sense!Nike

Congrats to Snooki. She did an amazing transformation and she worked her butt off to do it. Yes it takes time and she did it gradually. Way to go girl! Check out her cover:


Okay, more than a few pounds. Waaay more than a few, actually: The four-foot-nine Jersey Shore personality and new mother shed 42 pounds in six months, and as she told Mehmet Oz, MD, yesterday on The Dr. Oz Show, she did it without starving herself or resorting to any other unhealthy tricks.

She just wants to be a good role model for Lorenzo, her seven-month-old baby, Snooki told Dr. Oz. Hey, she’s already a good role model for all of us who need to clean up a little, whether we’ve been acting out on TV or spending too much time in a seated position watching other people act out on TV. So here are Snooki’s rules for losing weight. The shorthand version: Don’t be like Snooki.

Anti-Snooki Rule #1: Be sensible. It was the first question Dr. Oz asked: How did you lose the weight? “You don't do anything crazy,” Snooki told him. “You just go to the gym. You work out.” She wasn't kidding about that: She goes to the gym five days a week or more. And no half-asleep trudging on a Stairmaster for her, either. Trainer Anthony Michael makes sure she keeps her heart rate up (she wears a monitor) and her core muscles working, with exercises like squats, plank jacks, mountain climbers and stars. She also eats right: lean protein and fruit and vegetables, and plenty of it. She sticks to 1300 calories a day, but with foods like those she can eat whenever she gets hungry. “I worked very hard to lose that weight,” Snooki told Dr. Oz. Sensible!

Anti-Snooki Rule #2: Be patient. Snooki lost a lot of weight fast, but she struggled for the first few weeks when she was doing everything right for no visible reward. “I went to the gym for probably, like, a month and a half and I didn't see any results,” she said. “I’m, like, what the hell’s going on here?” She kept at it, though, and soon enough the weight started to come off and the muscles started to show. Because that’s Snooki: She’s goal-oriented, deals well with frustration, and perseveres. Right? Well, that’s the new Snooki. The anti-Snooki.

Anti-Snooki Rule #3: Be centered. Snooki wanted to make a major change in her life and her body, but not because she hated herself. She was motivated by wanting to be a good role model for baby Lorenzo, and by wanting to be able to keep up with him when he starts to get mobile. “And also I want to look good,” she said (which she does). “I don't want to be skinny—I want to be strong.” Snooki’s bottom line for all of us trying to get from where we are to where we want to be: “You should feel great about yourself, because you're an awesome person.” Then she took a sip of a cocktail Dr. Oz mixed for her: grapefruit, lime juice, and tequila, in a portion-controlled 125-calorie cup. Snooki, here’s to you!

- See more at: http://blog.sharecare.com/2013/04/02/snookis-rules-for-weight-loss/#sthash.2PjsUIgj.dpuf

This year I decided to enter the CHIN Bikini Contest. Please take a moment and go to http://www.chinradio.com/ and create a passport...top right corner. Then once you are logged in click Miss Chin Bikini and please vote for me. You can vote once a day! Thanks so much! (dont mind these pics...I had thrown my back out and walked about 1km in the rain haha)Alicia B (9) Alicia B (11)

Check out basketball wives star stepping her fitness game up. Evelyn Lozada posted this today.0


Check out Amber Rose debuting her post baby body.

What do you think?
