My newfound gem for healthy cooking? Coconut oil. If you are a fan of coconut, you will find that this oil adds a light coconut flavour to your food, not to mention the health benefits are abundant! Yes, coconut oil is a saturated fat, which some might say are "bad" but the way that it reacts in the body is GOOD! Here's how it works: coconut oil is nature's richest source of medium-chain triglycerides or MCTs. Due to the fact that MCTs have a shorter chain it is easy to digest and quickly burned off by the liver for energy but without the spike in insulin. This causes a metabolism boost and uses the coconut oil fat for energy, thus causing you to lean out. I use organic extra virgin coconut oil on practically everything! I sauté my veggies in it and even use it when cooking my eggs in the morning! Here is my favourite dinner recipe using this gem. This dish will pump up your metabolism and give you a healthy dose of your omega-3s!

(Serves 2)


16 ounces Atlantic salmon filets (with skin on)
2 tablespoons extra virgin coconut oil
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
2 lemon wedges


1. Preheat oven to 350º
2. Smear 2 tablespoons coconut oil on the bottom of a rectangular baking dish
3. Place fish on top of the oil, skin side up
4. Place fish in oven for 15 minutes
5. Remove fish from oven and use a spatula to gently peel skin off of salmon
6. Place fish back in oven for an additional 15 minutes
7. Remove fish from oven and squeeze on your lemon
8. Sprinkle on your salt and cayenne pepper evenly
9. Cut into 2 servings and plate

That's it! Such a simple recipe and you can mix it up with different spices and flavours but don't forget the coconut oil!  Serve your fish with some nice green veggies and a salad to complete your meal. Enjoy!


We all know that chicken is a lean meat, which is great fuel for the body. But chicken often has a bad rep for being bland and dry! This recipe is a no-fail way to make delicious chicken that comes out juicy and full of flavour! By pretty much making your own pasta sauce, you are taking out the additives that you would find in store bought tomato sauce, such as sugar and excess salt. Also, by throwing in some whole Roma tomatoes, you are reaping the benefits of cooked tomatoes. By cooking the tomatoes, you are boosting the lycopene levels, which is a phytochemical that acts as an antioxidant. Including lycopene in your diet has been correlated with reducing your risk of cancer. With little prep time and all the nutritious benefits, this meal is perfect for a post-workout dinner that won't take the entire evening to make.

(Serves 2)


2 Boneless, skinless, chicken breasts or 4 boneless, skinless, chicken thighs
1 can tomato purée
4 roma tomatoes
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons sriracha (hot sauce)
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
4 fresh basil leaves for garnish


1. Preheat oven to  350º
2. Place chicken and roma tomatoes in a rectangular baking dish
3. Pour 1 can tomato purée evenly on top of chicken
4. Add olive oil, sriracha, salt and pepper on top
5. Place in the oven for 40 minutes or until meat is no longer pink

Once the 40 minutes has passed you will have a ready-to-eat meal with fresh tomato sauce. No artificial colours, flavours, or sugar in this meal! Plate your chicken and tomatoes and sprinkle with basil leaves. Eat and enjoy!


Harley Pasternak, personal trainer to the stars, recently released his tips for getting a body like an A-list action man.

Well now he's focusing on the ladies!

He asks what makes a female star have one of the "best" bodies, then answers his own question, saying:

"She has to be fit. Just plain skinny doesn't cut it. She has to look like she's got some muscle tone – not necessarily Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2 – and she shouldn't have a physique that looks lean but feels like marshmallow. On the other hand, she needs to be feminine. The natural curves of a woman are a prerequisite. Female bodybuilders are a little too extreme to make this list."

Sounds like he's talking about moderation. No real extremes, just really really fit!

He then made a list of who he found to have the "best" female bods in film:

Halle Berry in Catwoman
Angelina Jolie in Tomb Raider
Jessica Simpson in The Dukes of Hazzard
Milla Jovovich in The Fifth Element
Jessica Biel in Blade: Trinity
Eva Green in Casino Royale
Kate Beckinsale in Underworld
Megan Fox in Transformers
Eva Mendes in Ghost Rider
Jessica Alba in Sin City
Ashley Greene in Twilight
Jordana Brewster in The Fast and the Furious

He has actually trained eight of these 12 women!

He said they all work crazy hard and eat super healthy.

He then came up with a mini routine that U can use to try and get a famous film physique! It went a little something like this:

1. Start with a 5-minute cardio warm-up. Try speed walking, jogging, jump rope, jumping jacks, or climbing stairs.

2. Then it's time for walk lunges. From the standing position, step forward into a lunge, then swing your trailing leg ahead of you as you move upwards and alternate legs as you move across the room. Do three sets of 20 reps.

3. Next is shoulder lateral raise. Standing with a light weight (or bottle of smartwater) in each hand, slowly raise your arms away from each other out towards the wall, then return down. Do three sets of 30 reps.

4. Then the seated trunk twist. Sitting on the ground and leaning back 30 degrees, hold your arms in front of you like a boxer. As you twist your torso to the left, reach towards the left wall with your right hand, then immediately do the same in the opposite direction. Try three sets of 50 reps.

5. End with a 5-minute cardio cool down. Try speed walking, jogging, jump rope, jumping jacks, or climbing stairs.

Try phases 2, 3 and 4 as a continuous non-stop circuit.

That's all there is to it!

Couple that with some healthy foods, portion control, plenty of water and a good nights sleep and soon you'll have a body to rival the A-listers!

Article Via Fit Perez


Hey American Friends!

70% of food in US contains #GMOs. Vote YES on CA's Prop 37 to label them, we have the right to KNOW what we are eating!

Today I discovered Blk. Water at my local store. The product already has tons of celebrity endorsers. I am betting we will be seeing lots of this water in the future.

According to their site  it is pronounced " blk.(bee • el • kay) n." and  "blk is the first ever fulvic-enhanced all-natural mineral water. blk is what happens when fulvic trace minerals are added to pure water. blk is powerful electrolytes and a high pH. blk is serious hydration. blk is a delicious beverage without any sugar, carbs or calories."

Blk claims that their product contains fulvic minerals. What are fulvic minerals? "Organic minerals within the structures of prehistoric plants were deposited onto the surface of the earth, where they were combined with fulvic acids. This continued for millions of years, gradually forming rare Fulvic Mineral deposits"

In addition to the minerals it is also Ph balanced for your body and we all know how important that is in water and for the body. I give this product a 5 star Train It Right Rating and will definitely be drinking lots of it.



Train It Right Vlog

Blueberry - Vanilla - Recovery

1/2 cup of frozen blue berries

1/2 cup frozen vanilla greek yogurt

1 Cup Rivalus Vanilla Promasil

1 Table Spoon of Glutamine

Blend and Drink with straw


The Truth On Health website was launched by non other than Paul Pierce of the Boston Celtics. According to the sites information Pierce founded The Truth Fund in 2002 to provide educational and life-enriching opportunities for under-served youth. Pierce launched The Truth on Health Campaign to help empower and encourage young people to lead healthier lifestyles. The Truth on Health includes an awareness campaign and sustainable programming for young people to live healthy lifestyles – incorporating physical fitness and healthy eating, and encouraging a commitment/pledge of 60 minutes per day dedicated to physical activity.

Its always great to see athletes such as pierce giving back to the community in a positive way like promoting health and fitness. We've got to give our props to Paul because he is definitely "Training It Right!"