FEED Your Gut with Genuine Health’s fermented organic gut superfoods+

November 15, 2017 (Toronto, ON): The health of our entire body depends on one thing: how happy and healthy our gut microbiome is. Our microbiome is made up of trillions of microorganisms that influence not only our digestion, but also our mood, immunity, and even body composition! As the experts in gut health, Genuine Health understands the importance of a healthy, thriving microbiome and has developed the ULTIMATE nourishment for gut microbes with its NEW fermented organic gut superfoods+.


For the past 25 years, Genuine Health has established itself as a global leader in superfoods, fermentation and the microbiome, and has created its very own PRIME, SEED and FEED approach. With these three easy steps, individuals can keep their gut microbiome on its best behaviour. PRIME the gut with fermented nutrition, SEED the gut with the healthiest live microbes, and FEED the microbes with the ultimate nourishment to keep them happy.


How do you keep your gut microbes happy? PREBIOTICS! We need to eat not only to nourish ourselves but to nourish our microbiome. Prebiotics can also help to produce beneficial short chain fatty acids, improve gut function, help digestion and enhance mineral absorption. But, for many people with digestive issues, most prebiotics can lead to digestive discomfort. The most common type of prebiotic on the market today is made from inulin, which can irritate the gut lining, and may even feed both “good” and “bad” bacteria, and can lead to gas and bloating.


Enter fermented organic gut superfoods+, the ultimate prebiotic gut superfood with a 1-2-3 punch. It includes 21 phytonutrient-rich superfoods, easy-to-tolerate prebiotic fibre, and is fully fermented, all which intensifies the strength of the nutrients, and helps to encourage the growth of “good” bacteria. 1. Phytonutrients are plant nutrients and polyphenols are the best-known class of phytonutrients that provide benefits throughout the body. Each of the ingredients in fermented organic gut superfoods+ were carefully chosen for its high polyphenol content. 2. The rich source of prebiotic fibre is VitaFiber, which is easy-to-tolerate and helps to encourage the growth of good bacteria. 3. fermented organic gut superfoods+ is fully-fermented improving gut microbial profile and increasing the anti-inflammatory properties of phytonutrients by 20%!

“The new fermented organic gut superfoods+ is extremely rich in polyphenols - twice that of even the healthiest mix of a 2-dozen-ingredient salad, and it has the advantage of having the polyphenols microbially transformed pre-consumption through traditional fermentation.” – Dr. Alan Logan, ND, FRSH

fermented organic gut superfoods+ is available in unflavoured and unsweetened (stevia-free), Summer Berry & Pomegranate, and Orange Ginger. 21-day - $59.99, and 7-day servings – $24.99. fermented organic gut superfoods+ can be found at your local health food, grocery and drug retailers. Visit www.genuinehealth.com to find a store near you.


About Genuine Heath

For 25 years, Genuine Health has been making natural supplements that people are passionate about because they work. Founder and CEO Stewart Brown’s love for natural health started early in life when he suffered with health issues and found solutions through holistic modalities and supplements. Upon opening his own chain of natural supplement stores, he witnessed first-hand how some products worked and some didn’t for his customers. He then collaborated with Sam Graci, the formulator of greens+, and experienced the amazing effects of taking a product that makes a real difference to your health. Today, Genuine Health has over 170 products sold in both Canada and the US, and is focused on empowering people to live life with passion by embracing natural health products that improve their lives – every day!


A daily serving of 5 prunes helps slow bone loss and lowers the risk of osteoporosis


TORONTO, Oct. 18, 2017 /CNW/ - Approximately 1.4 million Canadians are living with osteoporosis1, a condition characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue. Now, scientific research has found that simply eating a serving of five prunes a day may help slow and prevent bone loss.

Research published in the journal Osteoporosis International,2 studied postmenopausal women with low bone density, who ate 5 to 6 prunes (50g) per day, for a six-month period. The research suggests that this level of consumption was as effective in preventing bone loss as a previous study3 where postmenopausal women consumed 10 to 12 prunes (100g) per day for one year.

"This research is extremely compelling, since women can lose 1 to 1.5 per cent of their bone density annually following menopause," says Dr. Shirin Hooshmand, PhD and lead researcher, of the study, at the School of Exercise and Nutritional Sciences at San Diego State University.

In April 2017, a comprehensive review of 24 studies on prunes and bone health was published in Nutrients.4 The author found that prunes enhance bone formation and exert beneficial effects on bone mineral density.

California prunes are rich in nutrients that are vital for bone health including vitamin K and potassium. Naturally sweet and delicious, a serving of about five prunes is only 100 calories and is a source of dietary fibre.

"Healthy bones are vital to overall wellbeing," says Cara Rosenbloom, RD. "It's excellent news that prunes, a flavourful dried fruit and convenient snack may be helpful for bone health."

The evidence continues to grow and support the fact that incorporating prunes as a regular part of a nutritious diet seems to offer long-term bone health benefits, particularly in postmenopausal women. A larger clinical trial is currently underway, to further explore prunes' effect on bone density and estimated bone strength in postmenopausal women. Research continues to discover the potential mechanism and compounds in prunes that support healthy bones.

In addition to supporting healthy bones, prunes also help support heart and digestive health. Prunes have a low glycemic index, which along with fibre, helps manage blood sugar levels.

For more information on the health benefits of California prunes or for delicious prune recipes and tips, visit: www.californiadriedplums.org or follow on Instagram @CADriedPlumBoard and Twitter @CADriedPlums.

  1. Canadians putting themselves at risk for osteoporosis. Osteoporosis Canada. http://www.osteoporosis.ca/news/press-releases/canadians-putting-themselves-at-risk-for-osteoporosis-survey/ 
  2. Hooshmand S, et al. The effect of two doses of dried plum on bone density and bone biomarkers in osteopenic postmenopausal women: a randomized, controlled trial. Osteoporosis Int. 2016 Jul;27(7):2271-2279. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26902092 
  3. Hooshmand S, et al. Comparative Effects of Dried Plum and Dried Apple on Bone in Postmenopausal Women. British Journal of Nutrition 2011;106:923:-930
  4. Wallace TC. Dried Plums, Prunes and Bone Health: A Comprehensive Review. Nutrients. 2017 Apr 19;9(4). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5409740/

About The California Dried Plum Board (CDPB): The CDPB represents about 800 growers and 29 prune packers, under the authority of the California Secretary of Food and Agriculture. California produces approximately 90 percent of the United States and 40 percent of the world's supply of prunes, a convenient, healthy snack for today's busy lifestyle. CDPB provided partial funding and dried plum products for the various studies.

SOURCE California Dried Plum Board

Top 10 Tips For Healthy Grocery Shopping

27 Mar 2008, Garnerville, New York, USA --- Assorted Junk Food --- Image by © Envision/Corbis

Grocery shopping isn’t always easy. It is common to get lost amongst the fancy processed foods, refined sugars and tempting baked goods. To learn how to grocery shop for your health it takes practice. Just like learning to ride a bike takes time so does healthy grocery shopping. You need to choose items you like to eat and not force yourself to buy things that will just end up rotting in your fridge. Also choosing a variety of foods from all four food groups can help you achieve a balanced, healthy eating plan. Here are some healthy grocery shopping tips to help you keep it healthy at the grocery store and choose foods that are good for you.


Make a plan

When you go to the store arrive with a list of what you want to buy that way you are less likely to act on impulse. If you plan the night before what you want to cook for the next few days you can prepare a list of all the food and ingredients that you need to pick up. If you fail to plan you plan to fail. And don’t add on any new items that you haven’t planned for. Stay on track and don't get distracted by fancy displays or temptations.


Shop on the outside Aisles

Stay on the outside of the aisles. Most processed food is on the shelves in the middle and the fresh and healthy ingredients are on the perimeters. Try to buy a variety of greens and fruits. The brighter the colours in the produce the more packed full of nutrients that there are. If you can stay free of processed foods the more healthy you will be.


Always read the label

Be Smart and If you do venture into the aisle try to avoid foods that contain more than five ingredients, artificial ingredients, or ingredients you can't pronounce. According to Eat Right Ontario “Use the Nutrition Facts table on food labels to choose nutritious products with less fat, saturated fat, trans fat, sugar and sodium. The % Daily Value tells you if the food has a little or a lot of a particular nutrient. 5% DV means a food has a little of a nutrient. 15% DV means a food has a lot of a nutrient. Remember that the calorie and nutrient content that is listed is based on the amount of food specified at the top of the table.” Also remember to try buy food that is low in sodium, artificial flavours and preservatives.


Be careful with dairy

Dairy can be good but in moderation. A good way to stay healthy with cheese or dairy products is to choose lower fat milk and alternatives. Buy skim, 1% or 2% milk or a milk alternative such as almond, rice or coconut. You can always take your time to compare the Nutrition Facts table on packaged foods to help you select lower fat milk alternatives like low fat yogurt and cheeses.


Shop with your children

Bring your kids with you to help teach them the importance of healthy eating. Children may forget what you say but they will always remember what you did. If you have older kids you can give them each part of the list and create a scavenger hunt. This make shopping fun for the whole family.


Say no to commercial marketing

By commercial marketing we mean cartoons and characters that are targeting your children. If you don't want you or your kids eating junk food, definitely don't have them in the house. These include cereals, bars and bags that have cute writing, sponsored marketing or have an animal that is depicted by a cartoon. Most of the time this food is packed with additives, preservatives, excess sodium and processed sugars.


Use Coupons

Don’t be afraid to cut up some coupons to save money. Yes sometimes eating healthy and/or organic can be a bit expensive, but if you look for deals and use coupons it doesn't have to be. You can find lots of great deals online or in your local flyers. This will help cut the costs and help you organize your shopping trip before you even leave your house.


Shop local

Healthy food that is grown locally can often times be much more affordable from farms and markets than your giant chain supermarket. Google a list of local markets and farms and don’t be afraid to try and make a deal if you plan on using them a lot. And nothing is better than supporting local businesses.


If you're on a budget

If you are on a budget or cant get to a local market or farm and have to go to the big chain grocery and the money in your pocket doesn’t agree with the cost of fresh food and produce it is ok to choose frozen or canned vegetables and fruits in water. Just make sure that there are no added sugars, saturated and trans fat, or salt.


Use your own self motivation

Go shopping after workout but only if you have had a post workout shake or meal. After a good sweat and have training on your mind, you're less likely to buy junk that will reject everything you just did. Plus you don’t want all that hard work in the gym to just be reversed by making a bad impulsive choice.


You can learn how to make healthy grocery shopping a habit and you can even involve your children. Plan ahead thinking about all of the food groups, try to stick to foods that you and your family enjoy, and don’t be scared to ask questions when you go to the grocery store, farm or market and remember if it's not fresh always check the label and the ingredients that go into the food that you are consuming. Happy healthy grocery shopping!


'Carnivore-approved' recipe book The Edgy Veg
turns traditional vegan cuisine upside down with
delicious twists on classic comfort foods & fast food favs

TORONTO, ON – Host of YouTube sensation The Edgy Veg, Candice Hutchings takes readers on a fun, quirky, flavour-packed, culinary adventure with the launch of her book,The Edgy Veg: 138 Carnivore-Approved Vegan Recipes.

Moving away from the ubiquitous spiralized zucchini noodles of Instagram and away fromboring salads and smoothies, The Edgy Veg features 138 recipes that satisfy the need for comfort food, fast food favourites, food-nerd obsessions and insatiable childhood and adult cravings.

Every recipe will be enjoyed by vegans, vegetarians and omnivores alike — and they are all approved by Candice’s husband James, former meat and cheese‑loving guy. The Edgy Veg is a fabulously fun food movement seeking to revolutionize and redefine vegan food as we know it.

This is the book that every vegan, non-vegan, wannabe vegan, thinking-about-going-vegan and carnivore-that-loves-animals needs in their life. The main goal writing this book,was to tackle drool-worthy dishes that the world can't believe are meat and dairy-free. I cannot wait for our Veg Squad to fool their friends and families with recipes like mac and cheese, burgers, salads-that-don't-suck, and ice cream,” says Hutchings. “I am so excited to be part of the landscape that brings plant-based cooking to the mainstream and proves that a vegan diet can include the comfort foods we all grew up eating.”

The book features all new recipes (not seen on the blog or on their YouTube channel) along with a selection of hand-picked fan favourites. Included are brunch staples such as the incredibly indulgent Veggs Benedict, cocktails including Ginger Kombucha Mimosa, sweet treats like Candice’s Thank You Very Matcha Ice Cream, and more mains than you can count.

Breaking down the essentials on how to make meat and dairy replacements, The Edgy Veg also offers extensive advice on how to stock a vegan kitchen and pantry, which both experienced chefs and first-time vegan cooks will love.

It’s time to take vegan cooking to the next level. It’s time for more dad jokes than you can count. It’s time for The Edgy Veg.

The Edgy Veg cover

Instagram: @edgyveg
Twitter: @edgyveg
Youtube: EdgyVeg
Facebook: The Edgy Veg
Website: www.theedgyveg.com

The Edgy Veg will be available online and in-store on October 16, 2017 for $32.95.

About Candice Hutchings
Co-Founder, Creator, Chef and Resident Mad Food Scientist, Candice Hutchings is the brains and creativity behind The Edgy Veg. Candice develops all food creations and is the on-screen talent bringing delicious vegan recipes to the world. Soon after starting The Edgy Veg blog, Candice was eager to further her food education and spent many years deeply involved in the health, raw food and vegan space in Toronto, including managing a raw food restaurant and juice cleansing company.

Candice and husband James Aita currently reside in Toronto and can be found creating new vegan recipes and cracking bad dad jokes on their Youtube channel, The Edgy Veg, which has over 240,000+ subscribers and 630,000+ monthly views

How to Maximize Your Gains with Pre and Post Workout Nutrition

People who work out often face a dilemma in choosing what food to eat. Some opt to eat light snacks before working out and eat a heavy meal afterward. However, proper timing is as important as what food you eat. During workouts, the body needs fuel to function properly. The muscles also need to regenerate after a stressful activity to prevent weakness and injury.

Proper nutrition is crucial to prepare your body for a physical exercise. Your body also needs to recover after a physical training. What you eat and when to eat should be part of your fitness regimen so you can get the best workout gains.

Consuming a proper diet before and after a workout has a lot of benefits. First, you get to maximize your time in the gym because your body is fuelled properly. Second, your muscles recover faster and you won't feel fatigued or weak right after. Last, you are less prone to injuries because your muscles repair quickly.

Read on to learn some tips on how you can maximize your gains with proper pre- and post-workout nutrition:

  1. Nutrition Based on Type of Training

What is your usual training regimen? Different activities require different amounts of nutrition. This helps athletes and ordinary people fuel up before a workout and recover afterward.

  • Cardio Training

Cardio training requires endurance. When you eat is a bigger factor than what you eat. It is best to consume a full meal at least 60 to 90 minutes before your workout. This allows the food to digest properly and give you enough energy without feeling sluggish. Eat a diet that is low in fat and sugar, moderate in protein, and high in complex carbohydrates.

Protein should be consumed within the 20-minute metabolic period. You should also consume electrolytes to rehydrate your body and replenish glycogen stores. Protein helps your muscles repair themselves after a strenuous activity. After an hour, consume a meal with small servings but prioritize simple carbs and proteins.

  • Strength Training

Strength training requires strength and endurance. Eating the proper food before a workout allows you to perform to the fullest.

1 to 2 hours before your session, eat a balanced meal of complex carbs and protein. Carbs help prevent your muscles from getting weak. Proteins help your muscles repair themselves. It would also be best to drink water or sports drinks every 20 minutes into your session. Water rehydrates your body and sports drinks contain carbs that boost your energy.

After your training session, consume a full meal that is high in proteins. The amino acids in proteins help repair worn-out muscles.

  • Race and Marathon Training

If you are going to run the next day and need to prep, make sure that your body gets enough nutrition. Eating properly before your training helps you perform better.

The night before your training, consume a meal that is low in fiber and fat but high in carbs. In the morning, make sure your breakfast is high in carbs such as whole-grain cereals, whole wheat toast, and bananas.

During training, make sure you drink 3 to 6 ounces of fluid every 20 minutes into your session. Don't forget to weigh yourself before and after a workout. Why? After your exercise, you should replenish your fluid intake. You should drink 16 ounces of fluid for every pound of sweat that you lost. Consume 4 ounces of tart cherry juice after your workout. Cherry juice works best in muscle recovery and helps reduce muscle damage and inflammation so you don't get muscle cramps.

  1. What to Eat Before and After a Workout

What about for regular fitness buffs? What food can you eat before and after a physical exercise? Well, you also need to ensure that you get proper nutrition. Don't worry, you won't get fat. Make sure to follow these tips for a more effective workout gain.

  • Pre-Workout Nutrition

Eat a full meal 1.5 to 2 hours before working out. This allows you to properly digest the food and still have enough energy. Consume a balanced meal of protein and complex carbs. Protein is great for muscle regeneration.

Complex carbs digest more slowly but without the sluggish feeling. Also, complex carbs help the muscles retain glycogen stores. When your body retains more glycogen, the more weights you can lift and the more energy you have.

It is also best to take supplements before your training session. B-vitamins provides more energy to fuel your workout. Ginko biloba and tyrosine motivates you to go through your sessions as they improve concentration and mental focus.

Some take creatine to quickly build muscle and increase water retention in the muscles. However, creatine can cause overexertion and damage the muscles. It would be best to find supplements without creatine and work on having proper nutrition.

Here's a list of foods that are recommended for a pre-workout meal:

  • whole grain oats
  • brown grains
  • brown rice
  • full-fat yogurt or Greek yogurt
  • granola bars with nuts
  • berries
  • almond milk
  • high-protein oatmeal
  • bananas
  • apples
  • peanut butter
  • hard-boiled egg
  • avocados
  • lean chicken
  • sweet potatoes
  • green beans


  • Post-Workout Nutrition

After working out, your body craves for carbs. You will also feel thirsty because of the water that you lost through sweating. Your muscles will also feel tired and aching. Proper nutrition after a strenuous activity helps you recover from these effects.

Consume proteins and electrolytes within the 20-minute metabolic period after a workout. At this time, your body absorbs more nutrients effectively. After an hour or two, eat a full meal composed of simple carbs and high-protein. Simple carbs help replenish the glycogen stores essential to muscle recovery.

Carbs also reintroduce glucose into your body. After a workout, your blood sugar drops because your muscles have already consumed the glycogen stores. This explains why you feel irritable and weak if you don't eat. Proteins help keep you full, restores the lost nutrients, and suppresses your appetite so your body doesn't crash.

What about for people who workout at night? Can you still consume a full meal before retiring to bed? You should. Your body still needs to recover and repair itself, so it needs proper nutrition. Otherwise, starving yourself leads to weakness, sleep problems, and you may be prone to injuries such as muscle cramps.

Here are some nutritious foods you can eat after a workout:

  • hummus and pita bread
  • tuna or salmon
  • vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, butternut squash and carrots
  • eggs
  • nuts
  • sweet potatoes
  • fruits such as bananas, apples, bananas, berries, avocado
  • lean chicken
  • pasta
  • olive oil
  • white bread
  • dark chocolate



Eating a proper diet is essential to healthy living. For people who are always on the go or have an active lifestyle, the more that you need to increase your intake of proteins and healthy carbs. People who are into sports, fitness training, strength training or aerobics should not rob themselves of food when they feel hungry. Proper nutrition and proper timing has more benefits and helps you achieve the maximum gains from your workout.

If you haven't started, why don't you go ahead and plan your meals for the week?


Author Bio

  Annie Jones is the person behind BoostBodyFit. She started off a bit on the chubby side but went through a transformation. She looks and feels great. Say Hi to Annie on Twitter, Facebook


Protein – Brownies? That Are Delicious!

Guest Post: Sloane Davis

My approach to weight loss is based upon flexible dieting.  My clients are given macros, which are proteins, fats and carbs, which comprises total calories.  They then eat within the budget that is prescribed for their specific body.  What makes this plan so effective is that there are no foods that one has to eat and no foods that are off limits.  This makes for very sustainable, long term, successful weight loss.

While I can have a brownie, ice cream or cookies, I have learned that those types of calorie dense foods add up very fast.  And because I like to eat in volume, I have created many healthy, low calories, low fat versions of these desserts so that I can have the entire tray if I’d like for less calories rather than just one.

One of my favorite recipes is my Protein Brownie. You can add a peanut butter swirl to it, a cream cheese filling, chocolate chips or simply plain as is.  Not only do they hit the spot and cure my cravings for sweets, but keep my waistline in check too.

Here is the recipe that has never been shared before, as it’s a new edition to my recipe ebook due out in a few weeks

Protein Chocolate Brownies

4 scoops Chocolate Protein Powder

½ cup + 2 TBS cocoa powder

½ cup + 2 TBS Pure Pumpkin

2 tsp baking powder

5 ounces % Plain Greek Yogurt

1 cup Sweetener (I used Swerve)

1 cup Water

⅓ cup chocolate chips (I use Lily’s)


Preheat Oven to 350

Mix dry ingredients

Add wet ingredients to form the batter

Pour into 8x8 greased (or sprayed) square pan

Bake 30-35 minutes or until middle is set

Cut when cool


Serving Size 9 pieces 83 calories 5g carbs 1g fat 13g protein


These are a total crowd pleaser to bring to your next barbecue. Also, try these out on children a great way to serve a snack with a healthy punch!


Sloane Davis is a Certified Nutritionist and Personal Trainer who has helped thousands of people, both men and women, around the world get in to top shape both mentally and physically. Sloane has her undergraduate degree in Bachelor of Arts from Syracuse University and became accredited through ISSA with her degree in Sports Nutrition and Personal Training. She works personally and online with thousands of clients around the US and globally.

She has been featured in PeopleFitness MagazineNew Beauty Magazine, Apple News, The Daily Mail, Yahoo News, FOX Good Day New York, FOX Good Day DC, NY1, Bay Area Focus, Women’s Fitness, Womanista, Livestrong, Mind Body Green and Westchester Magazine


Connect with Davis on  Pancakes And Push Ups. Follow her on Instagram at Pancakesandpush_ups, view videos of her on YouTube and follow her on Twitter and LinkedIn


Website: Pancakesandpush-ups

New Documentary ‘What the Health,’ the health film that health organizations don’t want you to see, hits top spot on Vimeo

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., – “What the Health,” a new feature-length documentary, captured Vimeo On Demand’s number one trending spot, and racked up more than 6.5 million social media shares, following its release Thursday. “What the Health” exposes the collusion and corruption in government, big business, and the nation’s leading health organizations. With heart disease and cancer the leading causes of death in America, diabetes at an all-time high, costs and healthcare costs in the trillions, “What the Health” reveals possibly the largest health cover-up of our time.

Proceeds from online views raised more than $45,000 for hunger relief organization Food Not Bombs.

Intrepid filmmaker Kip Andersen tracks down the leading and most trusted American health nonprofits to find out why these groups are staying silent, despite a growing body of evidence. Audiences will be shocked to learn the insidious roles played by pharmaceutical companies, agribusiness, and processed animal food companies in the nation’s health, especially in the most vulnerable communities, and will cheer at the transformation and recovery of those who took their lives into their own hands.

“Like a lot of Americans, I have a family history of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, so it was important to me to learn more,” said Andersen, who co-directed the film with Keegan Kuhn. “We are astonished by the support for ‘What the Health’ and hope it contributes to the national conversation about our health, and how big business influences it.”

Surprising, and at times hilarious, the documentary features the insights of urgent care physician Dr. Milton Mills; bariatric medicine specialist Dr. Garth Davis (“Big Medicine”); Dr. Neal Barnard, president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine; physician and bestselling author Dr. Michael Greger (“How Not to Die”); NYU School of Medicine professor Dr. Michelle McMacken; public health attorney Michele Simon (“Appetite for Profit: How the Food Industry Undermines Our Health and How to Fight Back”), and many more.

“We're so grateful to Kip and Keegan for making us part of this incredible film and for their generosity in supporting our efforts to share healthy vegan food with the public, many who are hungry and homeless, struggling to find nourishment in communities across North America and the globe,” said Keith McHenry, co-founder of Food Not Bombs.

For a press kit, photos, and other media resources visit https://app.box.com/s/7um6eicrfbnw6tnviblemc00b7lfjode

For the trailer visit https://vimeo.com/ondemand/whatthehealth

For more information visit http://www.whatthehealthfilm.com.

About AUM Films and Media

AUM Films and Media is a 501c3 non-profit focused on creating films and media that promote thrivability, compassion, and harmony for all life. “Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret,” its first production, premiered in late 2014. This documentary uncovers the most destructive industry facing the planet today – and investigates why the world's leading environmental organizations are too afraid to talk about it. For more information visit http://aumfilms.org.

Supplement Spotlight: Phosphatidylserine (PS)

What is it?

A naturally occurring phospholipid found in cell membranes throughout the body, comprised of both fatty acids and amino acids. It serves to maintain optimal cell function and communication but most importantly, is a key building block for brain cells.

For us bodybuilders however, possibly the most attractive benefit of this supplement is in it’s potential to suppress the release of cortisol when taken after a workout. It should come as no surprise that contest prep places a great deal of stress on the body and mind. And when your cortisol levels aren't kept in check, it can really work against you - making it more challenging to drop those last few pounds of excess weight as well as staying full and dense through carb-restricted phases. Supplementing with something like PS can help to balance cortisol levels so you have one less factor working against you during the process.

PS is considered to be part of the nootropic family of supplements (aka smart drugs) and has demonstrated some impressive cognitive-enhancing benefits in research as well – including: boosting mental focus and task performance, preventing short term memory loss, helping with ADHD, combats depression/improves mood, improves Parkinson’s symptoms, improves symptoms and delays the onset of Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.


600-800 mg daily split over two doses with one dose typically taken in the post-workout period or after intense activity.

600 mg is the common research administered dose per day.

Smaller athletes and females may be able to use 400 mg/day , split over two doses.

Coach Notes

Not the cheapest cortisol support supplement, but on my own trials and with clients, it does seem to provide some great results – both from a physique enhancing perspective and cognitive performance. I usually gauge how well it’s working, by how full and hard a client’s muscles stay while dieting over a period of a month, as well as changes in abdominal fat distribution (i.e. if a client is able to drop body fat a little more efficiently in the core).

(Attached photo - proof you can find it locally. This was at Healthy Planet.)

Hey guys! If you have protein powder in your diet this week and are craving a sweet treat give this recipe a try!

Ps this recipe was sent out in my newsletter so if you aren't subscribed makes sure you do! www.trainitright.com either click the popup or scroll to the bottom.

Healthy Chocolate Lava Cake

This recipe is for those of you who desperately are craving a sweet treat but know enough not to stray too far off of your diet. If you do IIFYM you can easily fit this into your macros.

1 Scoop Protein Of Choice
1 tsp cocoa
1 tsp Baking Powder
1 tbsp PB2 (peanut butter without the fat)
1 Packet of stevia or liquid stevia drops
Almond Milk/Cashew Milk (amount will vary depending on protein)

1. Mix all of the dry ingredients together into a bowl or mug.

2. Add Almond milk slowly and stir until brownie batter is achieved.

2. Microwave 1-2 minutes until there is only a small centre of "goo" in the middle. Think lava cake. I suggest checking every 30s to see.

3. ENJOY! But beware it is addictive!

I was recently sent some new protein to try. Its Called Bipro. They sent me vanilla, chocolate and unflavoured. I tried them before I entered prep and I was really impressed. The Vanilla is 90 calories, 0g of fat, 1g of carb with 22g protein. The chocolate is 90 calories, 0.5g of fat, 2g of carb with 20g protein. The unflavoured is 80 calories, 0g of fat, 0g of carb with 20g protein.

A little bit about the company and my findings:

BiPro whey protein isolate has been available in the U.S. for more than 30 years and is used by elite and major league athletes, coaches and sports nutrition experts. Starting in July 2016, BiPro will finally be available in Canada through Amazon.ca. It will also be sold in specialty stores as of this fall.

High in protein, including branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), to help enhance training and improve endurance

  • One of the purest WPI products on the market, with a 97% purity level
  • Made with 100% whey protein isolate, with no other protein sources added
  • Fast-absorbing and easy to digest
  • NSF-certified
  • Naturally gluten-free
  • Short ingredients list

BiPro will be offered in a 907 g (2 lbs.) jars as well as boxes with 14 individual packets. You have the choice of Unflavoured, Chocolate or French Vanilla.

I was honestly really impressed with the taste and quality. I like that it is high in protein with BCAA in it. It was easy to digest and I believe it that they say its one of the purest whey's on the market with a 97% purity level. Its also naturally gluten free and there are only a few ingredients therefore it clearly isn't packed with fillers or chemicals.