Five Ways To Spring Clean Your Health & Lose Weight - Interviews Available With Doctor

Dr. George's tips are:
1. Start exercising
An increase in activity of as little as 20 minutes 3 times a week can make a difference in your risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity. You don't have to get fancy with a gym membership. Try taking the stairs at work instead of the elevator, or park further from the entrance when you go to the market or mall.
2. Eat Smaller portions
You may not want to give up your junk food or fried food, but try to limit your portions. Instead of buying a six pack of soda, buy a two liter bottle. You can better control the portions along with your intake of calories.
3. Drink more water
The average person should be drinking 1 ounce per kilogram of his/her weight in water per day. (1 lb = 2.2kg). Studies have shown that people eat more when they are dehydrated because the signals in the body can confuse hunger with thirst. If you are hungry, try drinking an 8-12 oz glass of water before you decide to eat that snack.
4. Avoid salt
The average American diet consists too much salt. Salt is found in everything from canned foods to frozen foods. Not only does salt make your body retain water, it also dulls your sense of taste when it comes to sugar. As a challenge, decrease the amount of salt you eat for about 1 week, then drink a non-diet soft drink. Not only will you lose about 3- 5 lbs of water weight, but you will see that the soda is incredibly sweet. In addition, try to use sea salt.
5. Avoid high fructose corn syrup
Studies have shown that most products in this country are made with high fructose corn syrup that is contaminated with mercury (a known neurotoxin). Instead try to choose foods made with cane sugar. When you drink soft drinks that are made with sugar you will be less likely to crave salt and be able to stop with one soda because there is no 'sugar high' that leads to the craving that makes you want to have more.
About Dr. Elaina George
Atlanta, GA Based - Dr Elaina George is a Board Certified Otolaryngologist. She graduated from Princeton University with a degree in Biology. She received her Masters degree in Medical Microbiology from Long Island University, and received her medical degree from Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. Dr George completed her residency at Manhattan, Eye Ear & Throat Hospital. She is on the advisory council of Project 21 black leadership network, an initiative of The National Center for Public Policy Research. Dr George hosts her own radio show, "Medicine On Call" and she is also a keynote speaker many organizations. As a solo practitioner in private practice who is also a small business owner, she has a unique perspective on the problems of health care delivery, the true costs of healthcare and viable solutions.
TV CLIP of Dr. Elaina George on Fox Business News 

If you are busy and on the go a great way to get your daily nutrition can be through a shake. You can literally grab the packets and throw them into your purse, mix them up in little to no time and enjoy!

Skinny Shake recently sent us samples to try over here at Train It Right! Their chocolate and vanilla flavours contain 16g of protein, 25 vitamins and minerals and are only 140 calories.With the added benefit of:

Goji Berry
Chia Seed Powder
Horseradish Tree Leaf (Moringa)
& more!

If you look at the ingredients a lot of it comes from fibre. And we wouldn't really count what they count as carbs at all as most aid in the digestion process.

We found that it tasted good, clean and mixed well with water when we tried it. The company recommends to add about 8oz of liquid. At Train It Right we recommend water, almond milk or cashew milk for easy digestion. Mix it in a shaker cup for best results and enjoy. For recipes ideas visit their recipe section on their website.

As an amazing bonus Skinny Shake has given me a code for you guys to get a discount. I do not make any referral fee this is strictly for you guys. Use your unique 20% OFF coupon code “GETSKINNY-154” to give you 20% off their entire order.

Go to to learn more about and purchase the Skinny Shake™ product.

Use your unique 20% OFF coupon code “GETSKINNY-154” to give you 20% off their entire order.


The Rise & Shine Breakfast Bowl from Hopscotch

Breakfast, the most important meal of the day, should not only make you feel good but also give you that extra motivation to hop out of bed every morning. I never skip breakfast and my breakfast meals always include a good source of protein, vegetables and healthy fats. This is why I want to share with you this recipe: The Rise & Shine Breakfast Bowl from Hopscotch.

Hopscotch (a health-focused, locally-sourced, fast casual restaurant) has the perfect way to fill your readers bellies and start the day off on the right note.

The Rise & Shine breakfast bowl is a light but filling starter that uplifts tired, morning spirits with a mix of wheat berries, spinach, bacon, egg, sweet potato, avocado and cucumber, tossed in a maple balsamic vinaigrette.

If you would like a PDF of the recipe please so that you can make it yourself at home. Click here: Hopscotch Recipe- Rise & Shine

For more information about Hopscotch please visit their website.

Food on the Brain…

Top Brain Boosters to Add and Brain Drainers to Drop From Your Shopping List

The foods you have in your pantry and fridge may be helping or hindering your brain. Dr. Christopher Calapai DO, a New York City Osteopathic Physician board certified in family and anti-aging medicine explains that the foods we choose have a lot to do with how sharp, attentive, alert, focused and happy we feel after they are consumed. Certain foods may taste great have additives in them that literally cloud our brains and leave us sluggish and dull headed. The opposite is also true. We can eat certain foods and feel a charge of mental energy and focus. We spoke to Dr. Calapai and got a quick list of foods that boost and drain the brain. Which ones will you add and remove from your shopping list?

Brain Boosting Foods to Add!

1 Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are great sources of vitamin E.  Higher levels of vitamin E correspond with less cognitive decline as you get older. Add an ounce a day of walnuts, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, almonds, cashews, peanuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, flax seed, and un-hydrogenated nut butters such as peanut butter, almond butter, and tahini. Raw or roasted doesn't matter, although if you're on a sodium-restricted diet, buy unsalted nuts. “Adding nuts to your diet can aid in decreasing levels of enzymes that lead to protein plaques from forming and dementia. Nuts can also reduce brain inflammation, keep blood pressure low, key for preventing stroke,” explains Dr. Calapai.

  1. Blueberries

“I eat these daily and encourage patients to add blueberries to as many things as possible. They’re great on their own, added to a shake, to oatmeal, or even to a salad,” says Dr. Calapai. Blueberries are tasty and sweet and loaded with antioxidants. They’re packed with vitamin C, K and fiber and pack high levels of gallic acid, making them especially good at protecting our brains from degeneration and stress. “Studies show that eating blueberries can boost focus and memory for up to 5 hours,” adds Dr. Calapai

  1. Broccoli

Broccoli is one of the best brain foods out there. Thanks to its high levels of vitamin K and choline which is a B vitamin know for aiding brain development keeps memory sharp and protects the brain from later decline with age. It’s also loaded with vitamin C. Just one cup provides you with 150 percent of your recommended daily intake. Its high-fiber levels makes you feel full quickly, too. “People hear broccoli and roll their eyes thinking it’s bland a boring. Think of broccoli as a canvas ready to be painted with spices and flavors, offers Dr. Calapai. Try stir frying with a bit of olive oil, red pepper flakes, salt, and pepper. Add in a spoonful of orange or lemon juice and it gets this nice sweetness to it.

  1. Fish

Salmon, mackerel, tuna, and other fish are rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, including docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). DHA seems to be very important for the normal functioning of neurons in the brain. Eating more fish often means eating less red meat and other forms of protein that are high in artery-clogging saturated fats. “People who are lacking in Omega 3’s can experience mood swings and feeling edgy or negative. Omega 3’s have been know to be mood boosters in addition to enhancing focus and memory,” says Dr. Calapai.

  1. Avocado

This creamy treat is also a rich source of the antioxidant vitamin E. Research suggests that foods rich in vitamin E—including avocado, which is also high in the antioxidant powerhouse vitamin C—are associated with a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s.

Brain Drainers to Drop!!

  1. Partially Hydrogenated Oils

There is zero reason to ever eat foods that list "partially hydrogenated oils" in their ingredients list. It's code for trans fats, which, in addition to upping your risk for obesity and damaging your heart health, can cause serious brain drain. “Diets high in trans fats increase beta-amyloid, peptide 'plaque' deposits in brain associated with Alzheimer's disease. One study published in Neurology found that people who consumed high levels of trans fats had lower cognitive abilities and smaller brains later in life,” says Dr. Calapai. Common culprits include fried foods, baked goods, and processed foods. So bake or grill chicken instead of frying it, go for sweet potatoes instead of French fries and avoid anything wrapped in plastic that sits on a shelf for months at a time.

  1. Added sugars

The average American eats 79 pounds of added sweeteners per year which can cause constant insulin spikes and inflammation resulting in both vascular and neuronal damage. One study published in Brain, Behavior and Immunity found that large amounts of sugar cause the hippocampus, the brain's memory control center, to become inflamed, meaning it can’t work at 100 percent. Meanwhile, one cross-cultural analysis found that high sugar intake is linked to depression. “Sugar is a big trap because when you eat something sweet there’s a high initially. It feels good at first taste but then once it starts to be processed in the body there’s a heaviness that follows, says Dr. Calapai.

  1. Saturated fat

A diet high in saturated fat can decrease the brain’s ability to fight the formation of Alzheimer's-linked brain plaque. An onslaught of saturated fat also hurts your brain in the short-term. Saturated fat impairs your brain's ability to learn and form new memories within as little as 10 minutes after chowing down. Processed meats such as bacon, pepperoni, pork sausage, or chorizo are examples of very tasty foods that are high in saturated fat. “Look we all like to indulge from time to time and that is fine, but when saturated fats are staples in your diet, then that’s going to take a toll,” advises Dr. Calapai.

About the Doctor:

Dr. Christopher Calapai, D.O. is an Osteopathic Physician board certified in family medicine, and anti-aging medicine. Proclaimed the "The Stem Cell Guru" by the New York Daily News, Dr. Calapai is a leader in the field of stem cell therapy in the U.S. His stem cell treatments have achieved remarkable results in clinical trials on patients with conditions as varied as Alzheimer's, arthritis, erectile dysfunction, frailty syndrome, heart, kidney and liver failure, lupus, MS and Parkinson's. He has worked with Mike TysonMickey Rourke, Steven Seagal, and Gotham's, Donal Logue; and as a medical consultant for the New York Rangers. Connect with him via twitter @drcalapai or at www.drca

Super Slim: New Book Exposes Fool-Proof Blueprint to Losing Weight – Without Dieting or Exercise!

Keith Foster’s ‘SUPER SLIM: The Intelligent Person's Guide to a Slimmer, Healthier & Longer Life’ unravels weight gain, obesity and weight loss in a simple, highly-actionable way that has never been seen before. Taking readers right back to humanity’s beginnings, Foster explains fat’s evolutionary benefits, advancing to the present day’s obesity epidemic and how to fight it without fail. From sunlight’s “secret” benefits to weight loss, all the way to providing high-alkaline food lists, this bold new volume has the power to change the lives of millions.


The prevalence of obesity today makes it abundantly clear that most people, through lack of information, are prone to mismanaging their bodies. According to lecturer and researcher Keith Foster, those who want to maintain a healthy weight and all of the benefits it brings must first understand what helps and hinders the body’s functions.

Based off a lifetime’s research, Foster’s ‘SUPER SLIM: The Intelligent Person's Guide to a Slimmer, Healthier & Longer Life’ explains why the body’s acidic and alkaline balances are not only important, but hold the key to beating obesity and living a long, vibrant life.



Super Slim is intended as a reference work for everyone who wishes to lose weight, be more healthy and live longer!

It covers a broad range of topics in some depth, all of which have a direct bearing on weight gain, obesity and ill health.  By describing the mechanism by which fatty deposits are distributed around the body, Super Slim enables people to clearly understand how to reverse this process.

Super Slim tracks human development from its early beginnings to show why we developed a layer of blubber, what evolutionary purpose this served and how it can be reduced.

It then goes on to describe the bloodstream’s priority, which is to maintain a degree of alkalinity in order to provide adequate levels of oxygen to the cells, (a process which, with the modern sugar-rich diet, necessitates a shunting of acidic toxins (fats) into “storage areas” around the body).  These are where fat accumulates, well away from the main circulatory system.  

Super Slim goes on to deal with food, providing lists and recommendations as to how you can alkalise your diet.  It then touches on a new form of exercise (ideal for the busy person) and a new fertility regime using which it is possible to choose the sex of your children. 

Further information is provided on male fertility, plus how to avoid fibrocystic breast disease and how to get rid of stretch marks.

Further yet, on how sunlight helps you to slim, lack of sleep can make you fat and a whole compendium of knowledge on similar vital subjects.  These help the reader to be in control of their weight and to become slimmer, more healthy and longer lived.  

Super Slim is not a scientific treatise, but simply a very informative book that will help a lot of people to lose weight healthily and keep it off.  


“Yoyo dieting is a huge killer, and a vicious circle that over 80% of people encounter,” explains Foster. “Lifelong weight loss is not about a quick-fix dietary change, but about understanding the body’s functions, how it reacts to alkaline foods and how everything comes together to ensure a person can reach their natural healthy weight and remain there for the rest of their life.”

Continuing, “It’s all about giving people the information they so desperately seek, and then empowering them to make actionable, tangible change. According to reviews, it’s working wonders already for people around the world.”


Reviews have been overwhelmingly positive. For example, Julie comments, “This well-referenced work is not a traditional ‘diet’ book with recipes and calorie counting, instead it is an invaluable resource to aid understanding of why it is important to be within a normal weight range and to learn key approaches that can be taken to achieve this.”

Another reader adds, “I got this book because no matter what approach I seemed to take in dieting, nothing seemed to be permanent, and despite some breakthroughs, I was struggling to maintain my weight-loss and would yoyo back and forth between an ideal and a far from ideal weight. Keith's book has helped me to understand the underlying causes of my yoyo weight gain, and the processes the body uses to adapt to a toxic system which then keeps me 'insulated'. With a greater understanding I know feel I am empowered to finally, once and for all, drop those extra pounds for good.”


‘SUPER SLIM: The Intelligent Person's Guide to a Slimmer, Healthier & Longer Life’, from SAGAX Publishing, is available now:


About the Author:

Keith Foster is a researcher, writer and lecturer. He has spent most of his life focusing on unlocking the structure and technology of the ancient worldwide civilization, and also its healing technologies. The past 30 years have seen Keith involved in studying how our current civilization informs its belief systems, with particular emphasis on its current religion – science.

A natural philosopher, Keith's studies have included a wide range of cultures. His latest book The Answer to Cancer – An Electron Deficit Condition, coupled with the follow-up seminars, represents a synergism of these studies.

At 75 years of age and as the father of 7 children, Keith is a fine and vigorous example of how well his understanding of the human condition translates into healthy longevity.

A charismatic speaker whose gift is to make complex subjects simple and easy to understand, Keith’s wisdom, sense of humour and integrity are infectious.
Keith hosts lectures and speaks at seminars all over the world.

YoFiit - Nutritional Bars

I was recently sent some of YoFitt's nutritional bars to try. I loved the packaging. Bright coloured and very informative about what ingredients are in the bar. I also love that they are made locally here in Toronto. I love supporting Canadian companies and even more so when they are made in my city.

What's so great about YoFiit?

The bars contain pre-biotics to help support a healthy gut flora because a healthy gut is the foundation of a healthy life.  11-12 g of fibre per bar. It also has probiotics that serve 2 functions a) sustain a strong gut by aiding at the digestion of carb and protein b) enhance one’s workout experience because in clinical trials, combining this probiotics strain with protein enables the easier protein absorption and as such reduces soreness post workout and allows for quicker muscle. The bars have no more than 5g of sugar. They are nut-free, vegan and gluten-free. They also have high in trace minerals such as magnesium, manganese.

What's really unique is that there are 3 bars scientifically formulated based on your needs throughout the day:

1.Morning fibre bar provides 49% of your fibre needs for the day. You are halfway through with just one bar!

2. Midday Energy bar is the pick-me-up kind of bar when you feel like you are crashing in the office or on the road around 3 pm. Full with antioxidant such as goji, cacao, quinoa, this is the perfect bar for on the go adventures.

3. All day protein bar is the ultimate protein companion bar. Optimal ratio of protein, fibre and sugar. 15g of protein / 12g of fibre / 5 g of sugar per 55g bar.

If you are looking for a natural bar these are a great source. I especially like that the 3 bars are specific to the different needs at different times of the day. They taste very clean and healthy. Give them a try and let me know if you like them.

Thanks Yofiit for the bars!

You can purchase bars HERE.




Hey Everyone!

Have you been searching for an Organic Energy Drink? I was recently sent a brand to try. My friends over at Pilots Friend sent me a case of their product.  A clean organic energy tonic. Crafted in Italy by Doctors for Pilots. A blend of 14 natural & organic botanical extracts and fruit juices. The blend is made from 100% natural ingredients.

A lot of people give me slack for drinking energy drinks because of the chemicals in them. Well here is your alternative. None of our ingredients have been genetically modified and no animal by-products have been used. There are natural herbs and plant extracts in it that are organically grown. There is also a varied, finely balanced assortment of caffeine derived from cola nuts and Guarana seeds.

The Ingredients have:

  • No Artificial Sweeteners
  • No Taurine
  • No Artificial Flavours
  • No Preservative

Since I am on prep and can't taste test it I had Sean do it for me. He said that it tastes natural, fruity and clean. The down side is that the containers for each drink are small but the upside is that they come with a lid. You know how most energy drinks you can't reseal. This had a cool cap that goes on the top so that you can save it for later or reduce spilling if you are walking around or traveling with it in hand or a cup holder!

Thanks so much Pilots Friend for sending me a sample box.

Let me know if you guys try the product and if you liked it!

This week I was invited to a new product launch. The product was for Meta for their new appetite control product. The session was very informative, well set up and interactive.

After a Meta Wellness nutrition specialist (who was very friendly and informative) helped us learn what type of snacker we were we had the opportunity to try the product in an interactive way. We got to make a smoothie with it. Firstly I have been using meta for quite some time in my prep diets for both myself and my clients to get the proper amounts of daily fibre that they need. I have never thought to make it into a smoothie.

There was a cute laid out counter with ingredients and a recipe to follow but they also gave us the option to free style it. Which I chose because Im not allowed any fruit since I am prepping. I put water, ice, spinach and meta. Since meta is orange  flavour it was honestly so delicious! I am going to start adding the recipe into my client programs because it was very satisfying.

Orange Zest Meta Appetite Control is a tasty fiber powder you can add to cold drinks up to 3 times a day with meals.

Orange Smooth Meta Appetite Control is a tasty fiber powder you can add to cold drinks up to 3 times a day with meals.* It’s also available in a delicious Pink Lemonade Quench flavor and an Unflavored Smoothie Enhancer that’s easy to mix into your smoothies—and your daily routine as an appetite suppressant. I can’t wait for these two new flavours to launch in Canada! It is also free of sugar and gluten, Meta Appetite Control is not only healthy—it’s a treat for your taste buds.

is not only healthy—it’s a treat for your taste buds.

Meta Appetite Control has been proven to help you feel less hungry between meals.* Its main ingredient is the super fiber psyllium fiber. It’s a natural fiber that forms a gel in your digestive system, slowing absorption and digestion, which aids in the sensation of fullness and acts as an appetite suppressant.

They gave us a cute little gift bag with the product and our own personal blender! Thanks so much Meta!

I give this product a 10/10 for the simple fact its a great way to supplement your fibre, curb cravings and it tastes delicious!


Hey Guys!

I was at my local health food store browsing the cooler. Since Im currently on prep and sweetners haven't been cut yet I tend to look for sugar free, low carb drinks to satisfy cravings. I happened to see a new bottle that I didn't recognize. It was called Kevita. This is a sparkling fermented drink. There were a few kinds so I checked out the back labels. I found one: Lemon Cayenne. That sparked my interest.

The drink is certified organic, 10 calories, 20mg sodium 1g sugar and 1g cab (not significant). So I decided to keep reading the ingredient list. What I thought was very interesting is that it contained apple cider vinegar, cayenne from the whole plant extract, lemon extract, stevia leaf extract and then fermented lactic acid. I was intrigued. It all had bacterial cultures. These aid in digestion along with apple cider. It was also gluten free, non -dairy and vegan. And to top it off its lightly carbonated to satisfy the bubble desire since I can't have real soda.

All in all I would give this product a 9/10. This is because it does have maple extract which is what I would presume the 1g carb, 1g sugar comes from. So Kevita if you feel like sending me a case of these for the rest of my prep I wouldn't be mad!

10 Foods to Get You In the Mood This Valentine’s Day


Valentine’s Day is rapidly approaching and instead of making reservations to some over-hyped trendy spot, stay in and prepare a “Lover’s Platter” full of indulgent aphrodisiacs. Pop some champagne, get that romantic playlist ready and feast onthese 10 foods to get you in the mood for love this Valentine’s Day. Dr. Christopher Calapai, D.O a New York City Osteopathic Physician board certified in family and anti-aging medicine gives us his interesting insights on these aphrodisiacs.


“Aphrodisiacs are foods that have certain chemical properties that could increase pheromones, estrogen of testosterone, estrogen, heightening our interest in sex,” explains Dr. Calapai.


To be considered a true aphrodisiac the substance must be consumed orally, must reliably increase libido or sexual desire and within minutes. Ok so what are these sexual super foods and what is it about them that lights the fire of desire?


  1. Oysters

One of the most infamous aphrodisiacs oysters are high in zinc and have a reputation for being great for fertility. Researchers have found that oysters contain amino acids that trigger production of sex hormones. “Oysters offer a lean source of protein to help give you energy all night long. In addition to offering the body zinc, which helps blood flow and nourish sperm, there's scientific evidence that an amino acid found in oysters may directly raise sexual hormone levels," says Dr. Calapai.


  1. Bananas

With their phallic shape, bananas already look tempting and sensual; but they also contain bromelain, an enzyme, which Dr. Calapai says, triggers testosterone production. The fruit's potassium and vitamin B elevate energy levels and the high sugar content gives the brain a kick! Melt some chocolate to add some sexy decadence.


  1. Honey

Honey is made through pollination and secretions of many fertile bees worshipping their queen, just what every woman wants! Drizzled on certain body parts honey can be fun. It has a number of vitamins and it also contains boron, which helps regulate estrogen and testosterone levels and the sweet and sappy sweetness provides a natural energy boost.


  1. Watermelon

Packed with citrulline and lycopene, Watermelon may have a Viagra-like effect on the body, as it relaxes blood vessels and improves circulation. It may even prevent erectile dysfunction. It’s incredibly juicy, sexy and when dipped in chocolate is the perfect flavor explosion.


  1. Pine Nuts

High in energizing zinc and fatty acids, which has been linked to a healthy sex drive, pine nuts are also considered aphrodisiacs because of the effort required to procure these oily gems from pinecones.


  1. Arugula

This peppery tasting plant has been documented as an aphrodisiac since the first century A.D. “The bite of the aromatic leaf might get you in the mood and the minerals and antioxidants found in dark leafy greens like arugula have also been proven to block environmental contaminates that could negatively harm libido,” explains Dr. Calapai.


  1. Olive oil

Packed with antioxidants, olives and their oil have been used for centuries for health. The Greeks believed they made men more virile as well. “Olive oil is a good source of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are critical for a healthy heart, smooth blood flow and stable hormone production, all needed to keep the brain, prostate and penis in good shape!” says Dr. Calapai.


  1. Figs

Eaten by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, the fig has forever paradoxically symbolized both sexuality (the ripe fruit with seeds representing fertility) and modesty (the fig leaf). They are full of potassium and are an antioxidant powerhouse, sweet and delicate when eaten.


  1. Pomegranate

These bright gems enclosed in a thick rose-colored husk are filled with tangy sweet antioxidants, which support blood flow and clear thought. One study by The Male Clinic in California found that pomegranate juice had a positive effect on erectile dysfunction.


  1. Chai Tea

Skip the coffee and end the night with a cup of Indian chai tea. The typical spices in this brew include ginger, cloves and cinnamon, all come from exotic places and certainly will get the blood flowing. Since it has almost no caffeine the stimulant effect is less than coffee allowing you and your lover to drift to sleep.


About the Doctor:

Dr. Christopher Calapai, D.O. is an Osteopathic Physician board certified in family medicine, and anti-aging medicine. Proclaimed the "The Stem Cell Guru" by the New York Daily News, Dr. Calapai is a leader in the field of stem cell therapy in the U.S. His stem cell treatments have achieved remarkable results in clinical trials on patients with conditions as varied as Alzheimer's, arthritis, erectile dysfunction, frailty syndrome, heart, kidney and liver failure, lupus, MS and Parkinson's. He has worked with Mike TysonMickey Rourke, Steven Seagal, and Gotham's, Donal Logue; and as a medical consultant for the New York Rangers. Connect with him via twitter @drcalapai or at