National Survey reveals 91 per cent of Canadians believe health is the key to happiness
CHFA presents four simple ways to stay happy and healthy this winter
In response to new national survey results and with cold and flu season fast approaching, the Canadian Health Food Association (CHFA) have put together simple and effective tips to help Canadians stay happy and healthy during the winter months.
The survey of more than 1,500 Canadians conducted by CHFA revealed that the vast majority (91 per cent) of Canadians believe that their overall health impacts their level of happiness. The same survey also shows that more than half of our population (54 per cent) get sick most often in the winter.
When asked what factors are negatively impacting their health, Canadians from coast to coast reported that lack of sleep tops the list at 73 per cent. Sleep was followed closely by stress and lack of mindfulness (57 per cent), lack of exercise (52 per cent) and poor nutrition (46 per cent).
Additional interesting findings from the survey include:
Canadians’ favourite foods to ward off cold and fluand stay happy and healthy include chicken soup/broth (49 per cent), oranges (49 per cent) and tea (48 per cent).
Canadians’ top picks for natural health products to keep them happy and healthy during cold and flu seasoninclude vitamins C (46 per cent) and D (37 per cent).
Things Canadians do to stay happy and healthy:Over three-quarters say they improve their sleep (76 per cent), improve eating habits (43 per cent) and engage in exercise (40 per cent).
As Canadians prepare to celebrate the fifth annual National Health Products (NHP) Week, which runs from November 7 to 13, 2016, the focus is on practical and innovative ways to stay healthy through the holidays and into the New Year.
“Our goal this NHP Week is to arm Canadians with the tools they need to maintain health and happiness during cold and flu season,” said Michelle W. Book, CHFA’s in-house holistic nutritionist. “We identified four pillars of immunity, each including simple steps Canadians can take to help boost their immune system naturally this season and beyond.”
CHFA’s four pillars of immunity include:
Nutrition: Lack of proper nutrition has been linked to decreased immunity and increased risk of illness. Nuts, fermented foods and garlic are all shown to help boost the immune system.
Exercise: Engaging in 30-60 minutes every day can improve your body’s immune response. To improve exercise and immune health consider including krill oil, protein and vitamin D as part of your daily routine.
Sleep: Our bodies respond to lack of sleep in a similar way as it does to acute stress. Try adding magnesium, L-theanine and melatonin for better sleep.
Mindfulness: Mindfulness can reduce markers for inflammation and stress hormones. Probiotics and omega-3s can be beneficial in managing stress.
“While we always encourage Canadians to speak to their health care practitioners when they are under the weather, we also want to encourage everyone to consider adding natural health products to improve overall wellbeing and boost immunity,” says CHFA President Helen Long. “When you visit a local CHFA Member health food store, you can find all kinds of safe, effective and high-quality supplements, vitamins, minerals, herbal products and traditional medicines. Canadians should feel confident that Health Canada-approved natural health products can play an important role in maintaining and optimizing our health and happiness.”
Canadians should also be aware that Health Canada is proposing changes that impact natural health products in two fundamental ways:
Some products will no longer require Health Canada review and will provide less information.
Other products will be required to submit drug-level scientific evidence to support their claims.
About CHFA
The Canadian Health Food Association (CHFA) is Canada's largest national trade association dedicated to the natural health and organic products industry. The association represents manufacturers, retailers, wholesalers, distributors and importers of natural health and organic products. With a membership of more than 1,000 businesses across the country, CHFA represents an industry that contributes more than $6 billion to the Canadian economy. Michelle W. Book is CHFA’s in-house holistic nutritionist, trained in natural and complementary therapies.
About the survey:
A survey of 1591 Canadians was completed online between September 12th to 15th 2016 using Leger’s online panel, LegerWeb. A probability sample of the same size would yield a margin of error of +/-2.5per cent, 19 times out of 20.
Train It Right Youtube Launch
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When planning for a fun get-together with friends everything goes through your mind, from your wardrobe to jewelry and make-up. What many of us don’t plan for, however, is our meals. Eating the wrong foods before an event can sabotage your beauty plan. Certain foods can give your gut an instant bloat that looks and feels awful. However, there is a solution to this dilemma. Instead of skipping dinner to squeeze into your LBD or grabbing bagels for a quick morning bite, there are belly bloat busters. Dr. Christopher Calapai, D.O. is an Osteopathic Physician board certified in family medicine and anti-aging medicine. Here are some of his suggestions:
For a girl’s night out: Don’t be afraid to have a large meal beforehand (large meaning more than just a PB&J). If you are planning for an active night, whether dancing, bowling or party hopping, you will need the fuel. Dr. Calapai has created the perfect meal for this situation:
- 1 grilled chicken breast (approx 4 oz)
- 1/2 cup cooked brown rice and lentils
- 1 cup steamed string beans
This combo will fill you up without weighing you down, and will give you the energy you need to dance the night away!
For a dinner- date: You’re wearing a stunning new BCBG dress that already had to be zipped up by your roommate. When you’re at the restaurant with your guy refrain from ordering a salad to make it look like you’re being healthy. All the veggies in the salad will actually cause your stomach to bloat more. Dr. Calapai advises that a fish dish with one side of grilled veggies is the way to go! “Wild Salmon is jam-packed with heart healthy vitamins and omega 3 fatty acids. If Salmon is not an option, mackerel, sea bass and lemon sole are all good options as well. As for the veggies, try to steer clear of cruciferous veggies (such as cauliflower, broccoli) that can cause bloating. Instead opt for grilled zucchini, asparagus, or carrots - which will keep your tummy tamed!”
For a day at the beach: It’s finally getting warm out and you can take that bathing suit out of hiding. If you’re going to the beach you need a healthy, energizing meal to get you through the morning but you don’t want it to show in your stomach. You’re probably thinking that the easiest thing to eat before you head out is some Special K with skim milk. It’s low in calories after all, right? It doesn’t matter how low-cal it is, the dairy and multi-grains will expand in your intestines, causing your gut to stick out. Instead of cereal, Dr. Calapai has an awesome recipe for oatmeal pancakes. Take 1/2 cup raw oats, 3 egg whites, 1/2 apple, and a dash of cinnamon and throw in a blender to create the pancake mix. This high fiber non-fat breakfast choice offers whole grain fiber plus additional fiber from the apple, and protein from the egg whites. It's a great filling way to start the day, and will not create any abdominal gas or bloating, so you can go bikini-bare with ease!
For an afternoon luncheon: Eating a well-balanced lunch is essential for boosting energy and productivity; giving you power over that mid-day slump and keeping your metabolism active. A lot of times people want to skip lunch in hopes of losing weight and grab an energy drink to keep them going. This is so bad! The carbonation from an energy drink will make you more bloated then a light lunch. Dr. Calapai says, “For a mid-day luncheon, your best bet is a salad chock-full of fresh veggies and greens, and topped with a piece of grilled fish, low-fat tuna salad, or fresh turkey breast slices. Throw a few walnuts or almonds on top and dress with a low fat/low sugar dressing, to finish off your delicious salad creation!”
Before Sex: Luckily, you can eat your dinner or dessert (or both, on good dates) and enjoy sex too. Just lay off the foods that can trigger digestive issues, a real problem if you have a sensitive stomach or suffer from date-related anxieties, which can amplify digestive issues, according to Dr. Calapai. An 8-ounce piece of meat could trigger gas that's particularly foul-smelling. "Gas associated with red meat is more odorous because of chemicals it produces in the colon," Dr. Calapai explains. That's because when you overeat protein, it goes straight to the colon for fermentation where it creates some seriously offensive byproducts. A safer bet is salad greens, cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, mushrooms. Instead of a Margarita drink: Tequila straight up, or wine (a safer bet). This way, you're only up against naturally occurring sugars.
For traveling days: These days airports are getting bigger and so are the food courts. It’s tempting to give in to the convenience of fast travel food, but the combination of a high-sodium smorgasbord and air travel equals a very bloated body from head to toe. You absolutely must resist because there are better options. Eat before you leave for the airport. Dr. Calapai suggests packing your carry-on with fruits, veggies, and granola bars. Believe it or not these are available at kiosks. Also, avoid the beverage service on board. Stick to water, you will have a happier flight and feel revived upon arriving at your destination!
Dr. Christopher Calapai D.O.
Anti-Aging Physician and "The Stem Cell Guru
Dr. Christopher Calapai, D.O. is an Osteopathic Physician board certified in family medicine, anti-aging medicine and chelation therapy. Proclaimed as the "The Stem Cell Guru" by the New York Daily News, Dr. Calapai is a leader in the field of stem cell therapy in the U.S.
His stem cell treatments have achieved remarkable results in clinical trials on patients with conditions as varied as Alzheimer's, arthritis, erectile dysfunction, frailty syndrome, heart, kidney and liver failure, lupus, MS and Parkinson's.
Dr. Calapai started his practice in New York City in 1986 and for over 25 years he has hosted nationally syndicated radio shows, including his two weekly call-in shows on WABC 770-AM, where he offers health and medical advice. He has a show on Saturday morning 8-9am and Sunday evening from 6-7pm. He has consulted with numerous high-profile individuals including Mike Tyson, Mickey Rourke, Steven Seagal, and Fox series Gotham's, Donal Logue and worked as a medical consultant for the New York Rangers hockey team as well as various modeling agencies.
Dr. Calapai received his medical degree from New York College of Osteopathic Medicine and he consults in Manhattan with practices on Long Island, in East Meadow and Plainview. He has appeared on News12 and in the pages of 25A Magazine and Social Life Magazine.
He is the author of E-books Heavy Metals and Chronic Disease, Reverse Diabetes Forever! Seven Steps to Healthy Blood Sugar, Top Ten Supplements You Can't Live Without, and Glorious Glutathione. Learn more about Dr. Calapai on his website,
Launching Soon Vlogs - Workouts etc on my Youtube
Im super excited to start my youtube channel and do it the right way! Ive been inspired lately by a lot of bloggers and v-loggers and I've decided to up my youtube game. I hope that I inspire more people and that you will enjoy getting to know me a little bit better!
Three Ways To Bring Wheat Back Into Your Diet
by Dr. John Douillard
The gluten-free industry is predicted to reach 15.6 billion in sales in 2016, with 28% of people set on avoiding wheat and gluten products. Many are choosing to avoid wheat because they don’t feel good after eating it, want to lose weight or have been convinced it is unhealthy.
Before you give wheat a life sentence as a bad food, here are some whole wheat facts and tips that may allow you to successfully break bread once again.
Eat Wheat Tip #1: Be Choosy
Many gluten-free experts suggest that ancient wheat had much less gluten than our modern wheat and, therefore, conclude that ancient wheat is better than our modern wheat. But wait…are we sure it is the gluten that is the cause of the “gluten sensitivity”?
One study compared the ancient wheat, Kamut, with some modern wheat strains. They found that the ancient Kamut actually had twice the amount of hard-to-digest A-gliadin glutens than the modern wheat. The Kamut, with twice the gluten, was shown to reduce inflammation two-fold, while also lowering blood sugar and cholesterol significantly more than the modern wheat.
In another report by the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, the average American ate 86 pounds more wheat flour in the year 1900 than they did in 2008, suggesting that the increase in celiac disease and gluten sensitivity may not be from the gluten after all.
The Takeaway: Ancient strains of wheat that include Einkorn, Emmer and Kamut have been found to have more antioxidant activity than modern wheat and are good grains to start with as they are also typically prepared without industrial processing. But, not all modern wheats are created equally. Spelt is a much easier grain to digest because it has 40% less of the hard-to-digest anti-nutrients called phytic acids than common whole wheat. Anti-nutrients protect grains, beans, seeds and nuts from invading bacteria. Sprouting whole wheat is another technique to break down the anti-nutrients, making the bread easier to digest. Rye has been shown to have a significantly lower glycemic index and is better if you are concerned about your blood sugar.
Eat Wheat Tip #2: Eat Fermented Wheat
There is no doubt that the gluten in wheat is a hard-to-digest protein, but history suggests that we are well-adapted to digest it. For starters, new research from the University of Utah have found evidence that early humans have been eating C-3 grasses such as wheat and barley for at least 3.4 million years – not 10,000 years as you may have heard.
As for adapting to wheat, we have. Studies have found microbes that specifically produce enzymes for breaking down gluten in the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines. There are also enzymes produced in the small intestine that can break down the hard-to-digest A-gliadin glutens.
The Takeaway: Early bakers discovered that fermenting the wheat flour with beneficial bacteria made the wheat much easier to digest. In a handful of studies, sourdough bread was found to reduce the gluten content of the bread, even rendering it “gluten-free.” In fact, when they served this bread to patients with celiac symptoms, they did not measure any increased intestinal inflammation. This is not suggesting that folks with celiac can safely eat or should try eating sourdough bread, but for those with gluten sensitivity, sourdough bread is a good place to start. You can find healthy versions of these at an artisan bakery or a natural food store.
Eat Wheat Tip #3: If You’ve Never Heard of It, Don’t Eat It.
Did you ever wonder why the bread you buy in the supermarket stays “fresh” and squishy for weeks without getting hard or moldy, while old-fashioned baked or artisan breads get hard in just a couple of days?
Modern breads are loaded with dough conditioners and preservatives that keep the bread squishy and “fresh” or resistant to mold for weeks. In addition to the many chemicals and added sugars put in most breads, the most dangerous of all is the added oils. Most breads have added oils in them, which are key for their so-called freshness, squishiness and shelf life.
The oils used are typically super refined, bleached, boiled and deodorized, which leaves them nothing like the oil when it was originally pressed from the seed or vegetable. Freshly cold pressure oils will go rancid more quickly when exposed to light, and baking even the best oils renders them indigestible for both humans and the bacteria that naturally make bread get hard and moldy.
Remember, the human body is made up of cells that are 90% bacteria and only 10% human – and if the 90% is doing the heavy lifting for most our body’s immunity, mood and functions, don’t you think we should be eating foods that both humans and the bacteria can digest?
The additives and baked oils are what makes foods processed. In one study, when folks ate a diet of processed foods, they had a 141% increased risk of belly fat, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high blood sugar. When they ate a non-processed diet including whole wheat, they saw a 38% reduction in risk of the same concerns.
The Takeaway: The ingredients in a healthy and digestible loaf of bread should look something like this: organic whole wheat, water, salt, starter – with no cooked oils. As for the rest of the potentially toxic ingredients unnecessarily found in most breads, avoid sugars or sweeteners, even natural ones like cane sugar, honey or molasses. Also, avoid breads with ingredients you do not recognize. If you don’t know what it is, than it’s probably best to not eat it.
Dr. John Douillard, DC, CAP, is a globally recognized leader in the fields of natural health, Ayurveda and sports medicine. Over the past 30 years, he’s helped over 100,000 patients repair their digestive system and eat wheat and dairy again. He is the creator of and author of the book, Eat Wheat: A Scientific and Clinically-Proven Approach to Safely Bringing Wheat and Dairy Back into Your Diet, releasing nationwide January 2017. For more information, please visit, and connect with Dr. Douillard on Twitter, @johndouillard.
When we see people who are overweight, many commonly assume that the individual is overeating and not exercising. Neither of these instances is cause for prejudice, fat shaming or other negatives. There are men and women who seemingly do everything right when it comes to diet and exercise and they are either gaining weight or simply unable to shed pounds. This can be incredibly disheartening and wreak havoc one one’s self esteem. Here are 10 surprising reasons provided by Dr. Christopher Calapai as to why this might be occurring. Dr. Christopher Calapai D.O. is a New York City anti-aging and stem cell specialist, and long-time nutrition advisor to the New York Rangers hockey team.
Lack of Sleep
There are two issues at work with sleep and weight gain. First, if you're up late, the odds are greater that you're doing some late-night snacking, which means more calories. The other reason involves what's going on in your body when you're sleep-deprived. Changes in hormone levels increase hunger and appetite and also make you feel not as full after eating.
“Many anti-depressant medications cause weight gain—so if you're depressed and taking pills for it, expect to see a bump in weight between 5 and 15 pounds, with continued gradual accumulation over the years,” says Dr. Calapai. If you're not taking pills, there’s evidence that feelings of depression can correlate to weight gain. If patients are taking anti-depressants that could be the culprit of their weight gain, they should see their prescribing doctor and be weaned off slowly. “There's a long list of medications that can cause weight gain: If you're taking birth control pills, excess hormones for hormone therapy, steroids, beta-blockers for heart disease and blood pressure, anti-seizure meds, breast cancer medications like Tamoxifen, some treatments for rheumatoid arthritis, and even some migraine and heartburn medications, you may notice pounds creeping on,” says Dr. Calapai.
Your gut is slow
Digestive issues, including slow bowel movements, may also account for excess pounds. "Ideally, you eat, and then, an hour or so later, you have a bowel movement," says Dr. Calapai. "But once or twice a day is still in the healthy range." If you're not so regular, dehydration, medications, low fiber, or even a lack of good flora in your gut could be to blame. If constipation is your only symptom, then trying probiotics can help your digestive tract work properly. If you're still having trouble, check with your doctor to rule out a range of disorders, including hypothyroidism or a neurological issue.
You're getting older
It's the one condition that's unavoidable. "Often, I hear patients tell me they think their metabolism is slowing down," says Dr. Calapai. "This is real. We don't burn as many calories at 40 or 50 as we used to burn at 20. So we need more exercise and less foo to keep the metabolism going. "Remember that all calories are not equal when it comes to weight," says Dr. Calapai. "Eating lean protein will cause your body to burn calories more efficiently. On the other hand, carbs are something your body tends to burn more slowly and even store in your body more readily."
You have plantar fasciitis
"Many musculoskeletal conditions, including plantar fasciitis, but also osteoarthritis and knee or hip pain, can result in unintentional weight gain," says Dr. Calapai. "Plantar fasciitis certainly can force you to cut back on your activity enough to cause weight gain."
You have Cushing's Syndrome
Weight gain accompanied by high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and changes in your skin tone and quality, including purple or silvery stretch marks on your abdomen and ruddy cheeks, could be a sign that your body isn't processing nutrients the way it should, due to a cortisol-producing tumor on one of your adrenal glands. The syndrome affects only about 15 in every million adults annually, so proceed with caution before demanding a battery of tests. "Cushing's Syndrome is not terribly common," says Dr. Calapai, "but one of the telltale signs is that your fat distribution is more in the midsection of your body, leaving your arms and legs looking more slender."
It is often overlooked that liquids have calories. Calories from juices and soft drinks can quickly add up and at restaurants where free refills are the norm, the calorie build-up can go unrecognized. Wright also explains that liquid calories have no satiety factor. “Satiety relates to how long we stay satisfied after we consume something. If you ate 500 calories of healthy solid food, he/she would be full and unlikely to eat anything for quite some time, but after drinking the same amount of calories in orange juice, cola or root beer, you might be hungry minutes later.”
Many people do not realize that weight gain is not just fat gain. Weight training can increase your muscle mass, therefore increasing your weight. When you gain muscle faster than you lose fat, your body mass is increasing.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS):
PCOS is one of the most common reproductive problems diagnosed in younger women, striking perhaps up to 10% of women who are of childbearing age (i.e. roughly 12-45 years old). It involves the development of many small cysts on the ovaries, as well as menstrual disturbances. The hormone disruption caused by PCOS has many unpleasant consequences, including unwanted weight gain (usually because of a higher resistance to insulin). If you also suffer from acne, find that you are hairier than most women and do not have regular periods, ask your doctor about being tested for PCOS. This usually involves blood tests and an ultrasound of your ovaries. If you do have PCOS then you can lose the unwanted weight, but the unfortunate fact of the matter is that you will have to adopt an attitude towards healthy eating and exercise that is substantially more diligent than that of your peers.
Quitting Smoking:
Although making the decision to stop smoking is extremely good for your body in a great many respects, most people who do quit smoking end up gaining around 7-10 pounds. Most of this is due to the fact that reaching for cigarettes tends to be replaced with reaching for snacks, but the new absence of nicotine in your body will also lead to a drop in metabolic rate (so you won't be able to eat as much as you used to without gaining weight).
“Carb intake makes it difficult for your body to burn fat as a primary fuel . Low carb diets work well to burn fat and lower cholesterol and lose weight, “says Dr. Calapai. If you suspect you are gaining weight that you can't attribute to your eating habits, medications, or lack of exercise, a few tests—including a blood test and urinalysis, to get an accurate check of your body's cortisol levels, will give your doctor the first clues to this condition. If the levels are deemed excessively high, then your doctor will order further tests, like a CT scan of your pituitary and adrenal glands, to determine if such a tumor exists. If the tumor is confirmed, doctors will likely perform surgery to remove the tumor (and possibly the affected gland), followed by a course of steroids to help regulate the remaining gland.
The Real-Time Nutritional Biosensor, One X, Nears $50K Funding Goal on Indiegogo to Give Individuals Control Over Diet and Lifestyle
One X measures antioxidant levels directly from one’s palm and helps individuals make healthier choices by tracking habits that impact their body
Mountain View, CA - One X’s Indiegogo campaign to raise funds for their nutritional biosensor has raised over $44K, putting them just $6K shy of their $50K funding goal. One X is designed with the most advanced materials and sensors to provide the most accurate insight on how habits, such as nutrition, sleep, exercise, stress, alcohol, pollution and sun exposure, impact the body and its health.
One X is the first real-time nutritional biosensor that measures skin carotenoids from fruit and vegetable consumption and the effects of eating well. By measuring skin carotenoids, One X’s feedback reflects what the body effectively absorbs and actually stores. One X has an elegant, functional design with a soft touch and ergonomic shape, and it’s the first non-invasive, consumer antioxidant tracking system.
“We believe in creating an accessible way for everyone to uncover how their lifestyle affects their daily wellness, and we want to provide them with ways to improve their health,” said One X CEO Anthony Weil. “One X is perfect for families, couples and anyone looking to improve their day-to-day health. We used the perfect blend of science and technology to develop something that’s simple, portable and affordable for most.”
Users activate the device through the finger-touch sensor to automatically pair their measurement with the One X ID. By using fingerprint recognition, it allows the tracking of up to five different individuals on one device. Users will then hold One X in the palm of their hand for 20 seconds and will start to see the lateral LED start displaying the ongoing measurement. One X automatically syncs with the mobile app so that users can easily check their previous antioxidant levels and quickly track their progress. Individuals can also set challenges with their friends and measure their family at home.
One X is available on Indiegogo and will give individuals control over their diet and lifestyle in ways that other diets, apps and tracking devices fall short. Early adopters can pre-order one for $109, which is over 50% less than the market retail price. For more information on all of One X’s features, visit
Based out of Mountain View, California, One X was created with the vision to empower everyone to take back control of their health. One X’s non-invasive design was created to be simple and affordable so that everyone can measure how their lifestyle impacts their body. For more information, visit
Go Bananas Over Bananas
It’s no surprise that bananas are a fruit favorite around the world, packed with nutrients and antioxidants, rich in fiber and low in fat, they are little powerhouses of good nutrition. In our never-ending quest to stay healthy without sacrificing our taste buds, bananas are a clear go-to and they are quite versatile. Dr. Christopher Calapai D.O. a highly accredited New York City anti-aging and stem cell specialist, and long-time nutrition advisor to the New York Rangers hockey team explains, “Bananas are packed with health benefits throughout every stage of their lives, from green to fully ripe. As the banana ripens some of these health benefits change, making it a rare fruit that is enjoyable in many forms.”
Typically when we think of bananas we think of a lunch-box addition or a quick on-the-go snack, more so than a cooking staple? Here are 5 healthy ways to incorporate bananas into your meals and the health benefits of each.
When they’re green...
Fill Up on Mashed Plantains.
Green bananas are often referred to as plantains, they are not sweet like ripe bananas and they contain most of their fiber in the form of resistant starch. “Plantains are rich in starches that regulate appetite,” says Dr. Calapai. “Resistant starch may even slow stomach emptying, making you feel full longer and thus reducing the urge to eat sooner after a meal.”
Bonus! Mashed plantains could not be easier to whip up. Simply peel and cut the green plantains into chunks and boil in a full pot of water for 20-30 minutes or until tender, then mash with a fork until they achieve the consistency of mashed potatoes. Sautee garlic and onions in olive oil and add to the plantains along with salt and pepper and any other seasonings you enjoy. You can serve the dish with fish, chicken or meat, sprinkle with bacon bits or eat plain.
Satisfy your craving for something salty, crunchy with plantain chips.
“All bananas, green, ripe or in between are very low in calories, about 105 per fruit” explains Calapai “So you can get away with frying them in your choice of light, heart-healthy oil.” Plantain chips are a great snack or side dish and are also incredibly simple to whip up. Peel the plantain completely and cut off about half an inch on both ends, then thinly slice the rest of the plantain into chips. When the oil is piping hot fry your chips until golden and salt to taste. Voila!
When they’re semi-ripe...
Eat "Maduros" for younger, healthy skin.
"Maduro" (pronounced mah-doo-row) means "ripe" in Spanish and it’s what Latin Americans call this tasty plantain dish. You can eat plantains this way once they are very yellow and spotted, or have turned fully black. Simply peel, cut into thick diagonal slices and deep fry until golden brown in heart-healthy oil. Bonus! “Bananas at any stage of ripeness are very rich in Vitamin C, an antioxidant also known as called ascorbic acid,” says board certified dermatologist Dr. Kally Papantoniou. “Vitamin C assists in collagen production, which keeps your skin healthy and also blocks free-radical damage which is believed to potentially contribute to the aging process.”
When they’re ripe...
Manage blood sugar with a banana smoothie.
This one takes five minutes and a blender. Cut up two nice yellow, ready to eat bananas into chunks, add milk or yogurt of your preferred variety, some ice, and blend until thick! “Bananas have shown by studies to possibly regulate blood sugar as they are very moderate in the glycemic index, meaning they don’t cause dangerous spikes to your blood sugar levels,” says Dr. Calapai “Having a good banana smoothie for breakfast or as an afternoon snack, as opposed to high-sugar options make sure you are balanced throughout the day.”
Amp up the flavor!
If simply eating a banana starts to get boring amp up the flavor with a healthy pairing. Cut up your banana into chunks and add a healthy spoonful of peanut butter, sprinkle with some almonds or cinnamon, or mix with some dark chocolate chunks!
Bananas are a great, affordable way to add some goodness into your meal plan. Enjoy!
I was luck enough to attend an event put on by Clif Bar for National Organic Week. It was a launch dinner at Café Belong restaurant, located at Evergreen Brick Works in Toronto.
There was a great group of people with diverse backgrounds who attended. I had the chance to meet some wonderful people in the community. Renowned Chef and Food Network star, Brad Long designed a special local and organic menu. COTA provided guests with the latest news about their important work and the organic industry in Canada, including a preview of new national data about Canadian organic consumers. Clif Bar’s Matthew Dillon was n hand to share Clif Bar’s organic journey and the important role of organic farming in helping create a healthier, more just and sustainable food system.
Even though I had to leave a bit early I still walked away with lots of information on Organics in Canada and how Clif Bar works with Organics. I also got a cool swag back with seeds and a shovel to plant my own organics. And a few yummy clif bars to enjoy! Thanks for having me Clif and I can't wait to attend more of your events!
Banish Boring in the Morning with Breakfast Recipes to Celebrate Organic Week
September 17 to 25, 2016, marks this year’s National Organic Week, the largest annual celebration of organic food, farming and products across the country. With hundreds of events and thousands of retail promotions taking place across Canada, Organic Week showcases the benefits of organic agriculture and its positive impact on the environment, animal welfare, as well as our well-being. Supported by regional partners and coordinated by the Canada Organic Trade Association(COTA), Canadian Organic Growers (COG), and the Canadian Health Food Association (CHFA), Organic Week shines a spotlight on why Canadians should choose to think before they eat.
“With the number of organic products on the market continuously growing, it’s easier than ever to go organic,” says Rochelle Eisen, president of COG. Many of Canada’s top organic farms, wineries, retailers and restaurants take part in Organic Week, offering Canadians the perfect opportunity to experience firsthand the bounty of Canada’s organic harvest. “Whether it’s hosting a potluck picnic for friends or sampling organic wine and beer, we encourage Canadians to help spread the word about how choosing organic means supporting sustainability and promoting animal welfare.”
Some new and exciting trends have been revealed thanks to the Canada Organic Trade Association’s second national consumer survey to be released later this year. The study aimed to understand consumers’ awareness of the benefits of organic agriculture, uncover consumers’ organic purchasing habits and gauge the level of trust Canadians have in organic and non-organic claims.
Key findings from the study show:
The face of organic is changing as more “millennials” are shifting towards organic in Canada; one in five (twenty-one per cent) shoppers from 18 to 34 years say they are buying more organic, while shoppers in older age groups are holding steady.
Eighty-six percent of Canadians expect to increase or maintain their organic spending in the near future.
The number of consumers that are regularly buying organic in the country is around 20 million (fifty-six per cent of Canadians).
“Governments are following in the footsteps of consumer trends,” says Tia Loftsgard, Executive Director of COTA. “Federal investment in the organic sector and provincial initiatives supporting farmers to transition to organic show how consumer-led efforts can truly make a difference. We’re proud to be involved in the continued growth of the organic movement alongside its passionate ambassadors this September.”
More and more Canadians are looking to reduce their exposure to synthetic chemicals and genetically engineered (GMO) ingredients with the aim of taking better care of themselves, their families, and the environment. Coast-to-coast Organic Week events range in scale, from smaller organic farm tours to community-wide organic festivals. Hundreds of health food stores, farmer’s markets and grocery chains will be showcasing organic products and educating consumers.
“With events taking place in communities all over the country, there are so many ways Canadians can support and get involved in the Organic Week celebration,” says CHFA president, Helen Long. “Last year, we saw everything from pickling workshops and farm tours to recipe contests and organic food and drink tastings. These happenings represent the creative ways Canadians are choosing to go organic and how they are making a conscious decision to protect their bodies and the environment, all while supporting local farmers.”
To find out more about Organic Week events or promotions being offered near you, please visit
Organic Week was made possible this year by champion sponsors UNFI Canada, Sobeys Inc., Manitoba Harvest Hemp Foods, Nature’s Path Foods, Clif Bar & Company, alive Publishing Group Inc, PC Organics, Mike and Mike’s Organics, Cal-Organics Farms, Yorkshire Valley Farm, Green Organic Vegetables, Field Farm Marketing Ltd., DOM International Limited, Canadian School of Natural Nutrition, Earthbound Farm Organic, Wholesome!, True Organic Juice, DeeBee’s SpecialTea Foods, Mumm’s Sprouting Seeds, Ecocert Canada, Organic Meadow, Pacific Organic Seafood Association, Organic Garage, The Homemade Organics Company, Fromagerie L’Ancêtre, Pro-Cert Organic, Patience Fruit & Co, The Big Carrot, Hippie Foods, Ethical Bean Coffee, Quality Assurance International, and Fairtrade Canada.
Savoury Egg Pancakes
These easy and satisfying savoury pancakes are quick to reheat in the toaster and are packed with protein, fibre and omega-3 fatty acids. Try it in a wrap or with a salad for a light lunch.
Prep time: 10 minutes
Place all ingredients in a large bowl and stir to combine. Dollop 1/4 cup (60 mL) portions of mix onto a large parchment lined baking sheet and spread into 3-inch circles spaced 1-inch apart. Bake at 375F for 15 minutes or until bottoms are light golden brown. Let cool completely and layer with wax paper in between each pancake; freeze in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks. Reheat pancakes in a toaster or microwave. Serve with fresh salsa, hot sauce, hummus or avocado slices.
Tip: You can also cook these savoury delights in a cast iron skillet. Just reduce the cooking time by five minutes and make sure you add a little oil to the skillet before pouring in the pancake mixture.
How to rehydrate sundried tomatoes*: Combine the 1/2 cup (125 mL) sundried tomatoes with 1-1/2 cups (375 mL) water. Soak for one to eight hours.