It could be the case that you have access to a safe place to run or cycle or can even afford a gym membership. You also have the time to work out, even if it is on the evenings or on weekends. You even have a drawer of the right clothes and sneakers. But what you lack is motivation.
So, how can you boost your motivation levels, in order to get physically fit? Let’s take a look at a handful of foolproof ways….
Hearing is one of our most valuable senses, and it allows us to hear and enjoy a whole universe of wonderful music. Well, science has proven time and time again that music with certain qualities can be great at helping with motivation. After all, there has to be a reason why so many gyms pump out loud dance music in their fitness halls! And spin classes have the music on so loud that the leader needs a microphone or loudhailer to be heard! Usain Bolt was just one pro-athlete seen at the Rio Olympics warming up with his headphones in! Follow in his footsteps by using music to motivate you! Make a playlist the length of your workout, and aim to get right through to the end of the last track. If you lift weights, for example, music also acts a great distraction to help you push through the pain. lists some great workout songs to add to your playlist!
Consider Supplements
If you lack motivation for fitness within yourself, it could well be linked to your testosterone levels. Many parallels have been drawn between motivation and testosterone by sports scientists and researchers. If you think that boosting your levels of testosterone will help you- as it likely will- be sure you do ample research first. If you want to supplement your levels, it is so crucial that you are well-informed. Being so means that you can give yourself this boost safely. Take a look at information sites like and take in the insights there.
It’s as simple as this; if you are dehydrated, you simply can’t feel as energized and motivated as you could if you were properly hydrated. If, an hour before the end of work you simply can’t be bothered to go to the gym afterward? Down a couple of pints of water! You’re sure to feel much better afterward. That’s because water is directly linked to things like how awake and alert we feel. explains more about the importance of good hydration.
This might sound like the most obvious point in the world. But actually, it is incredibly common for people to hold their breath when exercising, or pushing themselves further. However, if you are not breathing properly, you won’t maintain the energy you need to keep going. As a result, you simply won’t be motivated to do as many reps, or miles, or strokes. Remembering to breathe- and to breath correctly- isn’t something you can learn in a second. It takes time to build up the skill, and then to do it naturally, resisting the urge to hold your breath. Try saying it to yourself in your head for your exercise routines for the next few weeks. After a while, you’ll stop holding your breath and breath properly all the way through your routine. is a guide to breathing correctly for all types of exercise.
Cubic Pharma’s Vitamin D For Indoor Lifestyles
Cubic Pharmaceuticals is a brand from the United Kingdom. They have recently made their Vitamin D supplements available across the United States. I was lucky enough to get sent some to try! I used them every day and felt an increase in my energy and alertness. The line of Cubicole Vitamin D3 came in a variety of strengths. I personally preferred the higher dosage for my active lifestyle. I actually just ran out of them and need more! I made them part of my supplement stack for all of my prep's.
“Vitamin D is well known for helping your body in a variety of ways... For example, it helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus as well as support heart health.”
What I like the most is that all of the Cubic Pharmaceutical supplements are lactose, gluten, gelatin preservative, salt, and yeast free. It is also great for vegetarians and is Halal. Non of their products havebeen tested on animals.
Fitness Supplements: Which Is The Cheapest And Which Is The Best?
There are dozens of different fitness supplements on the market, and all of them have different pros and cons. Whether you want to bulk up, shrink down or stay largely the same, there’s a supplement to help you accomplish your goal.
Of course, shopping in this market with so many options can be daunting, but luckily, help is at hand! This post will act as your supplement shopping guide, giving you some general pricing and info about the five top supplements on the market. Happy shopping!
Casein protein, much like whey protein, is very common. As such, it can be found from pretty much every retailer at low prices. This means that it’s affordable, and the fact that it works wonders doesn’t hurt, either.
Casein is a form of protein that releases its benefits slowly, and as such, is best used before bed. This way, you’ll be supplied with a steady flow of protein while you’re sleeping and unable to eat. It’s also useful before long car journeys, or any other time where you’ll be unable to consume food.
Whey Protein
As mentioned previously, whey protein is extremely common. It’s the most-used kind of protein supplement, and as such, is very affordable. Because it’s the most common, it’s also given discounts and offers the most, and it’s easy to find more info on these.
Don’t let these low prices put you off, however. Whey protein isn’t a budget product. It’s used by bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts across the globe, and with good reason. It provides a quick fix of protein that can help repair and recover your body from an intense workout or injury.
Creatine is usually on the more expensive side of the supplement range, but it’s no less useful. Creatine is naturally produced by the body, and increases your ability to produce more energy rapidly. If you have more energy, you can lift more, and you’ll gain more muscle.
Creatine is best used in high intensity sports that don’t last very long such as weight training and sprinting. It’s mixed with a liquid - preferably fruit juice - in order to be absorbed by the body a lot quicker. If you’re looking to gain a slight edge over the competition or want to be able to move more weight, creatine is right for you.
Pre-workout is similar to whey and casein protein in price, but different in functionality. As the name implies, it’s meant to be taken before a workout to give you that high kick of energy and enthusiasm. You’ll feel more alive, more electric and more ready to tackle any form of physical activity.
This in mind, it’s best to be taken in moderation. You don’t want to only be able to perform after a dose of pre-workout. You want to be able to perform all the time! Pre-workout should only be used to get an extra rep or two, or to run an extra metre or two. It shouldn’t be the foundation of your whole session.
Everybody needs vitamins, but it can be hard to get them all. Multivitamins are probably the cheapest supplement on this list, and can be found in pretty much any store.
There isn’t much to say here, other than that if you have a deficiency, or are unable to eat a certain food, vitamins can help you out. You can bring up the area in which you are lacking, all by consuming a single tablet. Do you have any supplement experience? Let us know in the comments below!
CanPrev - Core Performance Shake - Review
I recently had the opportunity to try CORE by CanPrev. It is a performance shake. They have both a mens and women version. The shake mixes well with water, juice or the milk of your choice. It is enhanced with daily nutrition that is good for bone health, UTI support and helps balance blood sugar. So it provides proper nutritional support if you suffer from any of those problems. In addition with a healthy diet it is a great way to get the nutrients that your body needs. This is also a Canadian company and I love that. If you are wanting to try it their website gives a list of retailers as well as if you go to the website and you can even get a coupon and get $1.50 off.
According to their site: whether you’re a road warrior, an ultraracer, or ready to retire (but not from life!) you take your health seriously so you can keep doing the things you love. It shows in how you eat, how you exercise and how you live.When you need an extra healthy foundation, turn to CanPrev Core .
Two scoops pack 18grams of easily digested plant protein alkalizing leafy greens and antioxidant-rich berries like goji and acai equivalent to eight servings of fresh fruits and vegetables, therapeutic levels of cinnamon for balanced blood sugar, lycopene for the prostate and CoQ10 for the heart. Plus every serving contains 28 vitamins and minerals at dosages naturopathic doctors recommend.
Pure ingredients free of dairy, wheat, soy and nuts. Vegan with no artifical sweeteners. All in a finely tuned advanced formula you’ve ccome to expect from CanPrev.
Supercharge your day by adding CanPrev Core to your morning smoothie,juice or even cocoa
Recommended Use: Bone health and UTI support. Enhanced daily nutrition and balanced blood sugar
Every gym enthusiast appreciates that diet plays a massive role in achieving their goals. After all, muscles are built in the gym but are revealed in the kitchen.
For many people, this is the hardest part of the whole process. However, with the right plan of action, you’ll have no trouble getting this crucial aspect under control. I’m sure you’ve got the determination, so this push in the right direction can make all the difference.
Follow these four simple tips, and it should set you on the road to success.
Drink More Water
Food is undoubtedly important, but there’s no doubt that water intake is the most important part of your eating and drinking habits. Increasing your daily consumption is one of the easiest upgrades you can make, but it’s also one of the most influential.
Better hydration will improve your body in a whole host of different ways. Skin and hair will see vast improvements while it should help your level of performance too. If you’re looking to lose weight, have a glass before meals to suppress your appetite slightly.
Our bodies are two-thirds water, so it’s imperative that you top up your levels.
Cook From Fresh
One of the main issues with nutrition is knowing what you’re actually putting in your body. As easy as it is to fall into the trap of cooking processed foods all the time, it’s not a great option to take.
With a slow cooker, you can make food from scratch just as easily. Meanwhile, cooking up several days’ worth of meals and freezing it makes it very convenient to get a healthy midweek treat.
Once you’ve taken the time and effort out of cooking from fresh, you’ll have no excuse to take the processed option. This will make a vast improvement to your nutritional habits.
Take Supplements
Your body needs the right energy to perform. If your food isn’t providing the right nutrients, then it’s time to seek a boost.
Some people wrongly view supplements as cheating. But it’s actually one of the best ways to ensure your body is getting everything it needs. Moreover, fat burners can give your progress a healthy push in the right direction. Visit for more information.
It doesn’t matter how your body gets its nutrients. The important thing is that you give it the fuel needed to succeed.
Appreciate The Benefits Cheating
They say cheaters never prosper, but that’s not always true when it comes to your fitness goals. For starters, going on a detox plan could get your body transformation up and running in style.
As a more permanent plan, though, understanding the benefits of cheat meals is essential. This is a great way to keep your body on its toes and can actively enhance your results. The key to this success is moderation.
Essentially, a little treat never hurt anyone. If nothing else, knowing you’ve got this break to look forward to can prevent you from throwing in the towel altogether. Embrace this crucial part of your nutrition, and you should see great results.
It is universally agreed that a balanced diet is the best way to meet nutritional requirements. All the vitamins and minerals your body needs to function at an optimal level can be found from natural sources. This cannot be disputed. The subject of nutritional supplements, however, brings more polarising views. For those with deficiencies, they are absolutely required to give their body the boost it needs. Others see them simply as a marketing gimmick, cashing in on the health conscious generation.
With so many contrasting views to wade through, it can be difficult to understand the possible benefits. Just what is the truth about supplementing? Well, for starters, let's make a few things abundantly clear. Supplements are NOT to be used as a substitute for clean eating. Their makeup is simply not designed to replicate the micronutrients and essential dietary fibre of whole foods. But when consumed alongside a well-planned diet, there are health benefits to be found in supplements.
So, who are the kind of people that may find the most benefit from supplements?
Vegans, for example, may lack Vitamin B12 as this can not found from plant-based sources.
Pregnant women are advised to take folic acid and iron supplements as a means of increasing their daily intake.
Those with eating disorders or a lack of appetite may need to supplement their nutrient intake to remain healthy.
People whose bodies struggle to break down or absorb nutrients in food.
Bodybuilders and gym goers may need protein supplements for muscle growth and repair.
You should always seek medical advice if any of these issues affect you. Consult a dietician about how supplements may be helpful in maintaining good health. Speak to your doctor about introducing them into your regular diet.
So, you've decided that you'd like to give them a try. What next? Most reputable supermarkets and health stores stock a wide range in powder, liquid and tablet form. You can even find supplements online very easily. Remember always to read the label carefully. You want to look for products specifically designed to provide all the essential nutrients your body needs. The best supplements generally supply an even amount of your recommended daily allowance for all vitamins.
Some supplements contain many different kinds of multivitamins. You may instead choose to take a specific product depending on your needs. You can buy a variety of pills that are specifically targeted towards certain vitamins in which you may be lacking.
Be careful about taking in too much. If you normally have a good diet, you'll likely get a good variety of vitamins and minerals from your food alone. Supplements are designed to give your intake a boost and maybe make up for areas in which you are already lacking. Watch what you eat and adjust your consumption accordingly. Food products like fortified cereals have added vitamins and minerals. Taking too many could be harmful. An overdose of iron, for example, could cause unpleasant side effects such as nausea and vomiting. Always consume supplements before their expiration date.
Novel Marine Omega-3 is Inherently Higher in Brain-healthy DHA*
Marine raw ingredient manufacturer Oceania Pure recently announced the launch of two new Omega-3 sources with naturally higher DHA concentrations. ShoalFoods™ Skate Oil and ShoalFoods™ Calamari Oil are harvested off the coast of Argentina where the marine Omega-3 profiles are inherently optimal for brain health—no artificial adjustments needed.*
Off the Argentine coast, the Patagonian Shelf (or shoal) extends for 200 miles into the ocean, creating an expansive shallow-water biome. Here nutrient-rich polar currents and warmer currents from the equator converge; the shallow ecosystem receives substantial sunlight; and a massive phytoplankton bloom thrives year round. These factors interact to create an Omega-3 DHA phenomenon.
The plankton bloom has a unique Omega-3 profile and this, in turn, influences the Omega-3 content of every other organism in the region. That includes teeming populations of skate and calamari. Not only do these fish demonstrate unusual Omega-3 profiles, these normally deep sea species can be caught in relatively shallow waters. So there is no impact to sensitive deep ocean ecosystems when harvesting Argentine skate and calamari.
“We refer to our ShoalFoods™ products as Enlightened Omegas™ because of the sunlit region where they are harvested and because of their naturally superior brain health profile,” said Steven Leonard the CEO of Oceania Pure. “Most companies have to artificially concentrate their DHA. We don’t have to. These are brain-healthy ingredients as-is, in their whole omega nutrient form.”
ShoalFoods™ Skate Oil has a naturally occurring 20/9 DHA/EPA ratio, while the Calamari Oil provides 15/11 DHA/EPA.
The ShoalFoods™ line will be formally launched at Supply Side West in Las Vegas, October 5-9. Both the skate and calamari oils are available to brand manufacturers as raw ingredients. Additionally, Oceania Pure has developed ShoalFoods™ as a packaged brand concept that is also available for full purchase. Interested manufacturers are encouraged to visit Oceania Pure at SSW Booth #804.
(FDA DISCLAIMER) * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Have you ever gone to a health food store, drug store or supplement shop in hopes of finding supplements, foods and information that will help you reach your goals? Have you ever gotten there and felt overwhelmed with mass amounts of products, foods and bottles? We all have had that experience. I know I have in the past and my current clients get this feeling all the time. Its hard when you are new to the healthy lifestyle to know what you should or should not be taking. I have had little to no help from the staff at these places.
As a personal trainer I know I want my clients to take good clean, tested and high quality products. I often give them a list of options and they still end up emailing, face booking or texting me from the store because the person behind the counter is telling them something different that I did. And most often times the information is wrong. I want to send my clients to a well established business but also where the staff is knowable, helpful and not just trying to sell you the most expensive product so that they can make a better commission.
According to their site "At Peaches & Green, we want our customers to feel confident that every product they purchase has been thoroughly reviewed for its integrity and efficacy. As one of the leading boutique health food stores in Toronto, we carry a wide variety of nutritional supplements, botanical remedies, and homeopathics. We also have a carefully selected assortment of therapeutic skin & body care, as well as delicious whole foods chosen especially for those with food sensitivities and dietary restrictions.
We support suppliers and manufacturers in our industry who are leaders in product innovation and research. Like us, they share a commitment to protecting our environment, and promoting the health of the individuals in the communities we work and live in. Visit our Products page for a complete list of the brands available. Peaches & Green is a proud Health First Network Member store - learn more about Canada's leading independent health & wellness retailers here."
I discovered Peaches and Green a few weeks ago when I was contacted to go in and experience the shop for myself. I said yes and made my way east where they are located on 1561 Bayview Avenue in Toronto. Peaches & Green is a specialty health food store in Toronto dedicated to supporting individuals on their path to wellness through natural health products and education. Located in the heart of Leaside, we have been the top destination for natural health and wellness products for over 25 years. I was greeted immediately by a smiling woman named Elizabeth and then George the owner. They were smiling and friendly from the start. Its always nice to have a warm welcome. They told me about the history of the store, the types of products that they carry and they really seemed to have a passion and desire to help give people good knowledge and help them get towards their goals. George was so intelligent about the products and the science behind them. I also discovered he knows a lot of Toronto health professionals that I know and respect. This is comforting and just really shows what 25 years of experience can provide.
After speaking with both George and Elizabeth and getting to experience the store first hand I high recommend that you shop for your health food products at Peaches and Green. I left with some new protein, himalayan sea salts and lots of yummy samples. If you go to do you health food shopping at Peaches and Green you won't feel lost and you will leave confident that you have got the products that you need to help you get to where you want to go!
Thank you Peaches and Green for serving our community so well. I wish you all the success in the world for the next 24 years!
If you have any inquiries or want to check out the store yourself:
Tel : 416 488 6321
Fax : 416 488 7061
Store Hours:
M - F : 9:30 am - 6:00 pm
Sat : 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Sun: 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Hey Guys! I just saw on twitter that has free shipping today with orders over $49.00 so I just wanted to share with you in case you need to order some supplements or workout gear! Happy Holidays! Train It Right!
Hey Train It Righters!
As most of you know I am a health nut and I only recommend the best supplements and the ones that I feel are clean, healthy and free of synthetic materials. So I want to introduce you all to my newest addition BlackMP. The product reached out for me to try it so I did my research and agreed. Quickly a little black bottle was mailed to me in Toronto. Its certified free of chemicals which I like
What is it?
BlackMP Living Powder is a unique powder supplement infused with Fulvic and Humic minerals as well as SBO (Soil Based Organism) probiotics, both USDA Organic Certified. Todays foods and beverages no longer provide the nutrients our body’s require. However, studies show that proper nutrition with mineral supplements can help increase energy levels, muscle development, and overall good health. BlackMP Living Powder carries the Foods For Athletes Chemical Free Certification which enforces the highest quality of products for athletes! With this powder you can create your own complete H2O. Comes with custom spoon for a perfect measurement every time. Recommended dose is one scoop per 16 oz bottle of water.
They suggest that for best results use with purified bottled water.