The same powerful data. A bold, clean new look. The Nike+ SportWatch GPS, now also available in white:

Rain. Snow. Darkness. Perfect time for a run. Introducing the reflective, water resistant 2012 Nike Shield footwear collection:

How bad do you want it? Do you wake up early for it? Do you make sacrifices for it?


Alicia Bell of Train It Right recommends Rivalus "Powder Burn" for a pre workout. It doesn't have a nasty taste and gives you that extra boost you need before your competition or workout. Not to mention it tastes great too!


Train It Right Vlog

If you workout often you need to include these two products in your life.

Sombra - which is a more natural type of A535 and is good for sprains, strains, bruises etc.

Traumeel - which is a homeopathic remedy for muscle pain, injuries and inflammation.


Makes you wonder how fit they really are? Someone needs to teach them proper running form....